外研(新标准)版八年级上册Module4 Unit2 What is the best way to travel. 第一课时 教案(表格式)

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外研(新标准)版八年级上册Module4 Unit2 What is the best way to travel. 第一课时 教案(表格式)_第1页
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外研(新标准)版八年级上册Module4 Unit2 What is the best way to travel. 第一课时 教案(表格式)_第3页
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《外研(新标准)版八年级上册Module4 Unit2 What is the best way to travel. 第一课时 教案(表格式)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研(新标准)版八年级上册Module4 Unit2 What is the best way to travel. 第一课时 教案(表格式)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教学设计学科英语年级八时间总序号18课题M4U2What is the best way to travel? (I)主备人教学目标知识1.Key words:journey,book,park,outside,however,coat2.Key phrases:a lot,wait for,because of,plan to do sth.,tell sb.about sth.,stay outside,get crowded3.Key sentences:(1)The more information,the better.(2)And it takes you about twelve

2、 hours to get there.(3)It is the fastest and the second cheapest,but you may have to wait for hours at the airport because of bad weather.能力能够读懂有关旅游和交通工具的文章,并抓住文章细节。能够正确运用形容词和副词的最高级。情感培养学生制定旅行计划的能力,并对旅行方式进行综合比较。重点难点重点:能够正确运用形容词和副词的最高级。难点:训练学生的阅读分析能力和解决问题的能力。教学内容和学生活教师活动Step 1 Leading in1. Work in pa

3、irs and talk about the ways to go a city that you like to visit. 2. 通过师生交流导入Look at the questions in Activity 1 and think about the answers.S1:.S2:.Do you want to know more information about ways of travelling? Today lets learn about them.Ask the students where they go on holidays and how they go th

4、ere. 师生互动过程教学内容和学生活动教师活动Step 2 Fast readingRead the passage and number the ways of travelling from the most expensive to the least expensive.S1:.S2:.Step 3Carefully reading1.Complete the table after reading again.Ways of travellingGood pointsBad pointsTrainmore relaxing than by coachmore expensive t

5、han by coachCar and shipCoachPlaneRead the text carefully,and then check the answers in pairs.指导学生读前理解任务快速捕捉效信息Show the right answers.师生互动过程教学内容和学生活动教师活动Step 4Read and summarize1. Read the passage and translate these sentences into Chinese and remember them, and know how to use “最高级 ”. (1)The more i

6、nformation, the better.(2)And it takes you about twelve hours to get there.(3) It is the fastest and the second cheapest, but you man have to wait for hours at the airport because of bad weather. 2. Summarize the structure.Good points + Bad points + Advice (比较级、最高级)Step 5 学以致用 当堂检测Read for the last

7、time and complete the passage with the words(Activity 4). 指导学生分析总结指导学生理解背诵重点句子核对答案教学内容和学生活动教师活动Step 6 小结Students try to have a summary.Step 87 作业1. 背诵重点单词短语句子2. 同步练习册13页第I,II题帮助学生总结归纳板书设计M4U2What is the best way to travel? (I)(1)The more information,the better.(2)And it takes you about twelve hours to get there.(3)It is the fastest and the second cheapest,but you may have to wait for hours at the airport because of bad weather.师生收获及反思


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