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1、花岗岩地面施工方案完整(完整版资料,可直接使用可编辑,推荐下载)一、工艺流程基层清理一弹控制线一试拼一素水泥浆结合层一道一 30厚1:2干硬性水泥砂浆一铺贴花岗砖一踢脚板一自检、修改一灌缝、擦缝一打蜡二、施工工艺1 、基层清理:清除基层油垢、垃圾,并冲洗干净。2、弹控制线根据墙面水平基准线,在四周墙面弹出楼地面面层标高线和水泥砂浆结合 层线。结合层厚度为 20mm. 据此,以控制结合层的厚度、面层平整度和标高。3、试排、试拼(1)在房间地面纵、横两个方向,铺两条略宽于板块的干砂带, 砂厚 25mm, 根据大样图,拉线校正方正度排列好。核对板块与墙边、柱边、门洞口及其它 较为复杂部位的相对位置;

2、检查接缝宽度 ,一般不大于 1mm 。(2)花岗岩板块还须对色、拼花,逐块编号。(3)对于非整块面板,应确定相应尺寸,以便切割。4、铺水泥砂浆粘合层先洒水湿润基层或基体,然后刷1 : 0。40。5素水泥浆一遍,随刷随铺 干硬性水泥砂浆粘合层。从里往外摊铺,用木刮杠压实赶平,再用木抹子搓揉 找平,铺完一段结合层随即安装一段面板,以防砂浆结硬。5、铺板(1)镶贴面板一般从中间向边缘展开退至门口。 但有镶边和大房间独立柱 之间的面板则应先铺 ,按标准板拉线嵌贴。(2)铺镶时,板块应预先浸湿晾干,拉通线,将板块跟线平稳铺下,用橡 皮锤垫木块轻击,使砂浆振实,缝隙、平整满足要求后,揭开板块再浇上一层素水

3、 泥浆正式铺贴。轻轻锤击,找平找直。拉线检查不合要求时,应再揭开重铺(3 )铺好一条,及时拉通线检查各项实指标是否符合要求。6、灌缝、擦缝板块铺完养护两昼夜后在缝隙内灌水泥浆、擦缝。水泥色浆按颜色要求, 在白水泥中加入矿物颜料调制。灌缝 1 2 h后,再用棉纱醮色浆擦缝。尔后, 用棉纱将板面灰浆擦拭干净,铺上湿锯末养护三天内不得上人。7、镶贴花岗石踢脚板踢脚板采用先安装花岗石板后灌砂浆的方法。8、打蜡花岗石楼地面在交工之前,将楼地面清洗干净、晾干、打蜡、擦光。第三节质量标准1、石材的品种、规格、质量必须符合设计要求 ,面层与基层的结合必须牢 固、无空鼓。必须有放射性指标检测报告,并应符合设计要

4、求和民用建筑工 程室内环境污染控制规范 GB50325-2001的规定。2、石材表面洁净、图案清晰、光亮、光滑,色泽一致,接缝均匀,周边顺 直。板块无裂纹、掉角和缺楞等现象。3、镶边材料及尺寸符合设计要求和施工规范规定,边角整齐、光滑4、允许偏差项目项次项目允许偏差检验方法1表面平整度1。0mm用2m靠尺和楔形塞尺检查2缝格平直2.0mm拉5m线,不足5m拉通线和尺量检查3接缝高低差0.5mm尺量和楔形塞尺检查4踢脚线上口平直1。0mm拉5m线,不足5m拉通线和尺量检查5板块间隙宽度1。0mm尺量检查地面砖、花岗岩铺贴施工方案Construction Scheme of Floor tile

5、andGranite tile Installation一、准备工作 Preparations1。弹水平线,确定室内地砖完成面士 0.00标高。The horiz on tal li ne, make sure in door floor tile fin ish surface elevati on of + /-0.00.2. 水电管线已安装完毕。Water and electricity line already deployed二、准备材料 Preparation of materials1. 425水泥及中砂,白水泥.425 ceme nt and medium sand and w

6、hite ceme nt.2。800 兴 800* 25 花岗岩,600*600* 25 花岗岩,600* 600* 12 地砖。800 * 800 * 25 granite, 600 * 600 * 25 granite,600 * 600* 12 floor tile.二、施工方法:con structi on procedure1、工艺流程 construction process材料准备t弹楼地面面层标高控制线t基层处理t弹线找 中找方t铺贴基准控制标筋t铺贴面层t铺贴踢脚板t养 护与成品保护Prepare materials Bomb the ground floor surface

7、 elevati on con trol li net Base treatmenTBomb lineT Lay up thebe nchmark con trol sta ndard screed lay up surface course Lay upthe baseboard Maintenance and protecti on for the final product2、铺贴顺序:Tile in stallation order(1) 、大面积施工时,应用分段顺序铺贴。Large area con structionsegme nted order pav ing(2) 、对于整个

8、楼层,要先铺贴独立房间,再铺贴通道或走廊.For the entire building, first tile separate rooms then passgeways or corridors.(3) 、对于一般房间采用退步法先由房间中部向两侧铺贴.对于有独立柱的大厅,要先铺贴柱间部分,然后再向两边展开.For General rooms,use regression method by laying up from the central to both sides. For the great hall with independent column, first tile col

9、u mn secti on, the n expa nd to both sides(4) 、所有房间先铺贴整块板材,非整块板材最后铺贴。地面铺 贴完后再铺贴踢脚板。All the roomsfirstly paved with block plate , or tile at last。Skirt ing board tiledafter the gro und.3、铺贴方法:Tile in stallation method(1)、以提前做好的标筋为基准,首排板材两边挂线,首排铺贴好后可单边挂线Baseed on markingscreed made befor,e the first r

10、ow plate hang line on both sides ,afterthe first raw is tiled ,it can be hang line on one side.(3) 、结合层与板材面层应分段同时铺砌。先进行试铺,将干硬 性水泥砂浆摊铺到铺贴部位刮平 , 其厚度要适宜,然后将板材平 铺到干硬性水泥砂浆上 (干硬程度以手捏成团 , 落地即散为宜), 用橡皮锤用力敲击板面, 使摊铺的干硬性水泥砂浆结合层密实, 并且使板材表面低于地面标高控制线 25mm。Combined course andplate surface course should be tiled at

11、 the same time. First trial laying,flatthe rigid cement mortar to the paving part, and its thicknessshould be appropriated. Then tile theplank to dry, rigid cement morta(Advisabledegree of dry is can be kneaded together,and scattered when dropped on land ) . Use a rubber mallet hardstrike the board

12、to make the paving dry rigidcement mortar layercombination is closegrained, and make the surface2 5 mmbelow the ground elevation control sheet.(4)、试铺合适后,将板材揭起 , 在密实的干硬性水泥砂浆结合 层上撒布一层干水泥面并用喷壶淋水一遍,或浇一层水泥浆作 粘结,然后将板材再原位置再次安放 .After appropriate trial paving , lift up the plate.Spread a layer of dry cement

13、 to the dry, rigid close grained cement morta, and wet it once by the wateri ng car, or watera layer of ceme nt paste for mud bonding, the n put the plate back at the position再次安放时,板材四角要同时下落,放稳后用橡皮锤敲击板面 使其平整并与结合层能紧密年粘接牢固,板材表面与地面标高 控制线吻合便完成一块板材铺贴,再依次铺贴下一块。When placed again four corners of the pla nk

14、should be dropped at the same times After layed dow n steadily ,use a rubber hammer to strike itto make it flat and bonded firmlywith the combined course .The plank pav ing is done whe n the pla nk surfaceis coin cided with the elevati on of the ground con tro, the n pave the n ext one。铺贴时要随时找平找直,做到

15、四角平整,纵横缝隙对齐。When paving , be sure that it is flat and straight Make sure the four corners flat, and vertical and horizontal crack aligned.三、质量要求 Quality requirements1 大理石,花岗石 Marble, granite1.1 主控项目 Dominant item(1)面层与下一层应结合牢固无空鼓.Surface course should be combined firmly with the next one , without any gap&(2) 四角平整,纵横缝隙对齐、无色差.Four corners flat, vertical and horizontal crack aligned,colorlessdiffere nee.1。2 一般项目 Ge neral item(1)大理石,花岗石面层的表面应洁净 , 平整,无磨痕,且应图 案清晰,色泽一致,接缝均匀,周



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