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1、练习4. 二、词汇B、用所给词的适当词填空:4. Here is a card for you with our best _(wish). 5. The _(swim) of our school got many prizes in the competition. We all feel proud of them.C、用所给动词的适当词填空:4. Its time to go home. Youd better stop _(play) football. 5. Im glad _(hear) the good news. 三、单项选择()1. This game is _ that

2、one.A. as interesting than B. so interesting as C. not as interesting as D. most interesting ()2. The map shows us _ to travel around the city . A. how B. when C. what D. why ()3. Why werent you at the meeting ? I _ for a call from my father in America .A. waited B. has waited C. will wait D. was wa

3、iting ()4. -Would you like some more milk? -No,thanks,theres still_left.A、a little B、little C、lot D、a few()5. He came here_ the morning of July 29.A、on B、inC、atD、for八、阅读理解A loud noise suddenly hurts your ears while you are enjoying a movie in the cinema. A stranger makes you jump as he shouts at his

4、 friend on the other side of the city. Mobile phone are everywhere and sometimes they can be very annoying(讨厌). Although they are necessities(必需品) of modern(现代) life, it is common to bear people complain about mobile phones.Most public places have mobile phone rules. So try to keep your phone ring a

5、s low as possible or put it on vibrate mode(震动模式) . It is good to leave your phone at home when you would be at schools or when visiting a hospital.If you need to make or take a call while in a meeting, at a restaurant or a theater, go to the washroom. If you are expecting a call, get a seat near th

6、e door. It is polite to tell others at the beginning that you are expecting an important call. When you get a call and you are with friends, keep the call short and speak quietly.A good way to make sure that people dont interrupt(打断) you and others is to tell your friends when its a good time to cal

7、l.根据短文内容完成下面表格In most public placesKeep your phone ring as 1_ as possible or put it on vibrate mode.At school or when visiting a hospitalLeave your phone 2_In a 3._, at a restaurant or a theaterYou need to make a call, go to the washroom. If you are waiting for a call, get a seat near the 4._The top

8、ic of the passageFollow the mobile phone 5._九、综合填空After work Mrs Turner l_ her office. She went to the n_ bus stop. It began to rain before a bus came. She couldnt stand in the r_. She ran into a shop not far from there. She wanted to buy an umbrella, but there were only 2 dollars in her purse. She

9、looked a_, but she knew nobody. She wanted to come out, but the rain g_ heavier. She ran to a telephone box and called her husband about it. She was sure that he could bring some money to her. She f_ a little hungry and went into a restaurant. A waiter came up to her and asked ,”What can I do for yo

10、u, madam?”“ Some soup with eggs and potatoes in it.”“ Anything else?” “N_” The waiter had a look at her and left. About twenty minutes later, he brought the soup to her. She tasted it and called o_, “Oh dear !Its terrible! Call your manager h_!” “Its no use, madam,” said the waiter ,”he w_eat it, either.”练习4部分答案二、词汇B、4、5 wishes swimmers C、4-5 playing to hear三、1-5 C A DAA八、low; at home; meeting; door; rules九、left; nearest; rain; around; got; felt; Nothing; out; here; wont友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编辑,期待您的好评与关注! /


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