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1、Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 3 I will take part in the school sports meet.Section DThe main activities are 1a and 5. 本课重点活动是1a和5。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:modern, ring, symbol, stand for, least, at least2. Review and summarize the future tense with will.3. Go

2、on learning something about the Olympics. Teaching aids 教具幻灯片/录音机/图片/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)通过复习中国奥运史,谈论奥运五环旗,呈现部分生词。1. (用图片复习中国奥运史,导入新课。)T: Ill show some pictures or phrases. Please ask and answer in pairs. (教师先作示范。)(Show the phrase: take part in the Olymp

3、ics for the first time)T:When did China take part in the Olympics for the first time?Ss:In 1952 China took part in the Olympics for the first time.(用幻灯片呈现许海峰在奥运赛场上举枪射击的图片。)T:Who won the first gold medal in the Olympics in the history of China?Ss:Xu Haifeng.2. (通过谈论关于奥运的知识,教学生词,呈现新课。)T:Today we will

4、talk more about the Olympics. Look at the blackboard. Whats it in Chinese? (教师在黑板上用红色彩笔画一个环。)Ss:“环”。T:Yes. In English we can call it “ring”.(板书并要求掌握。)ring(然后再用黄、蓝、绿、黑四种颜色画出另外四个环,组成一个奥运五环。)T:How many rings are there?Ss:There are five.T:What colors are they?Ss:They are red, yellow, blue, green and bla

5、ck.T:Right! Theyre the Olympic rings. They are a symbol of the Olympic Games.(板书并要求学生掌握。)symbol T:But what do the rings stand for? Who can tell me?(板书并解释,要求学生掌握。)stand for(可能有部分学生知道五环代表着什么,让学生试用英语回答,若有困难,教师给予帮助并解释。)T:They stand for the five parts of the world. Blue stands for Europe, black stands fo

6、r Africa, red stands for America, yellow stands for Asia, and green stands for Australia. But do you know what the slogan of Beijing Olympics is? Who can tell me?S1:One World, One Dream!T:Thats right. The modern Olympics started in Athens, Greece. Its motto is “Faster, higher, stronger” .(板书、领读并解释,要

7、求学生掌握modern;理解Greece,motto。)modern, Greece, mottoT:Do you know when the modern Olympics started? Lets learn Section D.(导入新课。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)通过听和读等方式,呈现1a关于奥运五环旗的相关信息。1. (让学生带着问题听1a录音,获取相关信息。)T: Please listen to the tape, then answer the question: When did the modern Olympics start

8、?(核对答案。)2. (让学生听录音跟读,标出关键词,并根据上下文猜测at least词意,要求学生掌握。)T: Please listen to 1a and repeat, then mark the key words.the modern Olympics start, the motto, the Olympic rings, stand for, the colors of the rings, easily find, at least3. (让学生读1a,注意语音语调。)T: Please read 1a aloud and pay attention to the pronu

9、nciation and intonation.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)让学生用复述和编对话等方式巩固1a内容,培养学生运用语言的能力。1. (让学生再读1a,根据1a完成1b并核对答案。) T: Please read 1a again and finish 1b by yourselves.2. (核对1b答案后,用小黑板展示关键词, 让学生试着复述1a。) T: Look at the key words on the small blackboard. Try your best to retell 1a.3. (把1a改编为一个小对话,

10、加以巩固。最好使用本单元Topic 2所学的表达请求的句型,如:Would you mind ? Could you please ?等。)Example:T:When did the modern Olympics start?Ss:In 1896.T:Would you mind telling me its motto?Ss:Of course not. Its motto is “Faster, higher, stronger”.T:Could you please tell me its symbol?Ss:Five rings.T:What do they stand for?S

11、s:They stand for the five parts of the world.T:What colors are the rings?Ss:They are blue, yellow, black, green and red.(教师示范后,让学生按照其要求分组对话,并找两组到讲台前表演。)4. (出示福娃图片,谈论奥运吉祥物。)T:Look at the picture. They are Fuwa. Are they Beijing Olympic mascots?Ss:Yes, they are.T:Good! They are the Olympic mascots of

12、the 29th Beijing Olympics. Please work in groups to discuss and match the mascots with the host cities. Finish 2.S1:What about these?S2:They are Sydney Olympic mascots.(核对答案,完成2。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)收集整理本单元语法和功能用语,针对这些知识点进行检测。1. (总结本单元语法和功能用语。) (让学生复习总结本话题的语言知识点。)T: Now lets go over and s

13、ummarize the grammar and useful expressions in this topic. Then Ill ask some students to write them down on the blackboard.(检查学生总结的情况然后播放4a、4b录音,学生跟读。)2. (为巩固本话题的语言知识,进行单元小测试。)(出示小黑板。)(1)(根据句意及首字母提示完成下列句子。)There were thousands of foreign v during the 29th Olympics in Beijing.Xu Haifeng is the w of t

14、he first gold medal in Chinas Olympic history.We should improve our e to make our world more and more beautiful.The m Olympics started in Athens, Greece in 1896.(2)(用所给动词的适当形式填空,提示学生注意句子时态。)Would you mind (fill) out the form?It (be)sunny on Saturday. What about going hiking?When we (meet) tomorrow?L

15、ets make it half past six.He (visit) Beijing in August in 2008.Beijing (host) the 29th Olympic Games.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)让学生对奥运知识进行讨论与交流,使他们能更全面了解奥运会。1. (完成5。)(1)让学生搜集有关奥运历史的信息。(2)小组内讨论自己所知道的某一届具体的奥运知识。(3)以The _ Olympics为题写一篇短文。2. (欣赏奥运歌曲,完成3,结束本课。)3. Homework:Please search the mascots of other Olympics on the Internet. Fill in the table, then try to make a report about it.OrderYearCityMascots20 th2



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