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1、2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题21-25问题1选项A.The cause of COPD.B.Harmful effects of smoking.C.D.B.Harmful effects of smoking.C.D.B.Harmful effects of smoking.C.Men more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.D.Women more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.问题2选项A.954B.955C.1909D.1955

2、问题3选项A.On May 18 in San Diego.B.On May 25 in San Diego.C.On May 18 in San Francisco.D.On May 25 in San Francisco.问题4选项A.When smoking exposure is high.B.When smoking exposure is low.C.When the subjects received medication.D.When the subjects stopped smoking.25.问题5选项A.Hormone differences in men and wo

3、men.B.Genetic differences between men and women.C.Womens active metabolic rate.D.Womens smaller airways.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】(21) Woman may be more susceptible to the lung-damaging effect to smoking than men, according to new research by Inga-Cecilie Soerheim, M.D., and her colleagues fr

4、om Chiming Laboratory, Brigham and Women Hospital and University of Bergen Norway. (22) They analyzed the data from the Norwegian case control study, including 954 subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD慢性阻塞性肺疾病)and 955 controls, all the current or ex-smokers. And COPD subject had

5、moderate or severe COPD. Overall analysis indicated the women may be more vulnerable to the effect to smoking, which is something previously suspected but not proven, said Dr.Soerheim. (23) The study results would be presented on May 18, at the 105th international conference of American society in S

6、an Diego. Examining the total study sample, there were no gender differences with respect to lung function (FEVI) and COPD severity, but the women were on average younger and had smoked significantly less than men.To explore these differences further; they also analyzed two subgroups of the study sa

7、mple: COPD subjects under the age of 60 (early onset group) and COPD subjects with less than 20 pack year of smoking (low exposure group). In both subgroups, women had more severe disease and greater impairment of lung function than men.“This means that female smokers in our study experienced reduce

8、d lung function at a lower level of smoking exposure and at an earlier age than men, said Dr. Soerheim.It has long been suspected that the effect of smoking on lung function may be modified by gender. Interaction analysis confirmed that being female represents a higher risk of reduced lung function

9、and severe COPD, (24) but this gender effect of was most pronounced when the level of smoking exposure was low.The gender difference in COPD susceptibility seems to be most important when smoking exposure is low. Women may tolerate small amounts of tobacco worse than men,” Dr. Soerheim explained.Acc

10、ording to Dr. Soerheim, the reason why women may be more susceptible to the effects of cigarette smoke is still unknown, but there are several possible explanations: (25) “Women have small airways, therefore each cigarettes may be more harm. Also there are gender differences in the metabolism of cig

11、arette smoke, genes and hormones could also be important.”21. Whats the most likely the topic of this talk?【解析】从短文录音的第一句便可知道答案:Woman may be more susceptible to the lung damaging effect to smoking than men。因此本题答案为D。22. How many subjects did Dr.Soerheim recruited in the study?【解析】根据录音中.including 954 s

12、ubjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 955 controls可知,总共招录的实验对象(subjects))为954+955=1909,故本题答案为C。23. When and where was Dr.Soerheim present their study results?【解析】根据录音中的.May 18, at the 115 international conference of American directive society in Santiago,可知本题的答案为A。24. Accordi

13、ng to the talk, when is the gender difference most likely to be obviously in COPD sensibility?【解析】从录音中“But this gender reset was most pronounced womens level of smoking exposure was low”可知,当smoking exposure较低时,性别差异最明显。25. Which of the following is not the explanation for womens great susceptibility

14、to the effect of smoking?【解析】从录音最后“Women have small airways, therefore eat cigarettes may do more harm. Also there are gender differences in the metabolism of cigarette smoke, genes and hormones could also be important.”可知,男女的新陈代谢和荷尔蒙差异、女性狭窄的气道都是让女性更容易受到吸烟后果影响的因素,但其中并未说女性比男性的新陈代谢更活跃,因此C正确。2. 单选题9.问题

15、1选项A.Quit smoking.B.Go jogging every morning.C.Work out in the gym.D.Go on a diet.【答案】C【解析】W: Why dont you try smoking one cigarette less each day, as well as going jogging every morning?M: Good idea, but I dont want to go jogging in the street and a treadmill may be a better choice. Im sure trainers at the gym would be able to give me more professional advice.W: That sounds good. There is one near my company. I am its regular member.M: Really? I will go in to have a look.Q: What is the man most likely to do?【解析】细节题。男士说:but I dont want to go jogging in the


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