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1、旅游翻译一旅游翻译的特点1增添1)林边有一个洞,叫白龙洞。传说白蛇传的白娘子曾经在这里修炼。Near the forest is the White Dragon Cave which is said to be the very place where Lady White, the 1egendary heroine of “The Story of the White Snake”, cultivated herself according to Buddhist doctrine.2)太平宫位于崂山东部的上苑山北麓,初名太平兴国院,是赵匡胤为华盖真人刘若拙建的道场之一。Taipingg

2、ong Temle is located at the northern foot of Mount Shangyuan,east of Laoshan Mountain. Its original name was “The Garden of Taiping Xingguo”,one of the Taoist temples built for Liu Ruozhuo(his religious name was Huagai)by Zhao Kuangyin,the founder of the Song Dynasty(9601127)2删改1)湛山寺山门一对石狮子,雕凿精细。寺外建

3、有“药师琉璃光如来宝塔”,简称“药师塔”。 In front of the gate of Zhanshansi Temple stand a pair of exquisitely carved stone lions. By the side of the temple there stands the Yaoshita Pagoda(the Druggist Pagoda)2)刘备章武三年病死。Liu Bei,Emperor Zhaolie of the Kindom of Shu Han(221一263), one of the three kingdoms, died of i11n

4、ess in 223.注意:删改不能损伤原文的意思,只是牺牲个别可能使外国游客费解的内容,而原文的主要思想意思不变。另外,旅游资料在介绍风景名胜时,一般语言生动形象,充满感情色彩,类似文学作品的语言。翻译时,应选用适当的具有感染力的词语。二、旅游翻译中的文化背景因素虎跑泉Tiger Running Spring, Tiger Dug Spring,Tiger Spring寒山寺Bleak Mountain Temple,Temple of Cold Hill, Hanshan Temple1)在西安的六十四米高的大雁塔走玄奘西游印度回国后的居留之地。The 64metrehigh Dayan

5、Pagoda in Xian is the place where Xuan Zang, a great monk, once lived after returning from India.2)秦始皇陵是秦朝第一个皇帝花三十多年时间才为自己建成的一个壮伟的陵墓,一起陪葬的兵马俑共有八千多个。Qin Shi Huangs Mausoleum is a great tomb which the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty(221206BC)spent over 30 years building for himself,with about 8,000 1

6、ifesize terracotta soldiers and horses buried here to protect the emperor after his death.3)狮子林因园中有许多太湖石头,看上去像狮子林立,所以称为狮子林。 Shizilin is a garden where numerous Taihu Lake stones shaped1ike lions have been positioned. Thats why it bears the name Lion Grove三、旅游翻译的可接受性杭州的西湖藕粉lotus root starch, lotus ro

7、ot paste银耳tremella,white fungus,silver mushroom1 路左有一巨石,石上原有苏东坡手书“云外流春”四个大字。To its left is a huge rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters “Yun Wai Liu Chun” written by Su Dongpo.2 青岛,像一簇璀璨的明珠,镶嵌在山东半岛的黄海之滨,风光旖旎,气候宜人,是我国著名的沿海旅游避暑胜地。Qingdao, like a cluster of brilliant pearls, is locate

8、d on the coast of the Yellow Sea in Shandong Peninsula. Qindao has beautiful see sightings and pleasant climate. Its a famous coastal summer resort in China.3 外九水全长十余里,有人慢行其间,可见奇峰对出,巨石当涧,清流中来,佳境迭起。The whole length of Wai Jiushui is about 5 kilometers. If someone strolls along the stream, he will fin

9、d some fascinating hills opposite each other as well as huge rocks in the stream. Clean brook runs through as If you were in a dream.4 西安是丝绸之路的出发点,从公元前十一世纪开始至公元十世纪时期,曾是中国政治、经济及文化中心。在唐代,西安被称为长安,非常繁荣,与当时的罗马齐名。Xi an was the starting point of the Silk Road, and Chinas political, economic and cultural center from the 11th century B.C till the 10th A.D. During Tang Dynasty the city was called Changan and was very prosperous. It became a city as famous as Rome by that time.



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