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1、高二英语期末测试一、单项填空1. Simon wont like it, you know. Can you change its color? ! I dont care what he thinks.A. No way B. By all means C. No problem D. Its out of question2. I would appreciate , to be frank, if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. A. it B. this C. one D. that3. Ji

2、m spends lots of time playing video games, but he still well in exams. Not all video games are bad. A. expands B. contributes C. performs D. responds4. Lets go out of the classroom to enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine at weekends, which is really to both our health and study. A. available B. adap

3、table C. alternative D. beneficial5. The hotels modern decoration, convenient location and considerate service could give you a(n) _of one great experience. A. guarantee B. procedure C. instruction D. consideration6. When we returned home, the house was in a mess and looked as if a bomb on it. A. dr

4、ops B. had dropped C. has dropped D. dropped7. Mrs. Brown, this is Dr. Smith. How is that new tooth? Not so good, doctor. Thats Im calling about. It just doesnt seem to fit right. A. how B. why C. when D. what8. Our school is planning to hold an art festival from October 12th to 18th, a whole week.

5、A. lasting B. to be lasted C. lasted D. being lasted9. As we can see from the survey, computers 5% of the countrys commercial electricity consumption. A. belong to B. let off C. account for D. assist in10. I saw him, I recognized that he was the very suspect the police were looking for. A. Currently

6、 B. Shortly C. Immediately D. Constantly11. Mary, Im terribly sorry. I really to hurt you. Shall we forget all about it? OK, we can drop it this time, but dont do it again. A. dont mean B. didnt mean C. wont mean D. havent meant12. It is said that 1,500 guests have already stayed in the 5-star hotel

7、 three times more than_. A. expecting B. being expected C. expected D. to be expected13. What a terrible accident! It led to 36 deaths. If everybody the rules, the roads would be safer. A. obeys B. will obey C. had obeyed D. obeyed14. the fact that trips to Korea are comparatively cheap, the country

8、 is very popular with Chinese tourists. A. Due to B. According to C. Apart from D. Regardless of15. both teachers and students raise safety awareness, an evacuation exercise (逃生演练) will be held in our school this Friday. A. Helping B. Having helped C. To help D. Helped二、完形填空I have eyes that are said

9、 to be “cow brown”, and my long golden hair is my best feature. Im relatively happy with my 16 , but where did I 17 it? Do I share the same features with some stranger? Oftentimes, while walking down the street, I 18 to pick out that stranger, 19 that one of the women I pass could possibly be my bio

10、logical mother.I never 20 my birth mother. I was adopted the moment I was born, and I was taken into a wonderful family. I was never dissatisfied with my 21 ; I just never stopped 22 what it would be like to have been 23 by my biological mother.One day, I came across a poem on the nursery wall. It c

11、ompared adoption to a 24 planted by one person and then 25 by another. The second person watered the seed and made it 26 to be tall and beautiful. I found it compared 27 to my situation.I realized that my mom had made me who I am today, no matter what either of us looks like. I started to 28 that we

12、 had the same personality and the same way of treating people, along with some other things. She held my hand every time I got a 29 at the doctors. Shed been smiling in the 30 for my first school play. Shed been there for everything that ever 31 , and what could compare to that? Shes my mom.Sometime

13、s, people comment on how much we look alike, and we turn to each other and 32 , forgetting until that moment that it wasnt she who carried me in her body for ten months. 33 I may not know why I look the way I do, I know why I am who I am. The mom I have now is the 34 one I ever could have hoped for,

14、 not only because she gives me much unconditional love, but because she has 35_who I am today, my qualities and characteristics. 16. A. career B. appearance C. family D. education17. A. find B. collect C. get D. learn18. A. start B. promise C. ask D. try19. A. imagining B. agreeing C. proving D. stating20. A. expected B.


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