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1、九年级全册过关测试卷(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)一、完形填空(共1小题;每题分,满分5分)M fate waa elftaugh mandoin(曼陀林琴) payeHe ws on o teet playrs inour twn .He colnot_1_muc,bt if eer une(曲子) ew tie,cold play it.Whe he was yong,hews a_2_of sma oty usba.They played t local anes andth adi stionAt he Dad ftgout s mdoliandplaye forthefamly.

2、W thee hidrn sag on._plae te and lke my fater.Hecould_4_your ertwith th musi that am out f tato mndln eseemdto shie wn h w play.Yu coud sehis_5_n his aityt play o wll for sfamily.Bt Dahad t fidnother6_in afacory late because thenyhe mad tthe bandwan engh_7_upo he yUluckly he had _e day ad oston fngr

3、 cunt play as_s beore.Fromtheo,evey me weakdhito lay,e wod ak up eass o_10our requet.ever,e issed spfrmceo muh.1_,he gred ad said,“Okay,ut reme, cathol own on h strngs(琴弦) th wa I 12_to.”When he played he old andin,it carri us back oa_13_,happytime i ulives.D w hat kid of man,_14_w wh e as ding l hi

4、sf.f e uldve_to othr,h wuld,epeially hisfamilye was alys thee,saricing(牺牲)h tietoseett hisfaily ad enough in tiife(C )1A.expres Brais C.read Dla( B )2.dancer .membr rivr Dried( )3.oy BSomeby .Anbody DEverybdy( B)4.A.shut B.touch Ccovr D.hrt( C)5dou ruh prie orry( )6.Ajob allet .game hob( ).in B.fo .

5、with D.( B )8A.atio B.acidntC.argumn exam( C ).A.dep B.fast CwelDloud(A)10.A.rn on .bre dw C.clse down D.lay down( D)11.A.Narly .Eactl Certainl Dinally( B )2.A.rgrttd Buse Ckept Dpointed(C )3A.carefl B.fogeul Cheerful helpful( )1A.Giig .Receiving CChagig D.Tig( B )15.A.podctin Bleasur .ppo D.patiece

6、二、阅读理解。(共15小题;每题2分,满分30分)A (杭州中考)VITORSATINSHOME CONTACTTYE OF TRIP,Useearc br tofind our erfctri.,Bok or by today for i sain!For re infrmaion,ciERBeac Vacaions If y ant bch vaation,we cane yo achie f omeof tht beuifuleache inthe dhy experinethe sot white ad and carwaer fVnt i the Caribben?Te baches

7、ar perfect,the watis wrm,nd youan relx ayour lxury(豪华) hte.Backpacking rip f ou l to tay i yoth otels(青年旅社) or bd and eafas(& B) on a bacpacingip,we can pnyour trp ad book allurtansprtation and acomdaions(食宿).WithaInRail cd,y catraveceply traneverre n uroe.In Amrca,yocatvel by bus,ypla,rby train.can

8、 hel you find the bestwayto save you mney.To Interested in a to f some gra citis?Try uEsseal uo our!tincldstwo nght iRom,Veice,Lcern,Paris,ad LnonYu travelby pne ad by bus,and wek al t ranem(安排) foryouo stayin thstr ts,eat in fntasicrestrants,andvisit allt ouris shsan usum ith nxpeced guie.Atv Vacat

9、ion Ifyu wan o e active hnyouare on vacation,then ty an tivevacation.Ths fanttic trip offrsuahaetog ountanking,hking and climbig i Lima,ru.You sta in areny gsthous deatfresh loaod Youcan alo bok shot jorneys no erbytowns o vit the its anlocal arkets( B)6Wha cn yu do wn yu go n seniEupeor?AEpienc og

10、waksao th sBVisit musums witha epincuide.Trv by tain erywre in Europe.D.Book tis to viit oal mrkes.(D )17Whichof te followngwil povide you th a cace to o ountain biin?ABeach acais BBcacing TipCTour D.Active Vacations.( C )1.Whowill probby cooBakacin rip?A.A newy maried couplewh wan to o soing.Afaily

11、 wth chlen whd likt enjy food.C. mawhowas topend less oey n a jouney.DA businssma wo pansto stay at a uxury hotl.B (重庆中考)Durgthe Ri Olmpics,oplewesrprised toee he roun,pule marks on teboy f theaousmeicn simer ihaelPelps.What hppne t hi?I fct,hejust visitd a doct f tradiaChinsemeiine(TM) andha“cuppig”(拔火罐)Massage(按摩) n cupncture(针灸) aeto ther imporan kind of TChinese masge ca make y relaxed andfres.nacupuncture,doctor put lngnedles(针) int thepatints has,fcs,amsIttakes awy pan,hough t lok ifunny.TCM is a imprtant prt o Chine ultur.heariest edicl clic in hna,Hugilasic Medine,camou


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