Unit 5 Seasons[12]

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《Unit 5 Seasons[12]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 5 Seasons[12](6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Seasons胡庄中心小学 史小进Teaching contents: Story time Teaching aims:1. To be able to listen, read and say the new words: spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool and cold. 2. To be able to listen, read and say the useful expressions: We like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In , it is warm/hot/co

2、ol/cold. We (具体活动)3. To be able to understand and read the poem, try to act it with the guide and help of the teacher.Teaching focus & difficulties:1. To be able to listen, read and say the useful expressions: spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool and cold. /We like spring/summer/autumn/wi

3、nter. In , it is warm/hot/cool/cold. We (具体活动)2. To be able to understand and read the poem, try to act it with the guide and help of the teacher.Teaching preparation:PPTTeaching procedures:Step 1 Enjoy a song.(播放flash 动画) Seasons songSpring, summer, autumn, winter, autumn and winter.Spring, summer,

4、 autumn, winter, autumn and winter.Oh, do you like spring? Yes, I do.Do you like winter?No, I dont.Spring, summer, autumn,winter, autumn and winter.Spring, summer, autumn,winter, autumn and winter.T: Whats this song about?引出新授单词seasonT: How many seasons are there in a year?T: What are they?新授季节类单词sp

5、ring, summer, autumn, winter.【设计意图】这首季节歌,内容简单,重点词汇突出,用这首歌导入本课的学习,直入主题。Step 2 Play a game.Rules(规则):快速读出你看到的单词或图片。看到,就拍手。(课件呈现图片或单词 spring, flower, autumn, kite, spring, fish , park, boat, river, lake, winter, snowman, autumn, draw pictures, jump, run, winter, snowman, summer, hot, swim, eat,drink, w

6、atermelon, summer, ice cream, snowman, winter, play football, play basketball, skate, snowman)【设计意图】既巩固了上面的新授季节类单词,又复习了各季节活动类词组所需用的一些单词,为后续的学习做好语言支撑。Step 3 Go to the park.1.T:What season do we usually make snowmen?Ss: In winter.T: In winter, we make snowmen.通过上一个游戏引出snowmen,教学make snowmen.2 .T: What

7、 season comes after winter?Ss: Spring.T: Its spring now. Lets go to the park, OK?T:What can you see in the park?由图片中kite, boat, picnic, hill, 分别引出词组fly kites, go boating, have picnics, go climbing的学习。【设计意图】通过上一环节的游戏引出make snowmen,然后去公园春游,用what can you see in the park? 引出go boating, go climbing, have

8、 picnics, fly kites四个新授活动类词组。本节课的教学内容是本单元的Story time, 是一首描写四季的完整的小诗。由于是本单元的第一课时,学生在学习之前,肯定在语言上有些困难,所以在进入Story time 学习之前,我在这里先进行适当的铺垫,铺垫小诗中要呈现的一些较难的会影响孩子去明白整篇小诗的活动类词组,而如go swimming, go skating这类较简单的词组则放置课文情境中去学习。 Step 4 Story time1. 课件呈现story time 孩子们春天在公园玩的图片T: Look! Its spring. The children comes t

9、o the park, too. T: What do they do in the park?S: They fly kites and go boating.根据学生回答,板书 spring, fly kites, go boating. 【设计意图】通过上一环节去公园春游,自然过渡到Story time的学习。2.Watch and matchT:What do the children do in other seasons? Lets watch the cartoon.播放 flash 动画引导学生配对归纳: summer have picnics go climbing autu

10、mn eat ice creams go swimmingwinter make snowmen go skating 同时新授 go swimming, go skating.Tip: go+ing 表示从事某项体育运动或娱乐活动。拓展:go fishing 去钓鱼 go running 去跑步 go skiing 去滑雪【设计意图】通过让学生看动画配对,初步感知理解小诗。有了前面环节的语言铺垫,配上生动的动画、图片,学生能较轻松地完成配对任务。3. Read and underline.T: We make snowmen in winter. Its great fun. I want

11、to make a snowmen. Can I do it now?S: No.T: Why?引导学生回答:Its warm in spring. T: We do different things in different seasons. Why? Read and underline the key words, please.学习天气类词汇warm, hot, cool, cold. 引导学生说出不同季节做不同活动的原因,如 In spring , it is warm. We fly kites. We go boating.T: The weather is different

12、in different seasons. So we do different things in each season.【设计意图】通过交谈引导学生思考为什么不同的季节有着不同的活动,自然引入天气类词汇的学习, 接着引导学生说出不同季节做不同活动的原因,如 In spring , it is warm. We fly kites. We go boating. 教学环节层层递进,学生在深入理解文本的同时语言框架进一步丰富。4. Read after the tape.T:Do the children like the four seasons?S: Yes.T: Do you like

13、 them? T: When you read the poem, you should read with emotion! 当你朗读诗歌时,应该有感情地朗读! Tip: 跟读模仿,注意语音和语调。5. Try to dub.6. Read and act.四人小组,有感情地诵读小诗,表演小诗。【设计意图】在学生理解课文之后,教师采用体验式跟读模仿、为动画配音、诵读、表演的形式,有助于学生带着感情体会人物的心情,学生在模仿、配音、诵读和表演中更好地理解和内化了所学语言,为下面的语言输出打下坚实基础。Step 5 Compose a poem四人小组,每人选取一个季节的图片,并根据图片创编小诗

14、。My favourite poem(给学生一个模板,交流展示)I like_.It is_.In_ ,it is_.I_.I_.I am very happy. Key words:warm, cold, hot, cool, sunny go to the park/ the zoogo swimming, go climbing, go fishing, go skiing, go boating, go running, go skating, play football, play basketball, draw pictures, eat watermelons, eat ice

15、 creams , drink orange juice, fly kites, ride bikes, have picnics, make snowmenon the river/lake wear beautiful skirts, catch butterflies【设计意图】在拓展环节,教师设计相对真实的情景,提炼文本核心句型,结合课文核心话题,给出Key words, 让学生创编小诗,为学生提供了语言输出的平台。有了基本句型知识的辅助和稳固的语言支撑,教师就可以由扶到放,学生的语言输出也会水到渠成。Step 6 Do a summary.T: Today we are very happy.Love seasons, love nature and love colorful life!Step 7 Homework.1. Listen and read the poems with emotion, try to recite them.2. Introduce your favourite season to y


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