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1、Unit2 Topic3 SectionC 教学设计I . Material analysis本节课是一节读写课,主要活动是1a, 2和5a。借助图画和表格对文章进行预测, 并学习运用所学词汇描述本课人物和他人的外貌特征, 如: He has black hairand black eyes. Is this /Are these ? Yes. If s /They re No. It s /They are -;Whose is this/ are these? I think it s/ they are;语音板块培养学生根据音标及图片拼读和拼写单词的能力; 此外, 为了丰富学生的课余活动

2、, 本课安排了一个chant内容,通过英语小诗训练学生的朗读技巧,同时复习、巩固颜色类单词。n . Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能够掌握并应用新学习的单词 : new, classmate, clothes;能够用英语熟练描述人物外貌特征及询问物品所属: He has black hair andblack eyes. Is this /Are these ? Yes. It s /They reNo. It s /They are;Whose is this/ are these? I think it s/ they are 能够掌握由whose 引导的特殊

3、疑问句来询问物品所属;能够根据图片及音标拼写单词。2. Skill aims能听懂有关描述人物外貌特征及询问物品所属的表达方式;能运用表示有关描述人物外貌特征及询问物品所属的表达方式进行简单的交流;能够在图画和问题的帮助下预测阅读内容,提高略读、理解图表等能力;能理解阅读文章进行信息的加工、转化;能运用简单的词汇来描述人的外貌、穿着特征。3. Emotional aims能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践;能够认真,规范书写单词;能够培养学生善于观察周围人或物的能力。田.The key points and difficult points1. Key points正确使用表示描述人物

4、外貌特征及询问物品所属的表达方法:He has blackhair and black eyes. Is this /Are these? Yes. It s /They reNo. It s /Theyare ;Whose is this/ are these? I think it s/ they are ;正确使用 be动词:is, are;能够掌握拼读单词的规律。2. Difficult points正确使用 be动词:is, are;能够辨认名词的单复数;能够根据所提供的内容编写短文。IV. Learning strategies学唱chant能帮助学生学好英语。V. . Teach

5、ing aids录音机、教学挂图和黑板。VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteractionStudent activity Teacher activitypatternsIntroductionI.The whole1.Students greet with1.The teacher greets with(7minutes)classthe teacher: Hello!students: Hello! Boys and girlsWork.Miss Chen. Nice toNice to meet you.meet you, too.2.The student

6、2.Walk to one student and ask2.Individualresponses the teacher:Is this your pen? Let thework.T: Is this your pen?student answer the question;S1: Yes, it is.Then walk to next student andThe student answers:point out the same pen, thenT: Is this your pen?ask: Is this your pen?3.The wholeS2: No, it isn

7、 t. I3.Point out one student sclass work.think it s xxx s.object and ask: Whose - is3.Students answer:this? Let students answer theIt s xxx s; Thenquestion; Then point out somestudents answer theobjects of one student and ask4.The wholequestion:They areWhose are these? Letclass work.xxx s.students a

8、nswer the question.4.Do 4. Follow the4.Play the tape of the chanttape; And do theand ask students to try to singactions according toit; play the tape again and letthe chant.students do the actionsaccording to the chant.Presentation(12minutes)1.Pair work and1.Do 1a. Students try1.Show the picture of

9、1b andindividual work.to describe the twogive students 1 minute to tryboys in pairs; andto describe the two boys firstsome students describe in pairs; Choose some studensthe two boys.to describe the two boys.2.The whole2.Let students read the passageclass2.Read the passage ofof 1a by themselves;work

10、 and1a and explain theGive students some time toindividual work.passage. Then point out the new words in the passage andexplain the passage by themselves, then let studentspoint out the new words in theunderline them bythemselves;Some students point out the words.passage; Then ask students to underl

11、ine the description words in the passage;Choose some students to3.Individualpoint out the words.work.3.Let students color the twoboys according to the passage3.Color the twoThen read the passage againbypictures and read thethemselves.passage by themselves).Consolidation(10minutes)1.Individual workan

12、d pair work.2.Individual work.1 .Do 1b. Fill in the table by themselves; One student share the answer with the whole class; Then make shor dialogues with the sentences: What color is ? What color are ? according to the table in pairs; Som( pairs share their dialogues with the whole class.2 .Do 1c. D

13、escribe Kangkang and his classmate by themselves in their notebook; Some students read their description out.I.Show the table of 1b, then let students f川 in the table according to the passage of 1a; Choose one students to show the answers;Then Give students 1 minute to make short dialogues according

14、 to the table; Choose some pairs to show their d dialogues.2.Let students describeKangkang and his classmate based on 1b by themselves; choose some students to describe them.Practice(llminutes)1.Individual workand pair work.2.Individual work and the whole class work.3.Individual workand the whole cl

15、ass work.1 .Do 2. Students describe the two boys themselves;And check it in pairs.2 .Do 5a. Try to read the sounds and fill in the blank; Check the answers in pairs. Follow the teacher to read the word.3 .Do 5b. Try to read the sentences by themselves; Some students read the sentences; Then read after the



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