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1、基础题型混合练(一)建议用时:35分钟I. 单项填空1. (2014 南京模拟)Hisovercame him and he returned the books he had taken from the bookshop.A. compete neeB. con scie neeC. cooperati onD. con versati on2. (2014 江阴模拟)In this age of information overload and abundance, those who get ahead will be the folks whofigure out what to,

2、so they can concentrate on what s important to them.A. work outB. bring outC. leave outD. carry out3. (2014 山东济南外国语学校模拟)一What were you saying just now?. Let s get dow n to the En glish speak ing con test tomorrow.A. Don t mention itB. Take it easyC. That s all right D. Forget it4. Dean refused to jo

3、in in the game, we all did our best to persuade him.A. even thoughB. only ifC. in caseD. now that5. When the sick mother got up, she was surprised to find that her six-year-old daughter in the kitchen.A. had cookedB. has cookedC. was cook ingD. cooked6. As Mrs. Roosevelt put, I ather light a candle

4、than complain about the darkness.A. itB. thatC. thisD. them7. Jack, look! Everybody is doing homework quietly. you make a no ise in class?A. CouldB. ShallC. WillD. Must8. She got stuck in a terrible traffic jam on the freeway to Shanghai, or she dinner with her family now.A. will be havi ngB. would

5、be havi ng C. is havi ngD. was havi ng9. It is reported that very little use of these waste materials in the past decades.A. was take nB. was madeC. has bee n madeD. has bee n take n10. I rang you at about nine, but there was no reply.Oh, that was proctbablyI was see ing the door.A. whyB. whe nC. wh

6、atD. that11. (2014 扬州模拟)It s a mketao think of Beijing only its tourist attractions.A. in additi on toB. by way of C. by means of D. in terms of12. (2014 苏州二模)The bus in ess talk betwee n both compa nies went at first; n evertheless, it en ded upfaili ng.A. vividlyB. gen erallyC. smoothlyD. freque n

7、tly13. (2014 淮安模拟)Tom, your foreign teacher speaks Ch in ese flue ntly!Oh, she has lived in China for six years, otherwise shesuch good Chin ese.A. didn t speak B. would not have spokenC. would not speak D. hadn t spoken14. (2014 常州模拟)So absorbed in his workthat not a sound.A. was the preside nt; di

8、d she dare to makeB. was the preside nt; dared she to makeC. the preside nt was; she dared makeD. the preside nt was; she did dare to make15. (2014 盐城模拟 )Those who tend toto their fate are sure not to make any achievements.A. submitB. subscribeC. corresp ondD. applyn.完形填空When I was 10 years old, my

9、mother passed away because of ill ness. I had to move to the USA to live with my father. There I met my 1 for the first time and from the beg inning she made sure that I was safe and welcome. Over the past several years she 2 everything I needed. I am happy today because I have a_3 stepmother.Yester

10、day I went to see her for Mother s 4)aher/hengift, she held my face in both of her handsand 5 meeven though I had the flu! Her simple act of affection 6 me back to my very first night in America. After I was 7 from the airport, we went home and she unpacked my 8. Then she took meshopp ing for new cl

11、othes 9 the ones I had brought with me from Africa were a bit worn.That ni ght before I went to bed, she came to my room. She told me she was 10 to have me and that she would take good care of me. Because I was 11 show n affectio n as a child, I did not know how to 12 what she said so I just stared

12、at her.Before she walked out of my new room, she asked me for a13 . But I had no idea what she was _14about because I had never heard the 15 before. But she didn t give up. She told my father tha1 6iheme togive her a hug and asked him to expla in to me what she 17. My father 18 what a hug was and to

13、ld me whypeople hugged in America. Then my new mom ope ned her arms 19 a nd shyly I ope ned mine and we hugged.That was my very first hug and I was eleven at that time. I m 236ow bhalve received many hugssince the n.1. A. stepmotherB. cous inC. brotherD. sister2. A. preservedB. providedC. man agedD.

14、 desig ned3. A. beautifulB. strictC. kindD. serious4. A. orderedB. suppliedC. boughtD. prese nted5. A. kissedB. praisedC. welcomedD. comforted6. A. keptB. tookC. heldD. gave7. A. brought upB. helped outC. see n offD. picked up8. A. schoolbagB. purseC. luggageD. scarf9. A. sinceB. thoughC. whe nD. if

15、10. A. eagerB. tha nkfulC. gladD. con fide nt11. A. freque ntlyB. alwaysC.onceD. never12. A. react toB. see toC. apply toD. refer to13. A. chatB. hugC. favourD. help14. A. thi nkingB. worryi ngC. talki ngD. concerned15. A. questi onB. wordC. storyD. suggesti on16. A. determi nedB. Ion gedC. i nvitedD. wan ted17. A. mea ntB. requiredC. dema ndedD. ordered18. A. explai nedB. toldC. saidD. compla ined19. A. directB. wideC. sudde nlyD. quickly2



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