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1、Unit 3 ComputersSectionLearningaboutLanguage,UsingLanguage,SummingUp&LearningTip课后篇巩固提升一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空as a resultdeal withgo byarise fromafter allwith the help ofin a waywatch overso.that.signal to1.In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant .答案to deal with2.You shoul

2、d be patient to Maria. she is only a child.答案After all3.the soldiers,the people in the flooded areas had enough tents to live in.答案With the help of4.I heard some children singing when I the room.答案went by5.The speaker spoke fast I could only write down a few words.答案so;that6.We helped each other wit

3、h the homework and ,we became good friends.答案as a result7.This problem our earlier decision.答案arises from8.He me to follow him using his hat.答案signaled to9.The task is very hard to complete ,but so long as you try your best,you can finish on time.答案in a way10.Can you keep the goods until my partners

4、 come back?答案watching over二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.It is quite (simple) the most ridiculous idea Ive ever heard.答案simply2.When CCTV asks people what (happy) means,different people have different answers.答案happiness3.He dreamed of going to work in his own (person) company.答案personal4.I cannot (total) agree wit

5、h you,but I think what you said just now is partly reasonable.答案totally5.They told us that the car accident (arise) from his carelessness.答案arose6.Human beings have made great progress in space (explore) and medicine.答案exploration7.This entertainment centre allows you (download) any program.答案to dow

6、nload8.The increase in agricultural output should be due to (technology) progress.答案technological9.I know you have tried your best,but we should face (real).答案reality10.Actually,he hit upon the (solve) to the problem.答案solution11.A childs (intelligent) develops rapidly between the ages of four and f

7、ive.答案intelligence三、完成句子1.从那时开始,我决定做得更好,提高我的英语口语。(from),I decided to do better and improve my spoken English.答案From then on2.在网络的帮助下,新闻可以传遍世界的各个角落。(with)the Internet,news can reach every corner of the world.答案With the help of3.随着时间的流逝,在某种程度上情况有所改善。(as),things improved more or less .答案As time went by

8、; in a way4.随着中国逐渐强大,如此多的外国人开始学习普通话也就不足为奇了。(as),it is no surprise that so many foreigners are beginning to learn putonghua.答案As China grows stronger5.如果你错过这次机会,可能还要数年才能得到下一个机会。(before)If you miss the chance,you get another one.答案it might be/take years before6.我们的英语老师如此清楚地解释了这项语法以至于每个学生都能理解。(so.that.

9、)Our English teacher explained the grammar every student could understand it.答案so clearly that7.那些农民通常用经过专门训练的狗来在晚上看护羊。(watch)The farmers usually use specially trained dogs to their sheep at night.答案watch over8.每当我犯错的时候,老师都耐心地帮我指出来。(whenever),the teacher pointed them out with patience.答案Whenever I m

10、ade mistakes四、完形填空Computer hackers(黑客) have now got their hands on mobile phones.“A phone virus (病毒)can 1 your phone do things you have no control over,”computer security experts 2.It might 3 the White House or the police,or forward your personal address book to a marketing company.Or it could simpl

11、y eat into the phones operating soft-ware,turning it 4 and erasing your personal information.Similar viruses have already made mobile phone owners 5 in Japan and Europe.Ari Hypponen,chief technical officer of a computer security in Finland said,“A virus can get your 6 and send them elsewhere.And it

12、can record your 7.”Mobiles are now able to surf the Internet,send emails and 8 software,so they are an easy 9 for the same hackers who have sent viruses to computers over the last decade.“Its technically 10 now,”said Stephen Trilling,director of research at antivirus 11 maker Symantec Corp based in

13、the US.“If the phone is connected to the 12,it can be used to transmit(传递)threats and 13 targets,just as any computer can.”In Japan,if you opened a certain email message 14 your mobile,it would cause the phone to repeatedly 15 the national emergency number.So phone operators had to 16 emergency call

14、s until the bug was 17.In Europe,mobiles short message service,18 SMS,has been used to send codes that could damage phones.“Mobile users can 19 viruses,of course,by sticking to their traditional phones 20 Web links,”some experts said.1.A.getB.forceC.makeD.damage答案C解析由空格后的“dothingsyouhavenocontrolover”可知,手机病毒会迫使手机做人们无法控制的事情。get和force要用带to的不定式作宾补,而damage的含义与上下文不符,故此处用makesbdosth结构。2.A.speakB.talkC.tellD.say答案D解析用及物动词say表示电脑专家这样“说”,前面的直接引语是它的宾语。3.A.leadB.causeC.controlD.call答案D解析由倒数第三



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