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1、 人教版英语习题集七年级下七年级下册 14单元一 词汇 1. like_(反义词)2. across_(v.)_(n.)十字路口3. behind_(反义短语)4. left_(反义词)右边;向右5. open_(反义词adj.)关闭的;停业的_(反义词,v.)关闭6. clean_(反义词)脏的7. begin _(n.)_(同义词,v.)8. hungry _(n.)_(反义词adj.)9. cute _/_(同义词)聪明的10. sleep_(adj.)睡着的_(adj.)困倦的_(反义词,v.)醒来11. lazy_(反义词)12. relax_(adj.)令人轻松的_(adj.)感到

2、放松的13. sometimes_(同义短语)14. dangerous_(n.)_(反义词)15. late_(反义词)16. put on_(反义短语)17. in front of_ (反义词)18. in the front of_(反义短语)19. have fun_ /_(同义短语)二 短语 1. _ from 在的对面2. _to 紧靠的旁边3. in_ of 在的前面4. _left/right 向左/向右5. _the right/left 在右边/在左边6. take a _ 散步7. have _ 玩得开心8. _.and在和之间9. the way_ 去的路10. _a

3、 good _ (祝)旅途愉快11. _of 有几分12. _ night 在晚上;在夜里13. work_ 努力工作14. be_ in穿着15. Theres _ _ with sb./sth. 出了毛病(人不舒服/物品损坏)三 句型(翻译) 1. 你的笔友来自哪里?2. 打扰了,这附近有没有宾馆?3. 向前直走,然后向左转。4. 剑桥街是个娱乐的好地方。5. 希望你旅途愉快。6. 她是做什么工作的?7. 我们在游乐园玩得很开心。8. 你们将可以快乐地和外国志愿者练习说英语。9. 树下躺着一匹老马。10. 据说以前山顶上住着一位美丽的天使。11. 我们希望尽快休长假。12. 他们希望老师能

4、原谅他们的错误。13. 我希望今年能在月球上度暑假。14. 我希望父母能允许我选择自己的衣服。15. 祝你成功/祝你旅途愉快。16. 上周没有新电影(上映),是不是?17. 明年我们学校将有50多名美国交流生。四 语法 1. Theres a supermarket_ _ (在对面)the park.2. Its dangerous to trek_ the jungle alone.A. across B. through C. over 3. Linda and Sally often_(穿)yellow sweaters.4. The boy is too young to _(穿)hi

5、mself. 5. The boy_ me is so tall that I cant see the blackboard.A. in front of B. in the front of C. behind6. _ _._ _ a drugstore_ _ _?(请问,附近有药店吗?) 7. _ _ _ the 3rd crossing. ( =_ the 3rd crossing _ _ _.)8. The tired people found an old house_.A. live B. to liveC. live in D. to live in9. Some studen

6、ts hope_(be) teachers when they grow up.10. There werent new movies last week, _ _?(反意疑问句)11. Therell_ some Australian visitors in our city tomorrow.A. is B. areC. beD. have12. There_(be)a box of apples beside the car.13. Therere going to be tow concerts in our school.(改为否定句)14. Theres some bread on

7、 the plate, _ _?(反意疑问句)15. There are three little eats in the box.(对划线部分提问) _ in the box?五 单项选择1. There_ some bread and eggs on the table.A. is B. are C. have D. has2. Listening to music on the grass sounds really_.A. relaxB. relaxesC. relaxed D. relaxing3. People can go to a restaurant when theyre_

8、.A. busyB. hungry C. hard D. quiet4. The photo shop is along the street about 60 meters_ your right.A. onB. in C. to D. at5. Her brother works for a TV station. He might be a _.A. doctorB. shop assistant C. reporter D. waiter6. The government is going to build a new bridge_ the river.A. next to B. i

9、n front ofC. on D. over7. Paul is English, but he can also speak_ French.A. few B. a fewC. little D. a little8. The girl has been away from home for a week. She is _ brown shoes and a red shirt.A. wearingB. putting on C. wear D. put on9. The air on the mountain is kind of thin.A. a little bitB. lots

10、 of C. a bit of D. too much10. Im very thirsty. Please hand me the bottle of water.A. leaveB. send C. buy D. pass11. There_ a lot of rain in this area in August every year.A. is B. wasC. are D. were12. John likes to sit_ the car, but I like to sit_.A. behind; in the front B. at back of; in frontC. a

11、t the back of D. in the front 13. Ill do it better if the teacher_ me another chance.A. give B. givesC. gave D. will gave14. The moon light is coming in_ the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful.A. across B. throughC. over15. There is enough food for the birds, isnt _-No. We need to get som

12、e.A. it B. thereC. that D. this Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?同步训练Section AI选择正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1. eleph _ t A. an B. on C. en( ) 2. l _ n A. ie B. oi C. io( ) 3. p_ guin A. an B. on C. en( ) 4. g _ affe A. ri B. ir C. ie( ) 5. dol _in A. ph B. fh C. sh( ) 6. p _ da A. an B. on C. en( ) 7. tig _ A. ir B. er C. or( ) 8. fr _ dly A. ien B. ein C. ian( ) 9. k _ la A. ou B. oa C. oe( ) 10. bec _ se A. ou B. au C. oaII根据句意,补全下列单词并将句子翻译成中文。1. Lets see the i _ lions. _2. The elephants are k of big. _


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