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1、2012年高考英语复习书面表达系列训练(图画类作文)府谷中学英语组 吕文娟2011年3月20日 Teaching Plan Content:Writing practice 图画类作文Time:March 20,2011Teaching Aims and Demands:1.Ability Aims : 1) To help the students to remember the words in 2011年陕西省考试说明(英语科)by writing them correctly . 2)To help the students to improve their writing skill

2、 bywriting a composition according to the picture.2.Knowledge Aims: To help the students to grasp some basic structures in writing.3.Emotion Aims : To realize the importance of pollutionTeaching important points :1. Dictation : about 20 words in 2011年陕西省考试说明(英语科) 2. Writing Material Teaching Aid :co

3、mputerTeaching Methods:Dictation Method :Task-based Method ;Teaching procedures:Step1. Dictation Blackboard( 2 students / group ;10 words / student; 4 students / 20 words altogether )从backward 到 bargain, pay attention to ball balloon bamboo banana bargain 中划线字母的读音Step 2. Writing Practice 1. Material

4、 :根据题目师父被熏晕过去了的漫画和下面要求,写一篇关于河水污染的感想。1. 情况。2. 原因。3. 后果。4. 措施。词数 100120。2. Analysis : Tensesthe past tense ;the present tenseStructures总分总 Expressions 师傅 (master) 徒弟(pupil)3. Practice : ( in limited time )4. Checking: ( 2 Passages ,time permitting. )Step3. Homework 附One possible versionOne day Sun Wuk

5、ong together with his master and brothers was walking across a river. Suddenly his master fell off the horse by the bad smell of river water. They found the water so dirty that they could hardly breathe.A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the

6、river which made the river water polluted. In this way most of the fish in the river were killed. If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. Our government is doin

7、g her best to take measures to fight against pollution. We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.说课稿 :高考英语复习书面表达系列训练图画类作文主要说说任务和完成方法本节课的任务分两部分:任务方法No 1Words1.四名学生听写来自于考试说明词汇表中的20个单词。2.集体检查,改正写错的单词。3.要求注意ballballoon bamboo banana bargain 中划线字母的读音,并板书音标。No2

8、Writing1. 细读图 定体裁 定要点 定时态 定段落等2. 限时写作 3. 特别检查第一个任务 旨在帮助学生记忆单词,强化训练音标 (同一字母不同发音,不同字母同一发音等)。高考英语试题中能直观体现考查单词的题型主要是 :语音题和单词拼写,共15分 。要想得这15分,单词的常读 、常记,特殊读音着重记,因此单词的强化训练要天天抓。 第二个任务 旨在复习巩固基础知识,提高学生的写作能力。高考英语写作是一个相对较难的题,重点考查学生综合运用语言的能力。要求学生根据所给的情景和要求写一篇书面材料,但是,它并不是要求学生按照试题里的“提示”进行逐句翻译,而是要求学生在充分领会“提示”的前提下,用自己的语言写成一篇内容充实、语言正确、句子连贯、用词贴切的作文。近几年高考英语写作主要是:记人、叙事、写信、通知或看图作文等。基于这些原因 ,练习图画类作文。 这节课中,最后让学生在写完作文后批改同学的习作,想达到两个目的 : 一是变写作材料为短文改错 ,训练高考另一题型 ;二是给学生创设一个“高考评卷”的模拟环境,让学生当一回阅卷人,感受疲劳中的阅卷人心情,从而引起对书写的注意。内容总结


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