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1、 .wd.Unit 13 教案单元话题现代科技教学目标复习现代科技话题词汇,通过阅读、完形来复习稳固本单元话题词汇,并能用所学词汇表达与话题相关的观点或内容。教学重点memory, system; crash, operate; break down;technology; *launch;advance, advanced, contribute, function; carry out, make a breakthrough教学难点1. calculate, *contact, crash, operate, advance的释义、用法和搭配以及考点指导。2. 辨析 operate, f

2、unction; technique, technology; contact, get in touch with;3. 掌握话题词汇中与计算机相关的熟词生义。教学建议本单元话题为高考阅读热门且偏难话题,要求较丰富的词汇量,故落实词汇学习为重点。教学资源一、导学案:见电子文档点拨一:memory (产出词汇)掌握此词的熟词生义,即在本单元的释义 w 计算机 C 存储器;U 存储量memory n.u C & U 记性;记忆力She has an excellent memory for names, which helps her quite a lot in her work. 她对名字有

3、极佳的记忆力,这对她的工作很有帮助。loss of memory 记忆力的丧失v C 常用复数 记忆;回忆;记忆中的人或事物childhood memories 儿时的回忆bring back lots of good memories 唤起许多美好的回忆w 计算机 C 存储器;U 存储量Memory Stick 记忆棒fl ash memory 闪存;闪速存储器Personal computers now have much increased memory capacity. 现在个人计算机的存储已经得到了很大的提高。in memory of 作为对的纪念;纪念A film will be

4、 made in memory of those brave fire fighters. 为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。 2009 上海systemn.u C 系统In 1959 the company produced the ELEA computer system. 1959年该公司研制出ELEA计算机系统。 2010 安徽Eleven-year-old Angela had something wrong with her nervous system. 安吉拉11岁,她的神经系统出了问题。v C 体系;体制;制度the postal system 邮政系统What

5、similarities or differences do you know about American and Chinese school systems? 你知道美国和中国的学校制度有什么异同吗外研-1二、备课参考 (红色标注为本单元释义)crash n. Cu 碰撞 (事件);(飞机) 坠毁All the passengers were killed in the plane crash. 这次飞机失事,所有乘客无一幸免。v 常用单数 哗啦声;撞击声;爆裂声The tall chimney fell with a great crash. 高高的烟囱轰然倒塌。注crash最初是一个

6、象声词,模仿断裂的声音,“哗啦。w 暴跌;(计算机等的) 崩溃tips for fixing computer system crashes 应对计算机系统崩溃的窍门Even in the great crashes of the late 1990s, that company has gone from strength to strength. 甚至在20世纪90年代末互联网泡沫大破灭时,那家公司也变得越来越强大。 2009 辽宁改v.u vi. & vt. (使飞机) 坠毁;(使汽车等) 猛撞He crashed his car into a wall. 他开车撞到了墙上。The ne

7、ws that the plane had crashed made us sad.飞机失事的消息让我们非常难过。 译林 1v vi. & vt. (使) 发出撞击声;(使) 发出爆裂声The plates crashed to the floor. 盘子哗啦一声摔碎在地上。w vi. (公司等) 倒闭;(股票) 暴跌;(计算机等) 死机;崩溃The company crashed with debts of 2 million. 那家公司倒闭了,留下两百万英镑的债务。The computers that we use at the moment are old and slow, and t

8、hey often crash. 我们现在使用的计算机又旧又慢,还经常死机。点拨二:crash (产出词汇)1. 掌握crash的熟词新义,即在本单元的释义 “(计算机等的) 崩溃。2. 注意词义的演变,crash最初是一个象声词,模仿断裂的声音,“哗啦。点拨三:operate (产出词汇)1. operation n. u U 运转;运行;操作There are three lifts in operation. 有3部电梯在运行。v C & U 经营;运营w C 企业;团体x C 手术y C 行动z C (计算机的) 运算;操作2. operator n.C 话务员;操作员;经营者3. o

9、perate, function辨析二者都有“运转的意思。Operate is used more to talk about the conditions required for sth to work. Solar panels can only operate in sunlight. 太阳能电池板只有在日光下才能正常运转。Function is used more to talk about whether sth works or how well or badly it works. Flights in and out of Taipei are functioning nor

10、mally again. 进出台北的航班又恢复正常了。点拨四:break down 考点复现1. The two countries are going to meet to _ some barriers to trade between them. (2014 天津) A. make up B. use up C. turn down D. break down 2. Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks _ in disasters. (2013 福建)A. turn down B. turn out C. break do

11、wn D. break out3. He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system _. (2012 陕西)A. broke in B. broke up C. broke out D. broke down 答案: 1. D 2. C 3. D operate v.u vi. & vt. (使) 运行;(使) 运转Do public transport services operate at night? 公共交通系统夜间运营吗

12、 v vt. 操作;开动This machine is very easy to operate. 这台机器非常易于操作。 2012 辽宁w vi. 起作用;奏效The medicine began to operate at once. 药效立竿见影。x vi. 动手术;开刀Having seen the X-ray, the doctor decided to operate on the patient. 看过X光片后,医生决定为病人做手术。 外研 7y vt. 经营;管理His father operates two big companies. 他父亲经营着两家大公司。break d

13、ownu 出故障;垮掉On my way to the station my car broke down. 去车站的路上,我的车坏了。 Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 她的身体在工作压力下垮掉了。v (谈判等) 失败Talks between the two sides have broken down. 双方的谈判破裂了。w 把分假设干局部 (以方便做或理解)Each lesson is broken down into several units. 每一课都分成几局部。x 打破;消除Getting young peopl

14、e together will help to break down the barriers between them. 把年轻人聚集起来可以帮助他们消除彼此之间的隔膜。点拨五:technology (产出词汇)technique, technology辨析二者都有“技术的意思。technique多指具体的某种技术和技巧。You should improve your writing technique. 你要提高你的写作技巧。technology含义比technique广泛,泛指生产工艺、科学技术。Modern life depends on good technology. 现代生活依赖先进的技术。


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