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1、1.The airport security officersme for an hour because I had a knife in my bag.Your answerCorrect answerdetained2.Fido was an old dog who lived a long time; lets nothis death, but celebrate his life!Your answerCorrect answermourn3.I could easilyinto her deep blue eyes all day long.Your answerCorrect

2、answergaze4.The lawyers had a difficult time finding a(n)witness who would testify against the mobster.Your answerCorrect answercredible5.Make sure you bring my brother back alive; everything else is just.Your answerCorrect answersecondary6.It took my daughter a long time to work up the courage tohe

3、r head under water in the swimming pool.Your answerCorrect answersubmerge7.That author was famous because she was very private and alwayspublicity.Your answerCorrect answershunned8.Thank you for the letter; I willit forever.Your answerCorrect answercherish9.Robert just found that he will need a kidn

4、eyin order to survive.Your answerCorrect answertransplant10.I think I love you, she said with a(n).Your answerCorrect answerblush11.The football team was forced tothe game when their coach didnt show up.Your answerCorrect answerforfeit12.The couple fell into a passionateafter they were reunited.Your

5、 answerCorrect answerembrace13.Despite the scientific evidence, many people think that global warming is just a.Your answerCorrect answermyth14.This bug spray is supposed tothree different kinds of insects.Your answerCorrect answerrepel15.Some of the worlds tallest mountains are considered to beby m

6、any people.Your answerCorrect answersacred16.The flower vase fell to the floor andinto a thousand pieces.Your answerCorrect answershattered17.Has our societys sense offallen so low that we think violence in video games is a good idea?Your answerCorrect answermorality18.Dontan emergency just to get a

7、ttention!Your answerCorrect answercontrive19.Good luck on this journey and all your future.Your answerCorrect answerendeavours / endeavors20.Its time toyour membership since it will expire next month.Your answerCorrect answerrenewSection B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21.Greg just go

8、t a new video game, and its almost impossible to tear him awayit.Your answerCorrect answerfrom22.Their small bed and breakfast gets most of its business by wordmouth.Your answerCorrect answerof23.Every night, I wishall my heart that the war will end soon.Your answerCorrect answerwith24.You dont have

9、 a choiceyou have to go whethernot you want to.Your answerCorrect answeror25.We need to turn around! I left my wallet!Your answerCorrect answerbehind26.The story isof a farmer who discovered a missing sheep.Your answerCorrect answerthat27.Scared that he might lose power, the king decided to wipehis

10、opposition.Your answerCorrect answerout28.Ill drop youat work in the morning if you can take the bus home.Your answerCorrect answeroff29.It didnt take long for Ellen to falllove with Richard.Your answerCorrect answerin30.She told us a famous storyher homeland.Your answerCorrect answerfromPart II: Ba

11、nked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Many cultures have their own stories. They are each preserved in their own way, but one of the most common ways stories have survived for so many generations is through(31). This practice likely began in Ancient Greece as people gathere

12、d together and told tales of gods, goddesses, and their adventures. Thanks to the(32)tradition, we are fortunate enough to still have these stories of Greek(33).Obviously, stories are told differently each time they are told. This is part of their charm. Stories are ultimately formed by the storytel

13、lers, who are free to include as little or as much(34)as they desire. A simple story about a boy travelling to the stream for a bucket of water could be very boring, or it could turn into an epic adventure that might take hours to tell.For many myths and legends, the word of mouth tradition is the best way to hear them. Other mediums, such as books and films, just arent a(n)(35)way to experience the stories. Their magic lies in the ability of a storyteller to create(36)suspense, drama, and humor through the telling.Sadly, this art form is quickly



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