Module 6 同步评估

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《Module 6 同步评估》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 6 同步评估(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 同步评估第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Have you written down _ telephone number?Sorry. Would you mind repeating it _ second time?A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a; a22. A selfish person cant get others help, because he never _ other peoples problems.A. asks for B

2、. looks for C. cares about D. hears about23. Writing novels is my job, but _ I try to write poems. A. generally B. fortunately C. completely D. occasionally24. What _ me most was how she managed to make the delicious meal in such a short time.A. encouraged B. frightened C. interested D. satisfied25.

3、 What do you think of Singapore?Beautiful! I _ in love with the country the moment I got off the plane.A. fall B. am C. fell D. was26. The fashion magazine will _ soon, and we all think it will be well received by the teens.A. come down B. come out C. be come down D. be come out27. Living in a faraw

4、ay village, Tom doesnt write often. But we hear from him _.A. every now and then B. over and over again C. at the same timeD. once upon a time28. They argued _ the experts at the meeting _ which diet was better for people.A. with; about B. about; with C. to; about D. with; to29. Though he was a _ bo

5、y, he shouted out in fear at the sight of a snake.A. patient B. serious C. brave D. kind30. My mom told us so _ a story just now that we were all _ to tears.A. moved; moved B. moving; moving C. moved; moving D. moving; moved 31. I dont like the film because its _ is very complex and I cant follow it

6、. A. setting B. section C. scene D. plot32. What a great part Alice _ in the project! No wonder she got highly paid.A. made B. took C. played D. got33. When I saw the big birthday cake in my room, my mouth fell open _.A. in surprise B. in anger C. in disappointment D. in trouble34. The gentleman dre

7、ssed, behaved, and moved in a(n) _ and attractive way, which made a good impression on us.A. awful B. horrible C. nervous D. graceful35. The food in the restaurant really tastes good!_! I always come here to eat.A. No way B. Absolutely C. Goodness D. I see第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)There were two

8、poor farmers making a living by collecting wood in the mountain. One day they discovered two large bags of 36 on the road and felt happy. The cotton was 37 but worth more money than wood, so they 38 it and went back home. On their way home they 39 a large bundle (捆)of cloth beside the road. So they

9、discussed whether to 40 the cotton and carry the cloth instead. One farmer thought that 41 he had carried the cotton for such a long way, he would not 42 it with cloth. 43 , the other farmer left the cotton and carried the cloth on his back. After 44 for a while, they discovered several jars of gold

10、! The farmer who carried the cloth put it 45 and carried two jars of gold, but his partner was still 46 to abandon the cotton and wondered whether the gold was real or not. When they reached the foot of the mountain, it suddenly began to 47 . Both of them got wet from head to toe. More 48 , the farm

11、er who carried the cotton found that his cotton had 49 tons of water. It became so 50 that he could no longer go on carrying it. He had to abandon the cotton and went back home 51 with his partner carrying the gold. We should use our head to make the right 52 in face of every important point in our

12、life. And we also should not forget to 53 all the choices we have carefully and then adjust (调整) our goal. We should learn to consider a certain issue from different 54 . By opening our 55 to the right choice, we will be guided to the way to success. 36. A. clothes B. cotton C. gold D. wood 37. A. s

13、ofter B. cheaper C. lighter D. warmer38. A. carried B. bought C. returned D. left39. A. sold B. hid C. put D. found 40. A. take away B. throw away C. give outD. hand out41. A. until B. if C. since D. once42. A. equip B. exchange C. mix D. connect43. A. Anyway B. Besides C. Therefore D. However44. A. thinking B. chatting C. walkingD. resting45. A. down B. away C. up D. back46. A. sorry B. unwilling C. glad D. determined 47. A. appear B. break C. shake D. rain 48. A. uncertain B. unfair C. unlucky D. unusual49. A. taken in B. set up C. run outD. turned off50. A. cold


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