四年级上册[1] (2)

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1、四年级上册(一年级起始)Module 5 Unit1 教学设计课题Unit 1:We went to the Great Wall. (新授课)教学目标知识技能目标1、 体学生能听懂、会说:We went to the Great Wall. 2、 全体学生能运用所学句子3学生能够理解went ,saw, took, ate, had, have a good time, bought,能够把握过去式的发音。 情感目标热爱祖国大好河山的感情,能与他人分享乐趣成高兴的事情,对他人赠送的东西做出简单的感谢。.教学重点词汇:went ,saw, took, ate, had, have a good

2、 time, bought,句型:.We went to the Great Wall. We saw lots of mountains. We ate candies. We bought you a present.难点能够正确使用We went to the Great Wall. We saw lots of mountains. We ate candies. We bought you a present.所学句子谈论假期活动。课前准备录音视频,词卡第一课时 总第17课时教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step 1 Warming up.1.2.Review

3、word s(show word cards)invented watched learnt saw finished phoned cooked went helped3.T do the action,Ss say the words 复习以前所学过的动词的过去式,为后面学习不规则动词的过去式做准备。做动作,复习动词Step 2 Presentation.1.Ask and answer:What did you do on holidays?ask the children to answer.I went to the Great Wall .And I climbed to the

4、Great Wall.出示词条 went and climbed, ed用不同颜色加深climbed-climbgo -wentDid you climb to the Great Wall?T help Ss say :I climbed T:Good, Boys and girls. Look at the mountain. Its high.出示词条mountain I like mountian . I climbed the mountain.认读mountainI ate candies and saw some beautiful plants.Learn the words:

5、 see_ saw, candy_ candiesplant2.It was a good trip. I had a good time. I bought a present.Learn :trip ,have _ had ,buy bought have a good time3. 通过课件出示图片来学习school tripAsk the children: What did they do yesterday? 引出:They went on a school trip.Show the pictures of Daming and Sam and ask; What did the

6、y do yesterday?They went on a school trip.Watch the video and answer:Where did they go?They went to the Great Wall.学习新词:the Great WallWatch the video again and answer the questions:What did they do on the Great Wall/通过问题引出climb,top,再通过图片学习climb to the top一问一答复习句型,引出新词。从老师自身出发,帮助学生理解词义。出示老师在长城拍的照片片帮助

7、学生理解生词词卡出示在黑板上,教学生认读。采用多种游戏方式认读词汇Step 3 Drills.Look and say about part 4 on P28Ask the children to look at the pictures and make sentences.通过看图造句的方式,巩固和应用不规则动词的过去式。板书设计M5 Unit 1 We went to the great wall.gowent see-saw, eat -ate, buy -boughtcandy-candies mountain the Great Wall作业设计1,读写五模块单词。2、跟磁带朗读第26页,第27页课文三遍,家长签字。


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