精读4 the damned human race

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1、sson 5P One m-pBackgond InormtioI. Author r-clssrk:What dy knoot ark Twain? Canyunme sme boos he wrote?arkTwain(1835-901) wasbrn Samuel aghorne Cleme Floria, Mssur,but ivd a a ld Hanibal, Missr,on teMisspi Rie. He tookth en nme ark Twain oh caloftheplot on the rivrteaes, which indated tht th water w

2、s twelve fet dep, a sfe dep or a stemr Durinis early as, he red as ierboat pilot, newpaper eotr, printer, and od rospctr.u then he tund o riting, and beam oneof hegreast American witers. His wo hve be immenepoular, and hve bughtm an mle fortune, tusenabn him to dote hs ntr timt literatr.hgh hi popul

3、a imae isas th auh osuch humrs oks The Adventure of To Sayer ad The Adventures of Huckberyinn Twin had e ohersi ha mhavesuled fromthe bittr eriences f his fe: iancal ailure n the eahofh wie an dugtrs.His last wriings are savag,air, and esimisticTe penttext is aken f Letes fromhe Eart, one lte works.

4、l he Ceeratd Jmig Fro o Clavera Cuntry卡拉维拉斯县有名旳跳娃l Th ncet Aoad傻瓜出国记16 Aseris f newsapr cles afer hi Eroatrip later was pbishedashboo. texploethe rupulous iiidlis na world f fantsti speulatinand unstle le, ad ives tname o the get-rich-quick ersfthe ps Cil Warera. 傻子出国记为通讯集,是马克吐温旳旅欧报道。写天真无知旳美国人在欧洲旳旅游

5、见闻,滑稽、诙谐,体现出美国人在欧洲封建社会傻子出国记为通讯集,是马克吐温旳旅欧报道。写天真无知旳美国人在欧洲旳旅游见闻,滑稽、诙谐,体现出美国人在欧洲封建社会及其印记面前旳优越感。 l T ilded ge镀金时代l he dventures of om Saw汤姆索亚历险记8本书描写了十九世纪密西西比河畔一种小镇人民旳生活,可以说是当时美国社会生活旳一种缩影。小主人公汤姆索亚和他旳小伙伴幼稚而又认真旳言行可以给我们很深旳启示他们讨厌牧师骗人旳鬼话不喜欢学校枯燥旳教育与循规蹈矩旳大人和孩子唱对台戏他们聪颖活泼正直勇敢特别是在某些重大事件发生旳时候在正义与邪恶一较劲中在危机来临旳时刻他们能义无

6、反顾地挺身而出。 l Th PineathePaupe王子和贫儿182l he Advetues ofHucbrry inn哈克贝利费恩历险记185In tis book,Fiwaboy with “a sound heartan deformed conscince”It isone of e s oksprodced b Mark Tin,adi has alws en rgarded as oe fthe gea b fwesern iterature and western civilzaton. Hemingwy escibedt as te okfrom wic“ll modern

7、Aercn literaue coes”. 本书讲述旳是一种忍受不了“资产阶级生活方式”和酗酒旳爸爸旳毒打而离家出走旳白人孩子哈克,和一种逃亡旳黑奴吉木,同乘一种木筏,在密西西比河上漂流旳见闻和遭遇。全面、彻底地揭发资本主义政治旳所谓“自由和民主”旳神话。is writin style: hilaisly huors bitery srcalis languae is pure n elvaed, exct hen it ncessary to ue the lanuage oclasses o epreset cetai characts The wrl s bondo lauhs long

8、 as hs work e pt pint.Tex Apreiati1eeTrough the aalys ofvaroustraitsad ispoitonhmanbins asctrstedt the“highernims”,te auhor find that me av desened andgenerate huthor writsabot ugly human rats andsposition. In hs opnion, umn eingre ot scendedro the loe nmals ut descendd o the her anis. th s a humois

9、a as n essayst of serisidea, arkTwainis a powerful wite e is n onst and torug citi w lways brigs a eshperspctive o hgswhich are to en takefor graned.re toisanad, “Th Dme umn ace” iswonderuly tot-povoin and humane.To hava bter nderstanding of th essay,its erhs nessato o back tohe 90s,a period hih was

10、 ark and gloomy or MakTwain.Fisto ll, becueofunwie ivestment, e went bankupt. nin rder t pa offhscreiors, h ndeka round-tewol sakin uraimeat maing somn e ha almt cmpletdit when he larn t hifavorie daughter, Sus,had die. Thiwa a erribl blwfo him. Bfre e ou recoverfrom ths, hsbeoved ife, hoha beenhi i

11、rstaerndchief sor fothe 4 years o thimarrd lif, diedtoo. ith er deah, wring o hi was ssntiall ver. e beame mre andore itte and hs ast witing were savagly satrical.Many blee herfor at ts chaneof moas reflected in teesay was mainlydue toh auorspersoltrgeis. But thee arelseius scholars whothink hat mor

12、e impotat reasons had t o wt thehoe soal acrounthe threedcaes afterthe Cil Waof te UnitState ere chactrizd byc-hrot competition, child aorand set hops, robr aro andlbor rts, corruptio adunthical businsspraces preadofthejngle awand acial coits and impeialstwrs. To MrkTwain,who had always been conedwth th olem of the hman conscien,esethngs reealed the terrble deficieieof thuan race. Toremdy tis epoabl stuation, he bgan tuse hs pen as a shrp lc first t pire tebolsof uman pomsiy.Howver,it iswrn o thnk ha Mak Twainis smistcor


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