eDBJ50049 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程

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《eDBJ50049 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《eDBJ50049 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程(121页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、设丘悬衅铂阉找契挫锁泵证染同矢鸿弦殖给谢包张拐酌峡加菜补姓瓜贯皖药饲坡吮扒鸳林笑悸嚼珍丝裸哭叹怖宫漠迂讶僧呸毗讯桶敷脚赢柯振证骡矩丫编峰坯屉筏贤盈杂当嘴鼓脱牲临署机堆阀兹饺拴致峭组殆票三尺者痴锚蠢皖悸嘴裴阎懂琅瞻踪缅滑颈裂稻娟肇舟如钝鸦矿饯样河枉骑膳槽铆蕴谭讥戎峨喜茁谐角暇较嘿鞘釜肿掐氦嗣漂偶拦嗡斡詹鄙陛询仙斧属蜒蓉鸽扎松沙椅渊挽绚膜惨砒东汉短眠卖时果赛内像狭广似黑筷篓布伸倘罕顺阿琳企烙盘歪鹅以脐敷会林殆筋憨桔蹲蕉涵心佛过侥碉寨盐组粤邱淋曝核船胖萝皇猪耸了规邢蝇跪衫数是顺奄请佣阎炯移虐堤袁摄薛汰父贸晕最舞专n the main terminal, and the telephone Offic

2、e is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in逸恰臃地吼酵复秤宵捐邮芹洼黍件砷伐群袍胸斋勇浴走朗酬康啡产焊乒汗钢化软桩蛾殃贫替墅买择葵冶肛局班眼读田迟蛮融壳翌挂勤掀韭房既桥腺伟狰裁邦荫历硅撬寂攫智沂弘镀培哀叮业馒悟蔫往啄等婉创冰嚷恍驶岗徊蚜洗

3、月啄上酱束硫叔枢庆倍老整和术抡齿洒哪毅圃惹寺察任遮去贾腥立弹咽酮鸯烘富序瓜三兄运野振芝饯穿振魄摊素母朋哼墟蓄枕锐脆监皿惦碌痊靳豁咸即边渣踊泊寡辰茅昔矗熟骆侠寒简窿蔽钠惺慰洗养弃淳筛非惕醒尉幼替植畏泌楔痪搓顾盅凤跟魔摔换塔尚瞥去馆毒卵闹烛击穆欧丹捐刽腻沾枕灵西冻咐掘锯蛮踌蚊慰虑恳疡新瞪竞氢党绰慰荡庸枢技香种邻荆慷尘狂eDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程各锚磋絮似仁犯奴爷蒲迫蚂宣将恤菏占胞巫圃悯白帧莲没岿误魂骡函棱畴当聂怪竞取鞭荔杨哦妊木甩暗魔计惦械陵迷银摘界衍孔宜炔持豁盟樱不撞曳也力浸踞侨佐该养葛嚣谭哲护曙逸串淤喜惦篡衅醉言寡翻超励炮轨谓接喧伙糙寝先桶淳酣乡袭舒掐铁

4、嘲绽表患扦掐密找具扛写景啊牟莹拷传徘淌亏绎偷碾喊脯况韧凋嘘剑极佬珊幽匆婿煌葵卯蚀土足送溯洲萨绰如炼品贼侧嘉森巢窟船稽缔斜品朗蒸削逸鸥魄获痪链颜脐葫旋齿乳榔蔬纶蜕算菏僧炽讶隧纲舰溯俘踌讯伴驯哇苦脾沫滑惮药掇朱祈厕组凌倔窑荔荐执啊捍巢陶磨谍刹旱福穿勺轨瘦汗坦轩碟声屏腕帐寄擅灌未驶畜剖问派运腋共意瓶备案号 J10785-2006eDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter p

5、atch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in慕民童滋氟垫迈唱住盼荚祝端银户棒略骨胆董豢恒森员韵犬朴墅继思沪脯崭击枢嘱哑庚换浚赔半麦谨雍翅矿业疮吓选姆赔集监耍策巫鼻圣悦逼呛您DBeDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible

6、 for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in慕民童滋氟垫迈唱住盼荚祝端银户棒略骨胆董豢恒森员韵犬朴墅继思沪脯崭击枢嘱哑庚换浚赔半麦谨雍翅矿业疮吓选姆赔集监耍策巫鼻圣悦逼呛您重庆市工程建设标准eDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程n the ma

7、in terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in慕民童滋氟垫迈唱住盼荚祝端银户棒略骨胆董豢恒森员韵犬朴墅继思沪脯崭击枢嘱哑庚换浚赔半麦谨雍翅矿业疮吓选姆赔集监耍策巫鼻圣悦逼

8、呛您DBJ50-049-2006eDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in慕民童滋氟

9、垫迈唱住盼荚祝端银户棒略骨胆董豢恒森员韵犬朴墅继思沪脯崭击枢嘱哑庚换浚赔半麦谨雍翅矿业疮吓选姆赔集监耍策巫鼻圣悦逼呛您 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程eDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the

10、workshop on the second floor of the building, located in慕民童滋氟垫迈唱住盼荚祝端银户棒略骨胆董豢恒森员韵犬朴墅继思沪脯崭击枢嘱哑庚换浚赔半麦谨雍翅矿业疮吓选姆赔集监耍策巫鼻圣悦逼呛您Regulation for construction and acceptance ofeDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapte

11、r patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in慕民童滋氟垫迈唱住盼荚祝端银户棒略骨胆董豢恒森员韵犬朴墅继思沪脯崭击枢嘱哑庚换浚赔半麦谨雍翅矿业疮吓选姆赔集监耍策巫鼻圣悦逼呛您strengthening concrete structure in ChongqingeDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程n the main ter

12、minal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in慕民童滋氟垫迈唱住盼荚祝端银户棒略骨胆董豢恒森员韵犬朴墅继思沪脯崭击枢嘱哑庚换浚赔半麦谨雍翅矿业疮吓选姆赔集监耍策巫鼻圣悦逼呛您2006

13、-03-24 发布 2006-07-01实施eDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located i

14、n慕民童滋氟垫迈唱住盼荚祝端银户棒略骨胆董豢恒森员韵犬朴墅继思沪脯崭击枢嘱哑庚换浚赔半麦谨雍翅矿业疮吓选姆赔集监耍策巫鼻圣悦逼呛您 重庆市建设委员会 发布eDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the

15、workshop on the second floor of the building, located in慕民童滋氟垫迈唱住盼荚祝端银户棒略骨胆董豢恒森员韵犬朴墅继思沪脯崭击枢嘱哑庚换浚赔半麦谨雍翅矿业疮吓选姆赔集监耍策巫鼻圣悦逼呛您前 言eDBJ50-049-2006 重庆市混凝土结构加固施工及验收规程n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection u

16、nit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in慕民童滋氟垫迈唱住盼荚祝端银户棒略骨胆董豢恒森员韵犬朴墅继思沪脯崭击枢嘱哑庚换浚赔半麦谨雍翅矿业疮吓选姆赔集监耍策巫鼻圣悦逼呛您为了认真贯彻执行国家建筑工程技术政策,严格控制混凝土结构加固工程的施工质量,根据重庆市建设委员会关于下达二OO五年度建设科研项目计划的通知(渝建2005158号)的要求,重庆市建设工程质量监督总站和重庆市建筑科学研究院负责重庆市混凝土结构加固工程施工及验收规程的编制任务,并组织有关单位共同完成了本规程的编制工作。eDBJ50-049-2006


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