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1、健身中心新员工培训表NEW STAFF TRAINING LISTNAME姓名DEPT/SECTION部别POSITION 职位ID NO工号COMMENCING DATE入店日期Therespectivedivisionhead/departmentheadortheimmediatesupervisorhas coveredthefollowing subjects with the above employee相关的部门总监/ 部门经理或上述员工的直接上司已经向该员工讲解了下列内容:1Job Description/Responsibilities13How to contactthe

2、guestsand thebar工作职责描述 / 岗位职责single-point billing如何为客人点单并联系吧台开单2Departmental Rules14How do customers pay for services部门规章制度、考勤制度如何为客人做买单服务3Personal Cleanliness15Farewell guestsproceduresand elevator个人清洁卫生、仪容仪表etiquette送别客人的程序及电梯礼仪4All position s hygieneandcheck16Guests consumer service procedures an

3、dstandardstandards when所在岗点卫生及检查标准客人消费时的服务程序和标准5Know expense item and charge standard17Phone standard康乐部各岗点消费项目的认识及收费标准接听电话的标准6How to welcome guest18Maintenanceproceduresto declare如何迎接客人goods报物品维修的程序7How to register for the guests19To learn the prices ofswimming如何为客人进行登记equipment and wine泳具及酒水价格的了解8

4、Pool knowledge and safety requirements20Daily productionof varioustypesof泳池相关知识及安全规定registration statements每日各类登记报表的制作9How to explain to the guests must wear21How to collectthe viewsofcustomersa swimming cap sreasonsand deal with common complaints如何向客人解释游泳时必须佩戴泳帽的原如何收集客人意见及处理常见的投诉因10The price of swi

5、mmingcardsand22understandImportant regionthe hotelinstructionsfloors andspecific location,as wellas游泳月卡的价格及使用说明important regional telephone office了解酒店重要区域楼层与具体位置以及各重要办公区域电话11How to use key for locker23Hospitality Way更衣室钥匙的使用方法聚丰圆待客之道12 Gym equipment to use and functional健身房器械的使用方法及功能JOB ORIENTATION工

6、作描述Tour of department and introduction to supervisors and colleagues参观部门并介绍认识同事Explanation of job its relation to overall operation, stress courtesy and politeness解释如何进行工作, 包括完整的操作程序并强调礼貌在此过程中的重要性Explanation and demonstration of each step letting employee try演示工作步骤后, 让员工自己尝试Check performance检查工作表现Sa

7、fety rules工作的安全规定Comment 评语 :_Acknowledgement:I fully understand the above mentioned topics that have been conducted for me.认可承认我接受过上述培训, 并已经完全掌握以上内容._Staff Sign Off员工Immediate Superior直接上司Div/Dept Head 部门总监 /经理Training Manager 培训经理备注说明,非正文,实际使用可删除如下部分。本内容仅给予阅读编辑指点:1 、本文件由微软OFFICE 办公软件编辑而成,同时支持WPS 。

8、2 、文件可重新编辑整理。3 、建议结合本公司和个人的实际情况进行修正编辑。4 、因编辑原因,部分文件文字有些微错误的,请自行修正,并不影响本文阅读。Note:it is notthetext.Thefollowingpartscanbe deletedforactualuse.This contentonlygivesinstructions:readingandediting1. This document is edited by Microsoft office office software and supports WPS.2. The files can be edited and reorganized.3. It is suggested to revise and edit according to the actual situation of the company and individuals.4. Due to editing reasons, some minor errors in the text of some documents should be corrected by yourself, which does not affect the reading of this article.5.



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