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1、英语这个知识点掌握了,中考至少多考30分!作定语的名词有以下三种形式1.一般用单数形式。a stone bridge 石桥a meeting room 会议室morning exercise 早操London Airport 伦敦机场a story book 故事书a shoe shop 鞋店2.man, woman要与所修饰的名词的单复数一致。a woman teacher 一位女教师two women teachers 两位女教师3.sports, sales, clothes, goods, arts, customs等只用复数形式。a sports meet 运动会a goods tr

2、ain 货车customs house 海关a sales manager 营业主任现从三个方面来讨论名词定语的特点一、名词定语的语法作用 1.代替作定语用的介词短语。a garden chair=a chair in the garden.Canada wheat=wheat from Canada.safety regulations=regulations for safety.machine shop practice=practice in a machine shop.2.名词定语代替形容词或分词作定语。race problemracial problemChina cottonC

3、hinese cottonlaunch padlaunching padresearch workerresearching worker在以上词例中,使用名词与使用形容词或分词并没有什么区别。3.代替带s的所有格定语-在名词前加上定冠词the就可以代替名词的所有格,但是这个名词是专有名词。the Tom composition=Toms compositionthe Carter grin=Carters grin4.代替定语从句。investment money= money that is set apart for investment.the milk boy= the boy wh

4、o brings the milk.二、名词定语与被修饰语之间的语义关系 作定语的名词都是后面一个名词的修饰语,但是它们之间的关系却各有不同。1.名词定语表示逻辑上的主语,被修饰的词表示宾语。a department decision(a decision which is made by the department)the volcano eruption(the eruption that is made by the volcano)有时正好相反,名词定语相当于宾语,而被修饰的部分表示主语:a drug addict(a person who is addicted to drug)a

5、n animal trainer(a man who trains the animal)2.名词定语作状语,被修饰语相当于谓语。在这一类结构中,表示谓语的名词常由动名词或动作名词来充当。impulse buying=buying on impulseinstrument flying=flying by means of instrument3.名词定语表示同位关系。这种用法可以说明某人的职业、职位。Judge Darling Singer Carpenter Cardinal Nelson.还可以表示特征、身份:a supplier country= a country which is

6、a suppliera killer shark= a shark who is a killerher lawyer brother=her brother who is a lawyertraitor and robber Dickinson=Dickinson三、与同词根的形容词作定语时的区别 1. 在通常情况下,如果没有相应的派生形容词,原则上可直接用名词作定语,或与之构成合成词。hair style 发型tooth ache 牙疼service counter 服务台cat food 猫食bank account 银行户头car park 停车场blood pressure 血压bi

7、rth control 生育控制table tennis 乒乓球labor force 劳动力road works 道路工程winter sports 冬季运动2. 如果名词有相应的派生形容词,则要注意分清两者在意义上的区别。(1) horror films 恐怖影片horrible films 令人感到恐怖的影片(2) a wonder book 一部充满奇事的书a wonderful book 一部奇妙的书(3) a stone path 一条石板路a stony path 一条铺满碎石的路中考压轴40题上( ) 1. _ it is today!A. What fine weather

8、B. What a fine weatherC. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. weather是不可数名词,前面不能有不定冠词。英语中经常考查的不可数名词有work, news, adivice, information等。( ) 2. Which is the way to the _?A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoes factory D. shoes factory解析: 选A. 此题极易误选B, C, D. 英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如: an apple

9、 treetwo apple trees. 但注意 a man teachertwo men teachers。( ) 3. This class _ now. Miss Gao teaches them.A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying解析: 选A. 此题容易误选B. class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择A。( ) 4. We will have a _ holiday after the exa

10、m.A. two month B. two-month C. two months D. two-months解析: 选择B. 此题容易误选C, D. 在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成符合名词,在句中只能作定语, 如果选择C, 需要把逗号放s后面。( ) 5. There is no enough _ on the corner to put the table.A. place B. room C. floor D. ground解析: 选B. 此题最容易误选A.。 room在句中是空间而非房间。句意:角落里没有摆桌子的空间了。( ) 6. We can have _ blue s

11、ky if we create _ less polluted world.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the解析:选A. 此题容易误选C, D. 根据句意:如果我们创造一个没有污染的世界,那么我们就用一个蓝色的天空。( ) 7. Are you _ American or English? English. We are working in Wuhu.A. a B. C. the D. an解析:选B 此题容易误选D. 句中American是形容词而非名词,如果句中改为Are you _ or an English man? 就选择D。( ) 8

12、. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, _?A. dont you B. doesnt he C. do you D. does he解析:选择B. 此题容易误选A. 其实不是对前面的句中进行反问,而是对he likes running进行反问。( ) 9. Why not take _ umbrella with the sign “ Made in China”? It is _ useful umbrella.What _ good advice it is!A. an; an; a B. an; a; C. a; an;

13、 a D. ; an; a解析: 选B. 大多数学生容易做错此题。记住an用在元音音素前而不是元音字母前,记住了这一点就知道了an umbrella 和a useful umbrella. 在最后一句中advice是不可数名词,前面不能接不定冠词。故选择B。( ) 10. When shall we meet again next week? _ day is possible. Its no problem with me.A. Either B. Neither C. Every D. Any 解析: 此题非常难,选D. 下周任何一天都可以再次见面。Any在肯定句中意思是“任何的”。下周有

14、七天容易排除A, B. 如果把next week 改为next Monday or Tuesday, 则必须选择A。( ) 11. Robert has gone to _ city and hell be back in a week.A. other B. the other C. another D. any other解析:选C. 三个以上另外一个用another, other一般情况下修饰名词复数, the other表示两个中的另外一个,any other任何别的。句意:罗伯特去了另一个城市,一周后回来。( ) 12.A latest magazine, please.Only one left. Would you like to have _?A. it B. one C. this D. that解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. 根据句意: 买一份最新报纸,只剩下一份了,你要买这份吗?据此我们知道指的就是手


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