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1、The speaker raised his voice, but still couldnt make himself_ A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. Heard( )1. I think if I make a pen that has a machine in it. Ill _ write faster. A. can B. could C. has been able D. be able to( )2. “Where is Tom?” “He hasnt come to school today, I think he _be ill.” A.

2、has to B. should C. may D. can( )3. I dont know if he _ tomorrow. If he _, Ill meet him. A. will come; comes B. comes; comes C. will come; will come D. comes; will come( )4. The boys growing _ because he keeps eating. A. fat and fat B. more and more fat C. fatter and fatter D. fatter and fattest( )5

3、. I think English is hard for me. _, I dont know the grammar. A. At first B. First of all C. Not at all D. On the other hand( )6. The smoke was so thick that I was having trouble _. A. to breathe B. in breath C. with breathing D. breathing( )7. “What do you _ her speech?” “She spoke for one hour but

4、 didnt say much.” A. think of B. think up C. think over D. think about( )8. The surface of Mars is _like the surface of Earth than_ planet in our solar system. A. much; the other B. much; any other C. more; the other D. more; any other( )9. You can hardly imagine a man _ friends with a volleyball. A

5、. make B. making C. to make D. made( )10. Food on Mars will not be as _ as they are on Earth. A. tasty B. taste C. tastier D. tastes( )11. Sandy was too nervous _ the teachers question. A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. answers( )12. The number of the students in our school _ about eight hundre

6、d. A. are B. were C. is D. be( )13. We have so many kinds of guitars for you _. A. to choose B. to choose from C. to be chosen D. to be chosen from( )14. Millie makes her cousin _ the flowers every day. A. waters B. watering C. water D. to water( )15. About _ of the books in our school library _ wri

7、tten in Chinese. A. four-fifth, are B. four-fifths , are C. fourth-fifths , is D. fourths-fifth, is( )16. I think well _by robots in the future. A. care for B. be care for C. be cared for D. cared for( )17. _ on Mars have to wear special boots _ themselves heavier. A. Human, to make B. Humans, to ma

8、ke C. Human, make D. Humans, making( )18. _ in a dome with 10 bedrooms is _ possible. A. Live, highly B. Living, high C. Live, higher D. Living, highly( )19. Each of the students _hard on _ lessons. A. works; their B. works; his C. work; their D. work; his( )20. The water in the fiver smells terribl

9、e, people must _ dirty things into it. A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwing C. stop to throw D. stop from throwing()1.Whichwouldyoulike,Cokeortea? _.Iprefercoffee. A.NeitherB.BothC.EitherD.None ()2._Iborrowthesemagazines? Sorry,onlythemagazinesovertherecanbeborrowed. A.MustB.WouldC.May

10、D.Need ()3.YourFrenchissogood.HowlonghaveyoubeeninFrance? _Iwasfive. A.UntilB.SinceC.WhenD.Before ()4.MarkspeaksEnglishwell,butyou_him. Thankyou. A.speakasbadlyasB.speakworsethan C.dontspeaksobadlyasD.speakmuchbetterthan ()5.Theywere_busy_witheachother_thetime.A.too,totalk,toforgetB.too,talking;tofo

11、rget C.so,totalk,thattheyforgotD.so,talking,thattheyforgot ()6.Dontdiscusstheproblemswithyourpartnerunlessyou_todoso. askB.areaskedC.willaskD.willbeasked()7.Theteachers_theofficeforafewminuteswhenwearrived.Wedidnt meetthem. hadbeenawayfromB.hadleftC.havebeenawayfromD.haveleft()8.Thelightinhisroomiss

12、tillon.Doyouknow_? Inordertoprepareforthecomingexam. A.ifheworkshardB.whyhestaysupsolateC.whyishesobusyD.whenhewillstopworking ()9.Johnsingssowell.Hasheeverbeentrained? No.Helearnsallbyhimself.He_goestoanytrainingclass.A.usuallyB.oftenC.neverD.even ()10.Simon,ImgoingtoBeijingwithmyparentstomorrow. _! A.



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