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1、翻译标准以合同为例:常见用词 (词组):.include but not limited to. 包括但不限于.as required by Party A 按甲方的要求as agreed by both parties 按双方约定as agreed herein (in the Contract) 按合同约定重大 significant/severe 不得超过 shall not exceed 满足条件 meet the condition履行义务 perform obligations应按.的要求 as required by .须 shall不得 shall not可 may如果/万一/

2、如遇/在的情况下 In case of + noun, 或 In case + clause, 但法律、法规另有规定的除外 , unless otherwise specified (in relevant laws and regulations).未经甲方同意,Prior to consent of Party A,常见标准语句:根据中华人民共和国相关法律、法规之规定,在遵循公平原那么的根底上,经双方当事人协商一致,订立本合同。In accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China,

3、 this Contract is formulated on a fair basis upon the agreement between both parties. 甲方未满足提款条件时的放款,不构成乙方的履约瑕疵。In case of loan when Party A fails to meet the conditions for draw-down, it is not deemed as a performance defect of Party B. 甲方提前还款应当提前十个工作日向乙方提出书面申请,Party A, in case of repayment in advan

4、ce, shall make the request to Party B in written form within ten (10) working days in advance.在甲方完全履行了本合同为其设定的义务、满足提款条件的前提下,乙方应如期足额向甲方发放贷款。In case Party A has fully performed obligations herein and met draw-down conditions, Party B shall grant the loan in full amount as scheduled.注:1. 从中文粘贴过来的时候要注意调整标点符号的格式,还有括号 2. 做表格的时候 只翻译过来还不够 可以尽量调一下表格大小 让里面的字体排放得美观 两边当然尽量与上下的文字同齐To be continued


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