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1、本单元以 火”为话题展开学习。之前学生涉猎到的相关内容并不多,但在实际生活中使用或 谈论的频率却不低。在本单元中,要求学生能熟练掌握关于用火安全方面的词汇以及相关的消防知识;要求学生能形成良好的用火知识与行为习惯,女口Don t smoke! Don t startcampfires! Don t play near fires! Don t play with m;与此e同时,能运用情态动词 must,mustn来告诫他人形成良好的用火习惯。此外,借助公园火灾的营救方法和远古时代人们 煮食生存的故事学习,说明火的两重性,从而树立正确的用火安全意识。1、各学习项目分析Look and lear

2、n: 核心学习板块,主要进行词汇学习。重点单词有smoke, start, campfire,match 等,核心句型有 Don t smoke! Don t start campfires! Don t play near fires! Don t playwith matches! 等。Ask and answer:以Fire safety为话题,学习含情态动词must, mustn 的问答句,主要包括For fire safety, what mustn t we do? We mustn 等。通过学习,掌握一定的安全用火 的知识,并能在行为上跟进。Look and say:核心学习板块

3、,主要进行句型教学。重点句型有We must / mustn t等。要求学生能用英语表达消防员所宣传的用火安全知识,真正理解单词careful和safety等。Read and match:这是两大核心板块的巩固和提升。利用故事描述和图文配对的形式来巩固新知识,学习公园火灾的营救方法,实现学以致用。Read a story:阅读延伸。通过一则生动、有趣的故事学习,明白远古时代人们用火煮食物 的缘由,明确火在人类历史长河中所起得重要作用。同时,通过故事学习让学生懂得合理安全利用火”的重要意义。Listen and enjoy:这是核心学习板块的延伸。通过阅读相关儿歌,了解遇到火灾的逃生办法,进一

4、步加强对消防安全的认识。Learn the sou nds:语音学习。复习本学期所学的所有音标,强化这些音标的学习,树立音素概念,做到发音准确、到位。2、知识要点介绍1) 学习和熟练掌握重点词汇,如smoke, start, campfire, match, careful, safety等,做到音、形、义的统一。2) 学习并掌握与用火安全有关的祈使句,女口 Don t smoke! Don t start campfires! Don t playnear fires! Don t play with matched!3)熟练运用如下句型:Don tWe must / mustn 来劝诫他人

5、新城良好的行为习惯,如 用火安全等。4 )复习本学期所学的所有音标。3、学生已有的能整合到本单元的知识1)词汇安全用火类:firefighter (4A M2U2)祈使句类: Don t litter. Don t walk on the grass. Don t pick flowers. Don t throw stones. (4A M4U1)2) 句型:Don t Let s (4A M4U1)3) 短文: (4A M2U2)5A Module 4 The natural world Unit 12 FireCon te nts5AM4U3 Look and say (P57)1. T

6、o use imperatives to express prohibiti ons ;2. To use modeled senten ces to express obligati onsAimsand prohibiti ons.3. To use the key words in con text.Teach ing aidsPPT, flash, etc.Teachi ng procedureStepsTeacher sStudent s activitiesPurposeactivitiesPre-taskSay some cha nts about轻快的歌曲为课preparati

7、 onCha ntsthe fires堂营造轻松的氛 围。朗朗上口的衣服 儿歌,为本课埋 下伏笔。While-taskTeach the new1. Ask and an swer:What创设情境,帮助procedure1) Elicit: firecan you see?学生回忆与fire相关的旧知,为 新授内容作铺2. fire fire statio n 119垫。3. firefighter Say a rhyme about从孩子的实际出2) Elicit thefirefighter发,通过flash让con text.1.学生理解本课的Who s aJill s father

8、Mr Xu, a主要学习内容。firefighter?firefighter, is at Rain bowWhere is he?Primary School today. HeWhat s he talkingis talk ing about fire safety.与现实生活有机about?We mustn t smoke=结合。3) Teach: WeWe can t smoke.= No通过句型操练,must nt smoke.smok ing.巩固新知,学会may can must must n ot= must n tWe mustn t play near fires.=We

9、 can t运用。让孩子了解表示 禁止的几种方 式。NoWe mustn t play with学会使用playmatches.with,让学生了It s dangerous.解孩子可以玩些We mustn t play with什么,不可以玩 些什么。4)Teach: FiresIt s dangerous.can start inWe can play withforests, in schooland at home.It s.If a fire happe ns拓展学习内容,whe n you are让学生了解在家sleep ing at home,发生火灾时应该what must w

10、e做的和不应该做do? What mustn t we hear the alarm, we的,同时巩固句we do?must get up quickly.型must和We leave the room. We mustn t take our things.We mustn t take the lift.We must walk dow n themustn t的用法。stairs quickly.用chant的形式We must get out of the继续让学生了解5) Listen an chantbuilding and call 119.火灾时的注意事 项,学生学得快, 记

11、得牢。Say together.Post-taskFill in the bla nksThink and write:对本课的新授单activitiesFill in the words by read ing词进行全面的听the senten ces give n.说读写的巩固。Homework1. Listen and follow P572. Copy the new words on P573. Act out the dialogue with your deskmate.回家作业,听说 读写四方面兼顾 复习。板书设计5AM4U12FireWe mustn t smoke.We mustn t play near fires.We mustn t start campfires.We mustn t play with matches.教 学 反 思


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