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1、全日制硕士专业学位研究生学位论文移动近红外珍稀木材鉴别云服务系统的设计与实现作 者 姓 名:指 导 教 师:专业学位名称:农业推广硕士专业学位领域:农业信息化研 究 方 向:近红外光谱技术所 在 学 院:信息工程学院论文提交日期:浙 江 农 林 大 学20XX年X 月 X 日摘要摘要近红外光谱技术在木材品种鉴别方面的应用已经有了大量的研究。在实验室环境中,近红外光谱技术结合化学计量学中一些常见的定性分析方法已经能够很好的将指定的某几类范围内的木材进行区分和识别,并且具有较高的正确率。传统的近红外光谱设备体积庞大,只能固定架设在实验室中,分析材料只能运送到实验室进行采谱分析,这限制了近红外光谱野


3、dows Forms 应用程序和 Android 应用程序,开发了相应的近红外珍稀木材检测客户端,客户端应用程序连接了近红外设备能够实现操控设备以获取光谱数据,客户端还负责和云端服务器沟通,把待计算的光谱数据通过网络传给服务端程序计算并接受返回结果。设备的轻便性有利于实现近红外光谱采集的移动野外作业,而云端的计算则克服了移动设备如 Android 手机计算能力较弱,耗时较久的问题。本文中研究和实现的内容分为四大部分:1)珍稀木材近红外光谱计算模型(SIMCA 分类判别预测模型)的构建;2)采用 ASP.NET API 的服务端编程技术构建云端服务程序;3)面向 Windows 系统并且适用于触

4、控平板操作设计体验的 WindowsForms 客户端程序开发实现;4)面向 Android 移动操作系统客户端程序开发实现。该系统的设计和实现针对解决传统近红外光谱分析技术在生产应用中的缺陷提供了一种有效的方案。关键词: 云服务,近红外光谱,珍稀木材鉴别,Windows Forms,AndroidIABSTRACTABSTRACTThe application of near infrared spectroscopy in the identification of wood varieties has been a lot of research. In a laboratory env

5、ironment, some qualitative analysis method based on near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics, has been able to well specified separation and identification of some species within the wood, and has high accuracy.The near infrared spectrum detection equipment of large volume, it can only be placed

6、in the laboratory, analysis of materials can only be transported to the laboratory for spectral analysis, which limits the application of near infrared spectroscopy and moving ability of working out. To establish an analytical model for the near infrared spectrum analysis of a certain field or produ

7、ct, This process is consumption of manpower, the modeling cycle is very long, the modeling cost is very high, but also by the modeling procedure of programming language restrictions, can not be ported to different platforms, these shortcomings restrict the popularization and application of this tech

8、nology.Combined with the above background, this paper proposed and designed a set of mobile near infrared rare wood identification cloud service system based on the research results of the present stage in the field of wood identification. The system uses the previous exploration of near infrared sp

9、ectroscopy in wood identification field, combined with the concept of cloud computing and cloud server program development technology, put forward a kind of from near infrared equipment to the client, the client program to the server, the three layer architecture. The identification model of the rar

10、e wood is deployed to the cloud, exposing the interface to provide client access. Then, based on the Forms Windows application and Android application, the corresponding near infrared rare wood detection client is developed. The client application connects the near infrared device, which can control

11、 the device to obtain the spectral data. The client is also responsible for the communication with the cloud server, the spectrum data to be calculated through the network to the server program to calculate and accept the return results. The portability of the equipment is conducive to the realizati

12、on of near infrared spectrum acquisition of mobile field operations, while the cloud computing has overcome the mobile devices such as Android mobile computing power is weak, time-consuming problem.The research and implementation of the content of this paper is divided into four parts: 1) SIMCA clas

13、sification discriminant prediction calculation model of rare wood near infrared spectroscopy; 2) build the cloud server application based on ASP.NET API; 3) Windows Forms client program construction and suitable for touch panel operation design experience; 4) Android client application construction.

14、 The design and implementation of this system provides an effective solution to solve the defect of traditional near infrared spectroscopy technology in the production and application.Key words: Cloud service, near infrared spectroscopy, rare wood identification , Windows Forms,AndroidII目录目录摘要 .IABSTRACT .II1绪论.51.1研究背景 .



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