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1、标题: CNN 新闻在线收听附字幕 (2013-06-22)听力内容:I am John King in credence of Cooper. Welcome to the podcast.我是 John King, 欢迎来到播客节目The premature death and awesome career of James Gandolfini. Lets get started.让我们首先来看看英年早逝,成就非凡的James Gandolfini.James Gandolfini, one of Americas best actors and the man who brought

2、Americas best known fictional gangster live, has died. According to HBO and his managers he was in Roma on vacation when he suffered was believed to have been a heart attack. There are other reports sayit may have been a stroke. Gandolfini just 51 while played from character actor on Broadway and th

3、e big screen then to superstar, playing mob boss, Tony Soprano. We will be talking tonight to people who knew him, who admired his work and who watched this New Jersey native become a kind of folk hero on the Garden State and around the world.James Gandolfini 是美国最棒的演员之一,他饰演的黑帮人物,惟妙惟肖。 如今已离开人世。 据 HBO

4、 消息,他的经理说他在罗马度假时, 心脏病突发。 也有报道称可能是中风。 Gandolfini 只有 51 岁。他从百老汇饰演小角色,到登上大银幕,然后成为巨星,饰演黑帮老大 Tony Soprano. 我们今晚会和认识他的人,欣赏他作品的人,以及看着他成长为新泽西这个花园 之州和世界英雄的人们进行谈话。First lets begin the discussion with Larry King who joins us by phone tonight, Bonnie Fuller, editor in chief for H, and our chief medical correspo

5、ndent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.首先今晚让我们电话连线 Larry King, Bonnie Fuller-好莱坞生活网的主编以及我们的首席记 者 Sanjay Gupta.Dr. Gupta, I want to begin with you. We need to be careful. Were just getting this information in. But 51 years old, three months short of 52 years old, indications are heart attack or a stroke. What would

6、your questions be?Gupta, 我想先喝你聊聊。我们要言行谨慎。我们刚刚得到这个消息。但是 51 岁,差三个月 就满 52 岁了,迹象表明是心脏病或者中风。你对此有什么问题?Well, clearly this is young to have a heartattack. Even you look at the, you know any preexisting health conditions. The average of some having a first heart attack, if this is in fact what were talking a

7、bout, is usually in the mid-60s. But you know John, as you suggesting, I think its very important here. There is very limited information that weknow and so I think medical personnel people who were trying to figure this out on the ground there are going to want to know, thereare other potential ris

8、k factors here? If it wasnt a fact heart disease, heart attack typically cause something known as a cardiac arrest. The heart attack itself usually caused because youare not getting enough blood flow to the heart. But what can cause death is when the heart as result of that starts to go into abnorma

9、l rhythms. But there are other things that can cause abnormal rhythms as well. Did he have some sort of preexisting condition that he didnt know about whether medication and drugs in his system at the time of this? 嗯,很显然,这个年纪就心脏病突发,也太年轻了。即使想想这种病,你也知道会有一些以 前就存在的征兆, 平均心脏病突发死亡的案例一般来说之前有都有过心脏病突发。 如果真的 是

10、这样,也通常在 60好几的时候病发。但是你知道,John,就像你说的那样。这点非常地重要。我们所知道的消息有限,所以我认为那些医疗人员在这基础上找原因时,也想知道,是 不是也有其他潜在的风险因素?如果那不是心脏病, 心脏病突发通常造成的是心跳停止。 心 脏病突发本身是因为你没有足够的血供给心脏。但是引起死亡的是,发生了那种情况之后, 会出现不正常的心跳节奏。 但是有其他的东西也可以造成不正常的心跳。 他之前有没有一些 他自己都不清楚的征兆,在那个时候是否有药物在他的身体里面?You are also hearing the notion, was there a stroke involved

11、? Could that have been because of poor blood flowed to the brain at the same time its the problem with the heart. So, there are a lot of things that we still as you suggesting again, John, we need to figure out but this is young for really, you know, a first-time heart attack, certainly a first-time

12、 stroke, and theres a lot of questions still to be answered.你们也听说了,也有人说是中风?那是不是因为回流到大脑的血不通畅同时又是心脏的问 题?所以就想你说的那样, 有很多东西还需了解, 但是对于第一次心脏病突发来说, 当然第 一次中风来说就死亡,这个年纪太年轻了。还有很多问题需要解答。Dr. Gupta, please stay with us. Larry King joins us now on the telephone.Gupta 医生请和我们保持联系。 Larry king 要和我们电话连线。Larry, 51 years

13、 old, as Ive said, threemonths short of 52. A man who had, had many, many roles but then became a super star with Tony Soprano. You sat across the table from him many times, aman with a great sense of humor, a man who loved what he did and appeared verymuch to love life.Larry 他 51 岁,就像我说的差 3 个月到 52

14、岁。他扮演过很多角色,但是扮演 Tony Soprano 成为超级巨星。 你和他吃过很多次饭,也知道他是一个很有幽默感,热爱自己的事业,热爱生活的人吧。He sure was, John. He was a great guy. Alittle ominous that were having - Im in Vegas and the last time I saw Mr.Gandolfini was in Vegas. We were at a dinner together honoring Muhammad Ali.Were at the same table. And he was

15、a great fan of Muhammad Ali. As I just, I told Erin Burnett that a man next to him at the table had bid on this cruise over like $250,000 and invited James to go with him and he said, of course, Ill go.是的,Joh n。他是一个很好的人,有点邪门的是,我在Vegas我最后一次看到他是在Vegas.我们在一个纪念拳王阿里的晚宴上。在同一桌。他是拳王阿里的超级粉丝。就像我刚告诉Erin Burnet

16、t的一样,坐在桌旁的一个男的投了25万美元买下了这艘游轮,邀请James和他一起去。他回答说: “当然。我会去。 ”He was exuberant. He was lively. Its very, very sad to hear. I heard Sanjay said, I had my heart attack when I was 53. And so Ive outlived that a long time. So I think all the heart attacks can occuring your 50s, and he did, Sanjay, you know, he did, he loved his food and he was not, he didnt push back from the table.他这个人很有精神,听到这个消息很悲伤,我听到 S


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