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1、2023年龙门森林公园中英文导游词 小龙门森林公园导游词 大家好!很高兴能作为今天的导游带领大家前往参观小龙门森林公园。首先,欢迎大家参加我们本次的小龙门森林公园之旅!在到达景区之前,我先在此向大家贯彻一下三个代表的精神哈。首先,我先代表我们XXXX旅行社欢迎大家的到来,并预祝大家在小龙门森林公园可以玩得开心度过美好的一天!第二呢,我要代表一下我们的安全大使X师傅向大家致敬,X师傅那开车的技术可是没的说的,都能去参加F1赛车比赛了。哈哈,不过呢在这里也要提醒大家把车牌号给记好咯XXXXXX。最后呢,我代表我自己向大家问好了,本人姓X,名XX,大家叫我小X就行!(清点人数、交换手机号) 好!大家

2、现在向窗外看,我们马上就要到达小龙门了,大家可以看到远处有高耸的山峰,那就是北京最高的山峰东灵山了,过了东灵山再往西边走就是河北怀来县了,可以说东灵山就是北京西边的界标。这块地方地势险要,自古以来就是兵家必争之地。而小龙门森林公园就位于灵山脚下。在这附近尚有百花山、小五台山、野三坡诸多景点,大家如果有时间也有兴致的话可以在此地多逗留两日进行游览。 小龙门森林公园平均海拔1330米,总面积32668.5亩,大约为十个故宫那么大。这儿的前身是小龙门林场,因此在此分布有非常丰富的植物种类共有植物844种。不仅如此,在小龙门森林公园里还有700多种野生动物,其中哺乳动物40多种,鸟类150多种,有国家

3、一级保护动物金雕、褐马鸡,国家二级保护动物青羊和北京市保护动物豹猫等等。正因为有着丰富的动植物资源,它们不仅可以供观赏,而且适于科研,使小龙门成为了各大院校以及小学生动植物实习的理想基地。 小龙门森林公园园内山、石、树林,雄伟多姿,山鸡岭、野猪林、杜鹃山、野菜洼,层峦叠翠,景色特别迷人。从春到秋彩蝶飞舞,百花争艳。这也是公园最佳的游览季节,即每年的5月份到10月份,因为这同时也是园内动植物们最有生机最有活力的时候。冬季雪山,阳光灿烂,望之若矾。盛夏至此,进入清凉世界,有着自然空调,无蚊蝇,绝对是一个避暑休闲的好地方。不仅如此森林中含有大量的负氧离子,可促进人体新陈代谢,提高免疫力,恢复青春,延

4、年益寿。 现在车所行驶的道路就是贯通于园内东西的109国道了,也就是京兰公路,正因为有这条道路直通园内,使得公园的交通十分方便 。好,我们现在到了小龙门森林公园了,大家都带好随身物品下车了。现在我们所处的位置就是公园的南门。现在小龙门森林公园作为游览的景点,一般都是指公园的北部,所以这个公园南门实际上是位于整个小龙门森林公园的中部。在南门南边主要是科学研究区,包括气象站、了望塔、森林浴场、森林公园等,像北京林业大学等高校每年都会来此做一些科研调查项目。在南边的园区还有一个古敌台,这是一个遗迹,见证了这块地区曾经做为一个军事要塞的历史。 好,我们现在从南门向园区内走。首先我们来到的是公园的“幽谷

5、探秘区”,这是一条有着数公里长的沟谷,里面的深谷岩壁,当风雨交加时会发出古怪的嚎叫声,使人失魂落魄,所以,风雨天时很少有人去那里探觅,因此得名“幽谷探秘区”。而且前几年由于谷内毒蛇较多,因此一直都没有对外开放,现在已经开发成为森林浴度假村,在这里还能观赏到野猪、野鸡等。 现在咱们绕过森林浴度假村来到它的东边,大家看这座石山的形状像什么?对!像一只猴子在拜佛,这也是公园里很有名的一处遗迹,名字就叫“石猴拜佛”。咱们再往北边看,那边还有一块石头叫取经石。 咱们接着往北边走。现在在咱们面前的这块地是园内109国道最曲折的一段,在这一段的中间有一块形状很奇特的石头,叫蘑菇石,大家看是不是很像一个蘑菇呢

6、? 好,咱们继续一路向北。现在咱们可以看到前边有一处高崖,这就是远眺崖了,在上边可以纵览龙门全景。与远眺崖隔道相望的是一个天文台,也是用于科普观察的。 园区内大致的景点就是这些了,接下来我们到园区内的餐厅用餐,用完午餐后,下午时间为大家的自由活动时间,大家可以在园区内拍照、攀登、观赏野生动物,与此同时保护好人身安全。下午4点咱们在餐厅门口集合。祝大家玩的开心! Hello everyone! Im so glad to be your guide to show you the Small Dragon Gate Forestry Park.Firstly,Ill give you a gre

7、at welcome for join this trip.Before we arrive in the Park,I want to implementi the spirit of represent for three aspects-firstly is to represent my travel agency XXXX to welcome you all and wish you have a great time here.Secondly is to represent our ambaador of safety-the driver-Mr.X to welcome yo

8、u and remind you to remember the number of our bus.Finally is to represent.Yeah,represent myself to show you a great welcome.Oh,I almost have forgot to introduce myself.My name is XXX.You can call me XXX. Ok, lets look out of the windows.Well arriving soon.you can see a tall mountains in the distanc

9、e which is the tallest mountain in Beijing and its name is East Ling Mountain.In the west of this mountain is the Huailai county of Hebei province.So we can say East Ling Mountain is the boundary of the western part of Beijing.And our destination-Small Dragon Gate forestry park is on the foot of the

10、 East Ling Mountain. The park average 1330 miters of altitude and it covers an area of 32668.5 mu which is nine times bigger than the Imperial Palace.There are 844 kinds of plants in the park.Whats more,there are more than 700 kinds of wild animals in the park which include many protecting animals.B

11、ecause of the abundant resources of plants and animals,the park became a base of fieldwork for students. The best season for visiting is from May to October which is the period that animals and plants are in the best statue in a year.If you come here in winter,you will see mountains covered by snow

12、and it is really fantastic.If you come here in Summer season,you will get rid of the oppreive weather and be cooled down.So, the park is really is good place of leisure. Now well drive on the No.109 national road and the road make it convenient to approach.OK,were arriving at the south gate of the S

13、mall Dragon Gate forestry park.Take your valuables with you and lets go into the park. Now you can see a long valley which is the area of exploring in the park.You can see wild pigs and chickens here.Lets keep going to the east and you can see a stone hill.What do you think the shape of the hill lik

14、e?Yeah!Its like a monkey worship the Buddha.You know,Buddhism is so popular in China. Lets keep on walking to the north.Now we are arriving in the most circuitous section of the 109 national road.And you can see a stone like a mushroom over there.Lets go ahead and you can see a high precipice for lo

15、oking far into the distance.And you can see the whole park at there. Thats all for my interpretation,now well going to have lunch in the restaurant in the park and after that is your free time to wander around in the park to enjoy the beautiful scenes ,fresh air and take photos.Well meet at the door of the restaurant at 4 p.m.Ok,have good time here! 龙门森林公园中英文导游词 和平森林公园导游词 和平森林公园导游词 北海公园中英文对照导游词 山东龙山森林公园导游词 昆明西山森林公园导游词 塞罕坝国家森林公园导游词 沈阳国家森林公园导游词 沈阳国家森林公园导游词 山东龙山森林公园导游词


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