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1、郑州科技学院专科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于PLC的锅炉自动输煤系统 学生姓名 田 锐 开 专业班级 电气自动化 学 号 所 在 系 电气工程系指导教师 李月英老师 完成时间 年 月 日 基于PLC的锅炉自动输煤系统摘 要 燃煤输送是锅炉运行的一个重要环节,如何保证设备运行的可靠性、减少操作人员与维护人员劳动强度、提高经济效益,成为一个值得研究的课题. 可编程控制器(PLC)是近年来发展极为迅速,应用面极广,以微处理器为核心,集微机技术、自动化技术、通信技术于一体的通用工业控制装置。它具有功能齐全、使用方便、维护容易、通用性强、可靠性高、性能价格比高等优点,已在工业控制的各个领域得到了极为广

2、泛的应用,成为实现工业自动化的一种强有力工具。本文基于OMRON公司的CPMIA PLC,设计了某锅炉供暖输煤控制电气系统。各机械之间均设计安全的联锁保护控制功能:系统中的输煤电机启停是有严格控制顺序的,彼此间有相应的联锁互动关系,当启动某台输煤设备时,从该设备下面流程的最终输煤设备开始向上逐级启动,最后才能使该台设备启动;当停止某台输煤设备或某台设备故障时,从该设备上面流程的源头给煤设备开始向下逐级停车,最后才能使该台设备停止。这样,就保证了上煤传输的正常运行在线控制煤流量,避免了皮带上煤的堆积,也保护了皮带。PLC控制系统硬件设计布局合理,工作可靠,操作、维护方便,工作良好。用 PLC输煤

3、程控系统,不但实现了设备运行的自动化管理和监控,提高了系统的可靠性和安全性,而且改善了工作环境,提高了企业经济效益和工作效率。因此PLC电气控制系统具有一定的工程应用和推广价值。 关键词:锅炉; PLC电气控制系统; 在线控制煤流量Based On PLC,Boiler Automatic Conveying System “Abstract” It is an important link that on-line control of coal flow, how guarantee the credibility that equipments circulate and reduce

4、to operate the personnel and support the personnel the labor strength, raise the economic performance, become a deserve research of topic. Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) is a kind of universal industrial control apparatus which is developed rapidly and used widely in recent years, taking micropr

5、ocessor as its core , integrating microcomputer technology ,automation technology and communication technology. It is applied very diffusely in varied field of industrial control with the characteristics such as all-around functions. Flexible application, well reliability, high ratio of capability a

6、nd price and maintenance and so on, having become a robust tool to realize automation.This paper takes OMRON CPM1A PLC as designing the some large boiler provide warm losing the coal control electricity system.The system can work reliably with property of easy operation and maintenance. The safety l

7、ocks protection control function:In the system of losing the coal electrical engineering have the strict control in moving and stopping, each other has the homologous lock interaction relation, being start some set to lose the coal equipments, from that equipments below process of end lose the coal

8、equipments start heading up pursue class start, then can make finally that set equipments start;When the stop some set loses the coal equipments or some set equipmentses to break down, from that equipments up the source head of the process starts get down for the coal equipments to pursue the class

9、to park the car, then can make that set equipments stop finally.Thus, guaranteed the normal movement that last coal deliver, avoid the leather belt up the pile up of coal, also protected the leather belt. Lose the coal distance to control the system with the PLC, not only carried out the automation

10、management that equipments circulate and supervision, raise the credibility and safeties of the system, but also improved the work environment, raise the business enterprise economic performance and work efficiencies. therefore the system bears certain practical applying significance and popularizin

11、g value . Key words: Boiler; PLC Electrical Control System; On-line control of coal flow 目 录绪论.5第1章 概述. .71.1锅炉系统概况. 71.2输煤系统工艺简介.101.3控制原理.11第二章 方案论证.122.1继电器控制2.2 PLC控制第三章 各器件的选择.16 3.1输煤机的选择.16 3.2破碎机的选择.173.3皮带机的选择.183.4熔断器、电缆截面的选择.183.5接触器的选择.223.6低位煤发生器,压力传感器.23第四章 PLC控制设计.244.1 主电路的设计4.2 PLC的I/O分配表及接线图4.3 梯形图的设计5 系统的常见故障及处理办法第五章 总结.38第六章 结束语.39致谢参考文献.39附录.40绪 论锅炉是工业生产或生活采暖的供热源,按其供热的方式分为蒸汽和热水两种。前者主要用于发电、工业生产及间接供热;后者主要用于生活供暖和生活热水,多用于集中供暖地区及宾馆、饭店。从80年代石横工程全套引进第一台300



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