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1、人教版连词and,or,but的用法专项练习题、选择题1. It was very dark outside , we had to feel our way slowly.D. orll be against the rules.A . soB. butC. for2. Set down your pens when you hear the bell rings,youA. and B. but C. so D. or3. He ran quickly all the way to school,he was still late.A . butB. andC. or4. They don

2、 t think Lee can do the job,he has decided to show them he can.A . butB. soC. orD. and5. Some people think students may waste time while studying at home. It is true,students have improved their ability through learning independently.C. or6. Tony had a high fever and coughed a lot,his parents took h

3、im to hospital at once.A . forB. butC. orD. so7. I didn t have breakfast this morninc I am very hungry now.D. andD. butD. becauseA . butB. soC. or8. Speak louder,everyone can understand you.A . soB. orC. for9. I was feeling hungry,I bought myself a sandwich.A . butB. soC. or10. Put your books in the

4、 drawer,th ey won t get lost.A. or B. and C. but D. so11. -Anna, what a nice dress you are wearing today!-Thank you. It fits me well,the colour is not my favourite.A . andB. soC. butD. or12. People cut down too many trees,the greenhouse effect becomes more and more serious.A .soB.becauseC. althoughD

5、. if13. I must go back home before 11 p.m.,my father will be angry with me.A .andB.orC. soD. but14. Hurry up, Tom, we ll be late for the movie.Ok, I will.A .butB.orC.andD.So15. Follow the teachers instructions,you may get hurt when exercising.A .soB.orC.butD.and16. Jimmy set out early forthe airport

6、 , he wouldnt catch the plane .A .andB.thenC.soD.or17. Those who want to lose weight have to exercise every day,they might get fat again.A . thoughB. ifC. so thatD. or18. Do you want to go now, would you like to leave later?A. but B. or C. and D. so19. Hurry up, you will miss the busA . orB. AndC. b

7、utD. so20. The last bus had left when we arrived , we had to find a hotel to stay for the nightA .soB. butC.orD. because21. The shirt looks good on me,it s a little expensive.A .butB. andC.orD. so22. 一 Whats the secret of success, Dr. Know?More t ime and effort,you ll make it some day.A. yetB. orC.

8、andD. but23. The dress is really beautiful , it is too small for me.A .orB. butC.soD. and24. Hawking is no longer with us, he will continue to inspire the world.A.soB. ifC.butD. as25. We can enjoy the books in the reading room, we cant take them out.A .andB. butC.orD. so26. Going to the movies is go

9、od,I really only like listening to music.A .andB. butC.soD. or27. He studies hard all the time,he has made rapid progress in many ways.A.soB. becauseC.butD. yet28. It s not always safe to pay over the Internet, you should be careful.A .so .B. after .C.because.D. as soon as29. I d like to go swimming

10、 with you,I am too busy today.A .butB. andC.soD. or30. It was raining heavily,we decided to stay at home and watch TV.A.butB. orC.becauseD. so31. You should return the digital camera to Sally she will get angry.A. so that B. because C. before D . or32. Many people aren attratcted to this project,I w

11、ant to know more about it.A.asB.orC. untilD. but33.The dress is really nice,it doesnt look good on me .A.forB.soC. butD. or34.The jacket is nice,_ it doesnt look good on me.A.soB.ifC. butD. or35.The dress is very nice, _ it doesnt look good on me.A.orB.butC. soD. until36.Money is very importantit s

12、not the most important thing in our lifeA orB andC butD so37 Mom added some salt into the soup, it still wasnt salty enough.A soB andC butD or38 Would you like to come to my house for dinner? I d love to. I have lots of work to do.A soB orC andD but39 To some people living in Shanghai, the face of S

13、hanghai may have changed, theheart of it remains the same.A butB andC soD or40 Diana isn t here,leave a message on her desk.A orB so【参考答案】一、选择题C andD but1 A【解析】A。A. so 因此; B. but 但是; C.A。试题分析:句意:外面很黑,因此我们必须慢慢摸着路行走。 A. so 因此; B. but 但是; C.for 为了; D. or 否则,或者。前后句表示因果关系,故答案为考点:考查连词的解析: A【解析】试题分析:句意:外面很

14、黑,因此我们必须慢慢摸着路行走。for 为了; D. or 否则,或者。前后句表示因果关系,故答案为 考点:考查连词的用法。2 D【解析】试题分析:句意:当你听到铃声时,请放下笔,否则你就违反了规定。本题考查连词用法。And连接并列白句子,but表示转折关系,so表示因果关系,祈使句 +or+ 陈述句 前后句的关系是对立的。故解析: D【解析】试题分析:句意:当你听到铃声时,请放下笔,否则你就违反了规定。本题考查连词用法。And连接并列白句子,but表示转折关系,so表示因果关系,祈使句 +or+陈述句前后句的关系是对立的。故选 D 。3 A【解析】【详解】句意:他一路上飞快地跑到学校,但还是

15、迟到了。考查连词。 But :但是,表示转折关系;and:和,表示顺承和递进;or:或者,表示选择关系;so:因此,表示因果关系。根据句意可知解析: A【解析】【详解】句意:他一路上飞快地跑到学校,但还是迟到了。考查连词。 But :但是,表示转折关系;and:和,表示顺承和递进;or:或者,表示选择关系;so:因此,表示因果关系。根据句意可知前后句是转折,故选 A 。4 B【详解】句意:他们认为李做不了这项工作,所以他决定向他们展示他的能力。考查连词辨析。but但是,表转折;so因此,表因果;or或者,表选择;and和,表顺承;上句 “他们认为李做不了这项工作”解析: B【详解】句意:他们认为李做不了这项工作,所以他决定向他们展示他的能力。考查连词辨析。but但是,表转折;so因此,表因果;or或者,表选择;and


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