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1、有关青春的英语演讲5篇拥有青春,我们将会擅长做一个生活的有心人,从平淡中寻找激情,从美丽中获得感动,那么我们的生活就并不是“山重水复疑无路”,而是柳暗花明,别有洞天了。有关青春的英语演讲5篇,欢送查阅!有关青春的英语演讲1Efforts toward the success of the process, at first glance, like a black tunnel, sight of the head, such as Middle School graduating class of students, there are endless day of work, on the

2、 go, feel not enough sleep, many people every day, “the first cantilever cone piercing, to burn the midnight oil”, a day in the “two line” between the hard work every day life is like a copier in print, everything is repeated.Do not forget, the sun is new!New, is a beautiful state of mind!The new su

3、n, Is this not a hope?Every day see it, is like night and see the light of the black population, is it not a happiness?Yes, the weight of our heavy burden almost collapsed, too high expectations, we are firmly nailed to the ground, but perhaps the greatest burden is also a symbol of life enriched.Ni

4、etzsche said that people do not suffer the power of pessimism, so we do not have to smile toward victory, but the face of temporary difficulties, we have to smile, but also to heart smile.Indulge in the journey to success is to be truly “buried” go on, these days need to break the house in, calm dow

5、n, only to maintain “calm the mind like water” state, to put the final sprint.We like that in the car, the destination, beautiful scenery along the way, it is tempting, but you better not to involve them too much energy, and make the eyes has been moving in the direction of the end, if the tolerance

6、 is not temporary living jumped out to enjoy the beauty, the car drove off, maybe you will see another vehicle, you might end up the same destination, but life is not your standard point moment.In a particular stage of life has a special mission.Study stage, is to achieve goals in life, when an impo

7、rtant step, if miss this opportunity, you will be repentant, so severely heart, leaving the pretty girls for the time being a waste of time, the clothes and dress up, boys put aside their attractive ic books and puter games, put off that a distant “green apple” Love it!Summer, fall, fruit is not Abs

8、tract.Picked and eaten, not sweet gesture, or until the harvesting season, so go enjoy the harvest of joy in it!Set aside what irrelevant thoughts and move forward, looked up days, with the heart to see the world, because the sun always new.Softly said to himself: “If not me, the world will be less

9、of a person appreciate the beautiful sun.” Is such a state of mind, so you always wonderful for yourself!Spring, flowers, wind throw area; summer, flowers open, butterfly fluttering; autumn sky was clear and leaves as fire; winter, bleak, snowy, whether Hanlaishuwang, spring, summer autumn and winte

10、r, the sun rose as usual from No Better, I do not know who carried out normally enough, few people need to know how much effort to achieve the dream, we can only continue to move forward, forward, then forward, “We are seizing the day is long!”Seize the day, when you blankly; seize the day, when you

11、 depressed; seize the day, when you lazy, seize the day, at a time when you have a dream; the sun every day is new, Life is always full of hope, start now, take every moment, do not hesitate!So, thirty-one years ago today, I drove from Madison, Wisconsin, to Los Angeles, California. On the way, I pa

12、ssed C Randall, where my college graduation ceremony was in progress. I thought about going to the ceremony, but it meant I wouldve arrived in Hollywood one day later, and at the time I just didnt see the point. I wanted to get there.Gertrude Stein once said about Hollywood, “When you get there, the

13、re is no there there.” Thats true. However, there will be a swimming pool and tennis court. In the end, though, its probably not enough to justify a lifes journey. Getting there, particularly in show business, is tough enough. You need a bination of talent, ambition, luck and a willingness to tell a

14、ctors how beautiful they look today.In retrospect, getting there was the easy part. Finding a “there” there is much harder. So today, before you get into your cars and race off to the rest of your lives, I want to give you some advice on how to get there. And I want to help make sure that when you g

15、et there, you find a “there” there.To that end, I will give you my five rules to think about, quickly forget, but years from now kick yourself for not having listened to.向着成功努力的过程,乍一看,就像一条黑漆的隧道,望不到头,比方高三毕业班的学生,每天有做不完的作业,忙不完的事,睡不够的觉,许多人每天都要“头悬梁锥刺骨,地挑灯夜战”,每天在“两点一线”之间劳碌一天天的生活就像复印机里印出来的,一切都在重复。别忘了,太阳是新的

16、!全新的,是一种最美的心境!新的太阳,难道这不是一种希望吗?每天都看见希望,就像是在黑口的夜里看见曙光,难道这不是一种幸福吗?是的,沉重的负担压得我们几乎崩溃了,太高的期望将我们紧紧地钉在地上,但也许最沉重的负担同时也是一种生活充实的象征。尼采说,受苦的人没有悲观的权利,所以我们不一定要向着成功微笑,但面对暂时的困难,我们必须微笑,而且是会心动微笑。埋首于通向成功征途,是必须真真正正“埋”下去的,这段日子需要休沉下来,静下心来,只有保持“心静如水”的状态,才能投入最后的冲刺。我们好比是在乘一辆车前往目的地,沿途的风光很美,很诱人,但是你最好不要为了他们牵扯太多的精力, 而要使目光一直朝着终点的方向看,假如忍不住跳下车去欣赏暂时的美景,这



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