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1、1. 热烈祝贺苏北国际交流合作会议胜利召开Warm congratulations on success in convoking northern Jiangsu international exchange corporate conference2. 开放的宿迁欢迎你Welcome to opening suqian3. 中国浙商最佳投资城市宿迁欢迎你Welcome to suqian the best city for investment ,which is considered by the merchant in Zhejiang province, China4. 让开放的宿迁

2、更开放,让文明的宿迁更文明Let the opening suqian be more opening, let the civilized suqian be more civilized5. 让宿迁走向世界,让世界了解宿迁Let suqian open towards all the world, let suqian be understood by all the world6. 依蓝天碧水谋发展 邀新朋故友创伟业Get some developments in the beautiful city, Invite the old and new friends to create m

3、agnificent7. 生态城市资源丰富谋开发 项王故里敞开胸襟应嘉宾Welcome to the historic birthplace of Ba Wang Xiang Y u (232-202B.C.)where is a ecological city rich in resources to get some developments8. 喜迎中外宾朋 同绘发展蓝图Welcome the native and foreign guest to draw the development blueprint together9. 加强交流合作 促进共同繁荣Strengthen the

4、exchange cooperation, Promote the shared prosperity11. 构建和谐社会 推动协调发展Construct the harmonious society, Impel the coordinated development12. 携手并进 共创辉煌Make progress hand in hand, Create magnificent together13. 团结 交流 协作 共赢Solidarity, Communication, Cooperation, Conciliate14. 构建交流平台,扩大合作空间,挖掘发展潜力,携手共创未来C

5、onstruct the platform for communication, Expand space for cooperation, Excavate developing potential, Create the bright future together15. 烟波水世界,绿色梦天源生态宿迁欢迎你Welcome to suqian a ecological city which beautify in its rivers and nice environment16. 生态宿迁、绿色家园,诚信宿迁、投资乐园Ecological suqian is our green home

6、land, veracious suqian is your investable paradise17. 西楚雄风,酒都花乡,湖清河秀,生态宿迁The ecological city where has very nice lakes and rivers Suqian had Westen Chu Hegemon in ancient China and it is abundant in wine and flowers today18. 护蓝天碧水,建绿色家园;谐人与自然,谋持续发展Protect our beautiful homeland, Construct the green homeland; Harmonize the people and nature, Get sustainable development19. 祝苏北国际交流合作会议圆满成功Congratulations on the complete success in northern Jiangsu international exchange corporate conference


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