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1、自动阅卷系统摘 要当今社会是一个信息社会,一个知识经济时代。自世界上第一台计算机ENINC(Electronicnumericalintegratorandcalculator)于1946年在美国问世到现在,计算机业飞速发展,技术淘汰指标高的惊人,价格下降以及软件应用的快速扩展引发了以信息处理计算机化为标志的“微机革命”,随之而来的是以全球信息网络普及和全球信息共享为标志的“全球信息网络革命”的蓬勃兴起。可见,世界已进入在计算机信息管理领域中激烈竞争的时代,计算机已经变得普通的不能再普通的工具,如同我们离不开的自行车、汽车一样。我们应该承认,谁掌握的知识多,信息量大,信息处理速度快,批量大,谁


3、上考的,大多也是标准化的考试系统,这不仅仅是我国的计算机考试系统如此,国外也有很多考试系统也是这样。这种考试形式也会导致学生重理论、轻实践的现象的发生,考生的计算机能力大多限于“纸上谈兵”,其上机操作能力差,在新的软件工具、环境面前会束手无策目标:通过系统对考生试卷自动进行评测,以便清晰、准确、明了的反映学生成绩的情况,实现判卷“无纸化”。关键词: 自动阅卷系统;ACCESS; ADOAbstractTodays society is a society in an era of the knowledge economy. Since the worlds first computer EN

4、INC (Electronic numerical integerator and calculator) in the United States was made in 1946 to the present. rapid development of the computer industry, the technical indicators out of the prohibitively high. prices and the decline in software applications led to the rapid expansion of information pr

5、ocessing computer as the symbol of the computer revolution. attendant to the global information network is universal and global information sharing as a symbol of the global information network revolution, the vigorous development onwards. This shows that the world has entered a fierce competition i

6、n the field of computer information management era computers have become common tools can no longer ordinary, as we can not bicycles, cars. We should recognize, the one who has mastered the knowledge, information, information processing speed, volume, whose high efficiency, Who will be able to compe

7、te in various invincible.Measurement of education is the education process and an important measure of its students to increase knowledge, skills and the development of hobbies, ideological and moral, and education measures on many issues such as a certain number of rules of conduct. It can be divid

8、ed into the evaluation of the knowledge and skills evaluation. Knowledge on the measurement of the corresponding theory and technology is more mature, usually in the form of an objective that (choice to fill in the blank. matching body). As for the assessment of skills, both on the driver of the app

9、raisal, both in theory and in practice are relatively weak. How to solve the skills assessment of the environmental simulation and automatic correction is urgently needed to resolve the two problems. Through the computer evaluation system at home and abroad study found that early examination of the

10、computer used mainly Juanmian examinations, Such a theory-based examinations written, its results can not truly reflect the students computer application level and ability, Even if the computer examinations are mostly standardized examination system, This is not only Chinas computer systems of such

11、examination, there are many foreign examination system as well. This examination will lead to the form of students theory and practice of light phenomenon, Candidates computer capacity was limited mostly to empty talk and its ability to operate on the difference in the new software tools, will be he

12、lpless in the face of environmentalObjective : to candidates through the system automatically evaluation papers to clear, accurate, clear reflection of the performance of their students achieve Checking paperless. Key words: Automatic scoring system;ACCESS; ADO目 录摘 要2ABSTRACT31、 绪 论61.1课题背景61.1.1目前我

13、国自动阅卷系统的现状71.1.2自动阅卷系统建设的好处71.1.3开发系统的几点建议81.2相关技术介绍81.2.1结构化生命周期法简介81.2.2开发技术快速原型法简介91.2.3、ADO的背景知识101.2.4本系统开发方法的选择102、系统分析102.1可行性研究102.1.1经济可行性102.1.2技术可行性102.1.3操作可行性112.2、系统的详细调查112.2.1系统详细设计原理112.2.2自动阅卷系统的设计原理和应用113、系统需求分析123.1 任务概述123.2 系统需求123.2.1 Microsoft SQL Server2000数据库133.2.2 MFC简述13

14、3.2.3 VC+6.0数据库访问技术144、系统设计154.1 概要设计154.2详细设计164.2.1开发环境164.2.2数据库表结构设计1643数据库的详细设计124.3.1 E-R模型214.3.2在本系统中使用ADO的过程及详解添加ADO数据源225、程序的详细设计235.1程序设计235.2程序流程235.2.1启动界面245.2.2登陆系统255.2.3统计界面255.2.4核心代码266、 结论286.1 关键技术286.2 软件测试306.3 总结30参考文献30谢辞30附录301 绪 论1.1课题背景在现代社会中管理的作用越来越显得重要和突出。一般来讲,管理通过计划、组织

15、、指导与领导、控制等手段,为组织制定目标,应用组织的各种要素,以实现组织的目标。对企业来说,人们按照一定的生产关系组织起来,对生产力、生产对象、生产手段等加以计划、指导、监控和协调,以达到预期的目的,即称为企业管理。传统的企业管理活动中,把人、才、物作为企业的主要资源。但是随着社会化大生产的不断扩大和社会对产品多样化的需求,人们越来越重视信息在生产经营及企业管理中的作用,并把它当作企业的一种极其重要的资源,人们称之为“信息资源”,信息资源的处理已经成为当今世界上一项主要的社会活动。 本世纪以来,由于社会生产力的迅速发展和科学技术的突飞猛进,人们进行信息交流的深度和广度不断增加,管理所需要的信息量急剧增长,同时对信息的处理要求及时、准确,这导致了传统的信息处理方法和手段已不能适应现代管理的需要;电子计算机的诞生和在信息处理中的应用,标志着一个崭新时代“信息时代”的开始,它使企业管理现代化成为可能。 一定意义上说,管理信息系统的产生和发展是建立在电子计算机基础之上的。硬件方面,自1946年第一台电子计算机诞生以来,计算机技术的发展可谓日新月异,从庞大的只能在实验室里供研究使用的计算机到如今能适应不同环境


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