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1、初中英语选修课教案 你知道怎么写初中英语选修课教案吗掌握 ecue, because o的用法。掌握if引导的条件状语从句。一起看看初中英语选修课教案!欢迎查阅! 初中英语选修课教案1 【学习目标】 语言知识: . 掌握because, eu of的用法。 2.掌握i引导的条件状语从句。 3. 掌握与野生动物有关的词汇和短语。 语言技能: 能用所学结构谈论野生动物。 情感态度: 懂得保护动物的重要性。 【学习重难点】 1 if从句时态的使用。 2. bcause句子,bcaof+un(a nou phrs)/apron 课前延伸 课前导学练习 一、根据中文、英语解释及句意写出单词。 1. If

2、 amrs eeptakng the lad, il anmal willhve_(noplce)to live. 2 Tigers are idangerbse peop like thei fur an make _from thr boe. 3. o you now th iporance o _(保护)wilanimal 4. We c _ (supp) farmers to lea t sere. . If you_ (go) tolyae ll dy,you wil faiin the eam. 6. WenXi Wang ws br, he jut_ 100 gram. eys:

3、1.nwhr; 2.medcin; 3rtcting; 4.nourag; 5ntnu; 6weghed 二、收集野生动物资料,并能通过声音、动作、文字、图片等进行描述。 三、完成heou书上练习。 自主学习记录卡1.自学本课内容后,你有哪些疑难之处 2.你有哪些问题要提交小组讨论 课内探究 课中训练 A.同义句转换 1. He stoo ft, so he a no good u t ear. He hangood sut towear _h itoo t2. Many tiers died ecase hyst thei hoe. Many gersdied _ _ _ hr hom. 3

4、. We e late bcause ftheheay ain We weelae eause _ _ _ It_ _, _ ere late Kys: 1.ecas;2.beca f losing; 3.it raineheavy; rained ealy so .用所给动词的适当形式填空 . If Lind_(wor)hard, se_(pas)e xa asily 2If we _ (ot potect)iant pada, hy _(ie) oon. 3If a polar ear i hur, i _(catch)fish fomewate. 4 I she _ (nt e)usy,

5、 sh wilhaveuper with us. eys: orks, wil ps; 2dot protet, wilde; 3 l cah; 4. ist C.nih thtable. wild analsfoodin ares wlanima, nses an nais lionon grassand okeyin frst ras and levesnthe desrt gian pandbmboo soots and laves Key: D. Writea eter If yu are a wil aial,please write lter to peole Tellthem a

6、but yor lif, yur prblems anyour hope. (提示:app, ithepas, inthe oret, butno, utrs, I hoe.) Derumans(人类), I a _ _ _ _ _ _ Yurs, Forever fie Keys: 课后提升 课后提升 一、根据句意从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。 ouseweight sad delicou thirstydngerus I fel even_ after Iwalke fabouttwohou. 2. W the aby padas ar bon,hey ookk liehite

7、 _. 3How muh does se _ - 45 k. 4. If ther is _, at o malewles do . Thepoor chidoked _ at his bn glss 6 Whh is _, ice,noodle o poride s: 二、根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空。 hunt tke app hve ob 1. WhenIwake pas th ro, I hrdsomeoe _init. 2. We he nothr charity sho _placein ur schol . Peasebeuie whle the _ a m

8、en 4Ia tiger i hnry, t _ for foo. 5. Ifshe _ busy, she wll haesuprit u. 6. An earhqk _ i Hait n anary, 2_(请自填). Ke: 三、单项选择 ( ). What _ ou do hiwekend it _ A. do, ll in B will, ran C o,rains D. will, ai ( ).You mustbe tred. Wh not_aet A stp takn B.ttop takig to sp take D stp o tak ( )3. I fin _ ipota

9、ntfor usto spend _ tme _ our hbes. . it,mn, i B. tht , som , n C.at, uch , onD i , ome , (). Isimossbl fr _ workrs to do s_n dy A. e, mu B. w, mny C litte, muc D. t, my () 5.Tell Li Yn _m p if e _ back. A ring,ce B. o ring, came C. rins,comsD. ig, omes Keys: 四、同义句转换 1.She looks loely n te ed coat. Terd oat loksovly_ _. 2. Maybe he w cm a littl later. He_ _ a lttlelater. . Mnytgrs died ausof osing mes Man tgsded _ the _ thir homes 4. S wil no more e lteor choo. Sh _ e la fo sl _


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