年仁爱版八年级上英语Unit 2 Topic 2 Section D教学设计

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1、2020年精编仁爱版英语资料 八年级上册教案设计Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.Section D. Material analysis本课时的主要活动为1和2。本课集中复习情态动词must/mustnt, may, can, should/shouldnt的用法。通过造句和短文综合填空让学生体会情态动词在具体语境中的运用。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 能复习和巩固掌握正确认读课后单词表中的单词。2. 能正确把握情态动词在具体语境中的运用,能正确地用情态动词进行口

2、头和书面复合表达。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关健康饮食的对话或文章。2. 能熟练地运用食品名词,为三餐设计健康的食谱,并能就饮食提出自己有益的建议。3. 能正确地运用情态动词,结合食品名词,写一篇有关如何保持健康的文章。Emotional aims:通过本课学习,让学生明白日常生活中具体的健康生活习惯有哪些,督促他们养成健康生活的好习惯,摒弃坏习惯。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:用以下短语造句并提出建议:take shower often, wash hands before meals, tidy our room,

3、 open the window, drink sour milk, spit in public.Difficult points:填空中对情态动词的正确选择。. Learning strategies通过看图听听力和综合填空等多种练习,归纳情态动词的用法。训练学生归纳知识的能力。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector Everyday saying: A little spark kindles a great fire. 星星之火,可以燎原。. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStud

4、ent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(10 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work3. The whole class work4. Group work5. The whole class work6. The whole class work1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Read the saying aloud.3. All the students read their homework in groups, prep

5、aring for the report.4. The chosen groups will report their passages.5. Students correct their passages and write them on the blackboard.6. All the students read aloud.1. Get students ready for learning.2. Show everyday saying for the students.(one saying a week)3. Ask the whole class to prepare for

6、 the report: My eating habit.4. Teacher casts lots to find two groups to report.5. Teacher asks the two groups to write their passages on the blackboard. Teacher corrects them if necessary.6. Teacher offers five or six minutes for the students to read through Section A-C.Presentation (8 minutes)1. T

7、he wholeclass work2. The wholeclass work3. The wholeclass work4. The wholeclass work5. The wholeclass work6. The wholeclass work7. Some students work1. Students discuss in groups.2. Students read the correct sentences.3. Students may think of the following phrases: wash hands, spit on the street, ti

8、dy the room, put litter into the dustbin, open the window.4. Students listen and number the pictures.5. Students write down a phrase under each picture.6. Students check their answers.7. Volunteers will read their answers.1. Teacher asks the students to check Grammar and Functions in groups.2. Teach

9、er asks the students to correct the wrong parts.3. Teacher lets the students to look through 1 and say a phrase corresponding to each picture.4. Teacher plays the recording of 1.5. Teacher plays again and pauses when necessary.6. Teacher plays for the third time.7. Teacher checks the students answer

10、s to 1.Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work and group work3. Some students work4. The whole class work1. Students make sentences orally, using the following phrases:take shower oftenwash hands before mealsspit in publicdrink yoghurttidy our roomopen the windowkeep

11、the air fresh2. Students in each group say the sentences in turn, with each saying one. Six groups start at the same time.3. Each student in the first group will say one sentence clearly. 4. Students guess the function by what the teacher says.1. Teacher asks the students to make sentences according

12、 to 1.2. Teacher organizes a competition to see which group make sentences the most fluently.3. Teacher asks the best group to say the sentences clearly.4. Teacher sums up the function of “should/shouldnt must/ mustnt”. Teacher may explain it in Chinese.Practice(10 minutes)1. The whole class work2.

13、The whole class work3. The whole class work4. The whole class work5. The whole class work6. Some students work7. Some students work8. The whole class work1. Students read the phonetic syllables and understand the meaning, answering the questions.2. Students get to realize what the teacher says.3. St

14、udents understand the word “disease” by understanding synonymous “illness”.4. Students understand “harm” by understanding “be bad for”.5. Students read silently and try to finish 2.6. Students may ask for help if they dont understand well.7. Volunteers write their answers on the blackboard.8. Students try to understand.1. Teacher shows a picture of cigarette with phonetic syllables and asks questions: Do you smoke?Who smokes around you?2. Teacher goes on. Sm



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