高中英语 Unit4 Body language单元测试3 人教版必修4

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料必修四 Unit 4Body language单元测试3笔试部分:I. 单项选择1. Susan, _ university student from Europe, teaches me _ art in her spare time. A. an; / B. a; the C. an; the D. a; / 2. Tyron was very angry, but cool-headed enough to _ rushing into the bosss office. A. prevent B. avoid C. protect D. allow 3.

2、On this map what does a star _?A. tell B. represent C. say D. mean 4. I first met Mr Smith in America. He _ at Stanford University then.A. studied B. had studied C. is studying D. was studying5. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _, our minds are developed by learning.A. Possibly B. Lik

3、ely C. Similarly D. Generally 6. _, most teenagers now listen to rock music. However, John likes classical music better.A. In a word B. In general C. In time D. In total 7. He tried to _ answering any question the journalist asked.A. avoid B. leave C. defeat D. miss 8. _ we move the picture over the

4、re? Do you think it will look better?A. If only B. What if C. As if D. Even if 9. _ different kinds of pianos, the factory is sure they can satisfy peoples needs.A. To produce B. Being produced C. Produced D. Having produced10. The letter “X” can be used _ an unknown number. A. to expressingB. to ex

5、press C. expressing D. expression 11. The Big6 Model is one _ to teaching information literacy skills.A. attitude B. appearance C. approach D. altitude 12. _, the teacher asked whether anyone wished to ask a question. A. Finishing his lecture B. To finish the lecture C. Having finished his lecture D

6、. Finished the lecture 13. Its a very interesting book. _. And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long. A. Im glad you like it. B. Thats all right. C. Dont mention it. D. I hope you like it. 14. When was it that you got home last night? It _ around nine oclock when I drove back home, for

7、it was very dark. A. must have been B. had to be C. was to be D. must be 15. People are encouraged to speak openly, but careless words are _ to hurt others feelings.A. possible B. probable C. likely D. sureII 完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。An elderly carpenter (木匠) was ready to retir

8、e. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to _16_ the house-building business to live a more leisurely life with his wife and 17 his extended family. He would18 the paycheck each week, 19 he wanted to retire. They could get by (survive). The contractor (订约人) was 20 to see his good worker go &

9、asked if he could build just one more house as a 21 . The carpenter said yes, but over time it was easy to see that his 22 was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used 23 materials. It was an 24 way to end a dedicated career. When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came

10、 to 25 the house. Then he handed the 26 to the carpenter and said, This is your house. my gift to you.The carpenter was 27 ! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so 28 . So it is with us. We build 29 , a day at a time, often putting 30 our best

11、into the building. Then, with a shock, we 31 we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently.But, you cannot 32 . You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Someone once said, Life is a do-it-yourself pr

12、oject. Your 33 , and the choices you make today, help build the house you will live in tomorrow. 34 , build 35 !16. A. leaveB. leadC. avoidD. gain17. A. dependB. cheerC. enjoyD. satisfy18. A. depend onB. receiveC. benefit fromD. miss 19. A. soB. butC. whenD. even if20. A. sorryB. gladC. disappointed

13、D. cheerful21. A. serviceB. personal favourC. workD. good end22. A. curiosityB. energyC. heartD. patience23. A. less goodB. bestC. solidD. valuable24. A. rudeB. wiseC. wonderfulD. unfortunate 25. A. sellB. buyC. inspectD. admire26. A. house B. front-door keyC. giftD. award27. A. shocked B. satisfied

14、C. sillyD. tired28. A. secretlyB. rapidlyC. willinglyD. differently 29. A. our housesB. our livesC. our buildingD. our work30. A. less thanB. more thanC. no more thanD. no less than31. A. promiseB. decideC. realizeD. consider32. A. throw awayB. apologizeC. go aheadD. go back 33. A. characterB. attitudeC. forceD. honesty34. A. Therefore B. Howeve


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