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1、七年级英语下期中测试卷笔试部分(10分)一、单选。从A、B、D三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(10分)、Cn yu sig?_.A Ye,I a. . Yes, I do. C.,I cant. D Ye,a littl.2 . e wats to joinhe _ ubHe can _ ches.A. s ; laythe. ess ;lay C.chessi ; play D che;plas th3.Jimoftn gets_ hool ateih andgts _ me aieA. ; B to;to C. ; to D. to;4.Wa do yu usual d_ Sunay

2、 moigs.A. nB. . . o.D. fr.5Le o home_ 6:00 .A. t B.inConD. around6.How d ouusally go tschool? I sualy go t schoo _.A.bymyk Bby besC.b bike D. bya bike7.How do ou_ there? Iakthe traA. reah toB. t toC. arrivD arrive in8. _ply ompter mes fershol.A. CntB . NotD .9 Dont ru in he allays. _, nt o tagain.Sr

3、 B. Ecuse C. Thayou D. No0. _do ou iendas _ty are cute.Why;ecause B. Wy; o C Wha; becae D.hat;S二、单词拼写。(10分)1、-wht ae yu?I amwching TV. Cesing ?-es,he can.3She etsuearlyeverymrig4.s go to the . Iwant to see the ands.5.-Woyouant to s thmonkeysBecaue thyrecute.er mothe s(年轻的) ad bautifl.7im, yououl(洗)

4、ourshoesyursef.8ansh(画)?9fathealwas(讲诉;告诉) me totudy hrd10Dnt(穿,戴)ahati heclassroom, bos.三、词形变换。(10分)1.Hi ise sully _ (ae) hwe 8:0 n theevnin2._(o) yourparns_ (r) vy y?3.I ae bs_(go)toscool .4.owout_ (ake)a bo school?.Sh_(otdo)her omework very day.6.IttakeTo anhou _ (finsh) his hmew.7._(do)yor howok

5、efor dner8.Lets_(ee)the anda rst.9Chie people re grea n _(friend)10Lok! you sister _(do)her howok.四、情景交际。(共5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A:Hllo, Jane.B:, illie 1.():I am eaingstorybok, but it orin. Wt up(怎么了)?B:oyo want og shopg with me ?:2. ()What doyou wn touy?B:3.() You kow I always

6、ov skrs.A:That irue Youre butful kirts:4()A:5()B:Wt abot 2:0?A:OK.A: Sure. I oveshoppig.B: I dont lie a all:Tnk yuD. he do you want tgo?E: ha reo i now?F: r,I dont know.G: I want tob skrt.五、选择对的的单词填空。(0分)having, ,playi, din(挖), ant, writig, redig, asing, ar,eatigi, Jhn,We re 1. a hptme on hoia e mee

7、llyu ht were ing t he moment. Im 2aostard(明信片) Its a stcard to you! Myrother 3.Saili(扬帆). My sisteri . hole(洞) on bac(沙滩).Myfhrs5.ook andmy otheris6anie cram. I 7.an icecrea, too!M auntand nle8.alsoer M uncle 9football o the beh.My aunt is10some ppl fr u icnic.See yu oo!Yours,LiLei六、完形填空(10分)Thre is

8、 bi 1. _ iour city.We cn seemany _ there.A(n) 3_,the biggestanial on land(陆地) ialso lig there. any 4_y(飞) h s(天空).Some beuful ducks(鸭子) alway 5. _ te iver. Wa ae t i the trees?O ,ty a6 The lke 7. _le(树叶).They r froAusla Arnt thy cte?her atiger n thecge8. _ the tree . Ieats a lo fmatevery dy.I lketh

9、. _ best becausit es ly inChina a t is the smo o 10._.( ).A.pakB.zooC. allD. schol( ) 2A.esB.tudets. foodD.animals()3A.nBgrafe lphntD ca( ) 4 . AbrsB. fC. tigersogs( )5. . flyB. swimC.v.sleep( )6 A epan. igersC koaas. ns( ) 7 . A. eatingB. eatC.to killD.killing() .A.nB.C. derD. ver( )9ArafeB tigerC

10、.pandaD lon() 1.A.smrB .scary. cu fiendl七、阅读理解。(共25分)(A)篇Daviomes from the S, ut nw h sin China. H es patabout sx tweny ad e ekfst at senolock. Afe bakfas, he says goodto hparentsand leve at seve thity. Husll walks to schoo. eestscoolatenffy-fie. Hhas i frst clas at eight.Mornin clsssfiih attwlad heats nc at telve n. After unh, heh



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