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1、Section B一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1Please(跟随 )the teacher in classOr you can t learn it well2Don t leave the(脏的 )water in the classroom3 It svery importantYou must(记住 )it quickly 4My father often cooks nice food for US in the k5The party members should be(严格的 )with themselves二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1He often h

2、elps his mother do the(dish)at home2Parents and schools make rules(help)US3Don t be(noise)in the libraryYou must be quiet4He usually(relax)and sleeps nine hours every day5Do you have to make(you)bed?6She has to(clean)her room before she goes to school7(follow)the rules when you are in the reading ro

3、om三、单项选择。()1The students can t go outA in;inB on;onschool nights,but they canweekendsC in;onDon;in()2.I have to gobedten o clock(A at;atBto ;beforeCin;by)3-Whats your English teacher like?-She is always strictusA inBtoC with)4There arerules in our school I canA too muchBtoo manyCmuch too)5I have two

4、 tickets for TFBOYS concertDby; at t stand some of themD many tooYouhe can go withmeA Either; orBNeither;norCBoth;and()6-late for class again!-Sorry, I wont,A Don tBCantCDon t beDDoesn t arrive()7.He has to help his motherbreakfast on weekendsA makeB makesC makingDto makes()8.Hestay at home because

5、its raining outsideA have toBhas toC had toDcant四、给图片选择合适的规章制度。A You must keep quiet in the libraryCDon t talk in classEYou have to eat in the dining hallBDon t arrive late for classDI have to get up on time12345五、句型转换。1We must wear uniforms on Monday(改为同义句 )Wewear uniforms on Monday2 I have to read

6、 a book before l watch TV(对画线部分提问 )you have to do before you watch TV?3You can be noisy and eat in class (改为否定句 )Yoube noisyeat in class4They can play tennis in the gym(改为一般疑问句 )theytennis in the gym?5You can t play basketball after school(改为祈使句 )basketball after school六、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1你必须考虑你的新计划。You

7、 have toyour new plad2我每天必须练习吉他。I musttheevery day3晚饭后,我也不能放松。After dinner , I can t,4我们的班主任对我们要求很严。Our headteacher is reallyus5禁止在走廊里大声喧哗。Dontin the hallways七、从方框内选择合适的单词,将短文补充完整。late fun can t bed happy help learn with wash on or clean stand loudly wearEmily ,an eight-year-old girl,is not very1 be

8、cause she has so many rules toobey every dayAt school,she can t arrive2She has to get up early in the morningShe 3run or laugh in the hallways and she can t eat or listen to music inSheclassagrees4these rules because they reasonable But there are some rules she can t5For exampleshe has to 6her schoo

9、l uniform from Monday to FridayShecan t wear a cap or a hat in the classroomShe can t talk7 in the classroomShe has to 8 the blackboard and the classroom once a weekShe also has to keep some rules at homeFor example, she can t hang out9watch TV after schoolShe has to finish her homework firstShe can

10、 t meet friendson school nightsAnd she has to be in10 by nine o clock 11weekends,shehas to clean her room and 12 her clothesAndshe has to 13her mum dohousework Later she has ot go to the Children s oPalace14 tdancing She neverhas any 15What an unhappy girl!参考答案一、

11、1 follow 祈使句开头动词用原形。2 dirty3 remember情态动词 must 后面用动阋原形。4 Kitchen5 strict二、 1 dishes2 to help to help 表示目的。3 noisy be 后跟形容词作表语。4 relaxes5your6clean7 Follow三、 1B2B3C4B too much 后接不可数名词; too many 后接可数名间复数; much too 表示“太 ,非常 ”,后接形容词。5 A6 C7A8 B四、 1C2A3D4E5B五、 1 have to2What do3 cant;or4 Can;play六、 1 think about2practice;guitar3relax; either5Dont play4 strict with5 talk loudly七、 1 happy2 late 南下旬 “每天早起 ”可知 “不能迟到 ”。3 can t4 with5stand6 wear7loudly8clean9 or 否定句中用 or 连接。10bed11 On12wash13help14 1earn15 fun



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