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1、单词积累shoot英音:u:t美音:ut 及物动词 vt. 发射,放射He shot the arrow from the bow. 他拉弓把箭射了出去。 开(枪),放(炮);射出(光线等)The searchlight shot a long ray across the sky. 探照灯射出一道长长的光柱划过天空。 射中;射伤;射死O8He shot a wild duck. 他射中一只野鸭。 damage英音:dmid美音:dmd 名词 n. 损害;损失U(+to)The earthquake caused great damage. 地震造成了极大的损害。 赔偿金PShe has no

2、t got any damages. 她没有得到任何赔偿费。 【口】费用the S及物动词 vt. 损害,毁坏A torrent of rain came down and damaged the crops. 大雨倾盆而下,损害了农作物。 文化背景知识积累美利坚合众国(USA)是一个由五十个州和一个联邦直辖特区组成的宪政联邦共和制国家,东濒大西洋,西临太平洋,北靠加拿大,南接墨西哥。新泽西州(或译纽泽西州),New Jersey,是美国东部的一个州,新泽西州是美国第四小以及人口密度最高的州,此州的命名来自位于英法海峡(English Channel)中的泽西岛(Island of Jerse

3、y),其州昵称为“花园州”。 Michael和李华要开车去新泽西州看一个朋友,跟他一起过周末。 新泽西州紧挨着纽约,开车只要一个小时就到了。请注意他们俩人讲话当中用的两个词: shot 和 / damage。M: Hey, Li Hua, are you ready to go?L: 行,我准备好了,可以走了。M: Ok, lets go!L: 哟,怎么啦?M: I think my engine is shot. This is not good.L: 什么? 有人开枪把你车打坏啦?M: No! Youre right, shot does mean to have used a gun,

4、but here shot means something is broken.L: 对啊,shot是指开枪,原来这儿的意思不同,这儿是指什么东西坏了。那我的电脑坏了,也能用shot这个字啊?M: Sure. My computer is shot. You can say almost anything is shot.L: 什么东西坏了都能这样说?M: Yes, if you hurt your knee, you can say: My knee is shot, or if you hurt your shoulder, you can say: My shoulder is shot

5、.L: 噢, 要是你的膝盖受伤了,你就可以说:My knee is shot; 要是你的肩膀受了伤,那你就说:My shoulder is shot.M: Lets go rent a car. I dont want our whole day to be shot.L: 对,还是去租一辆车吧。 噢,毁了一整天也能这样说呀!M: Yep. Lets go!(Michael和李华租了一辆车,现在他们在开往新泽西的路上)。L: Michael, 这辆车真不错,挺稳的。再开半小时就到了,太好了!M: Yeah, Im glad too, but the damage for renting the

6、 car is pretty bad.L: 什么?这辆租的车也坏了?哟,那怎么办呐!M: No, the rental car is not damaged! The word damage does mean that, but damage here means the amount of money needed to pay for something.L: 租的车没有坏,真把我吓一跳。原来又是我的英文有问题。 Damage 这个字很普通,大家都知道是指什么东西坏了。可你指的是为什么东西付的钱。M: Yes, renting the car is expensive, so the d

7、amage is bad. We usually say the damage is bad or not bad.L: 我知道了,价钱贵就是:the damage is bad。 价钱不高,那就是: the damage is not bad. 再给我举个例子吧。M: When you pay for dinner at a restaurant, you can ask: Whats the damage?L: 噢,在饭店里吃完晚饭要付钱的时候可以问:“Whats the damage? 所以租车很贵,the damage is bad. Michael, 别担心,我可以帮你付一点。M:

8、You dont have to, Li Hua. I know the damage for your new computer was pretty bad.L: 你真好心,知道我买新电脑花了不少钱,所以不要我帮你付。 Michael, 没关系,我能付一点,你还要去修车,也很贵的。M: Thanks, Li Hua. But I hope the damage for fixing my car wont be too bad.L: 我也希望你修车不至于太贵。得了,别说钱了,赶快开吧。M: OK, Ill drive fast so that the rest of our day won

9、t be shot.L: 对了,别浪费时间了,我也不想把一天的时间全浪费了。今天Michael 教了李华两个年轻人常用的词,一个是shot。 Shot 是指什么东西坏了,或者人体的某个部位受伤了;另外一个词 是damage。这里的damage不是指损坏,而是指为某样东西,或某个交易付的钱。谢谢各位和我们一起学习流行美语,下次节目再见。高考必考的重点句型-句型1would rather that somebody did宁愿;更愿意(表示现在或将来的愿望)would rather that somebody had done宁愿;更愿意(表示过去的愿望)例句Id rather you poste

10、d the letter right now. 我想让你现在去寄信。Id rather you were not a celebrated actor. In that case, we could spend more time together.我到情愿你不是个知名演员,这样我们可以有更多的时间在一起。Id rather that I hadnt seen her yesterday. 我情愿昨天没有看到她。练习、虚拟语气1. If I _ where he lived, I _ a note to him.A. knew, would B. had known, would have s

11、entC. know, would send D. knew, would have sent2. If they _ earlier than expected, they _ here now.A. had started, would be B. started, might beC. had started, would have been D. will start, might have been3. I didnt know his telephone number. _ it, I _ then.A. Had I known, would ring him up B. Shou

12、ld I know, would have rung him upC. If I knew; would ring him up D. Had I known; would have rung him up4. Mary is ill today. If she _ , she _ absent from school.A. were not ill; wouldn t be B. had been ill; wouldnt have beenC. had been ill; should have been D. hadnt been ill; could be5. Were I to do

13、 it, I _ it some other way.A. will do B. would do C. would have done D. were to do6. I _ him the answer _ possible, but I was so busy then.A. could tell; if it had been B. must have told; were itC. should have told; had it been D. should have told; should it be7. Without your help, we_ so much.A. won t achieve B. didn t achieveC. dont achieve D. wouldnt have achieved -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!


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