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1、人教版英语精品资料阅读理解Zoos started (起源于) a long time ago. The first zoo belonged to (属于) the kings (国王) and the queens (女王). You had to be rich if you wanted to bring strange (奇异的) animals from other places. So the poor men couldnt have zoos.Later,zoos were for everyone. But sometimes (有时) the animals were n

2、ot cared for (照顾). They were kept in small cages (笼子) in the small zoos.Now some zoos are different (不同的). The animals live in the large,open parks (大型野外公园). People watch them from cars and buses. These zoos are better (更好) for the animals. And they are still fun for people.Do you like zoos? Have yo

3、u come to some large,open zoos for a look?Its really good for people to watch the wild animals (野生动物). But if you go to the large,open zoos,be careful (当心) not to be too near to the wild animals. They are very dangerous (危险的).窗体顶端1. The first zoo started _. A. many years ago B. not long ago C. about

4、 5 years ago D. the kings and the queens 窗体底端窗体顶端2. Long time ago,only _ could have zoos because zoos could cost (花费) much money. A. the kings B. the rich men C. the poor men D. farmers (农民) 窗体底端窗体顶端3. In small zoos animals were kept _ many years ago. A. in the open air (在野外) B. in the houses C. in

5、the cages D. in the large,open parks 窗体底端窗体顶端4. Today some zoos are _ from before. A. old B. small C. strange D. different 窗体底端窗体顶端5. We can guess (猜测) animals in the cages are _. A. very glad B. not very glad C. well cared for D. very fat (胖的) 窗体底端参考答案 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了动物园的来历。从前动物园是属于有钱人的,因为购买动物要花费很多钱而且

6、动物被养在笼子里得不到很好的照顾。现在的动物园与以前大不一样了。有许多大型野外公园,动物的生存条件也比以前更好了。但当你到大型野外动物园去观赏动物时,一定要注意安全。1. A语境理解。从短文第一段第一句话“Zoos started(起源于) a long time ago.”可以看出:动物园起源于很久以前。故答案应选A。2B语境理解题。从短文第一段第三、四两句话“You had to be rich if you wanted to bring strange(奇异的;奇怪的) animals from other place. So the poor men couldnt have zoo

7、s”可以看出:由于花费高,所以只有有钱的人才能从其他地方购进许多奇异的动物。故判断:只有富人才能拥有动物园。故答案应选B。3C语境判断题。从短文第二段第三句话“They were kept in small cages(笼子) in the small zoos”可以看出:过去动物被关在笼子里。故答案应选C。4D语境判断题。从短文第三段第一句话“Now some zoos are different(不同的)”可以看出:现在的动物园与以前有所不同了。故答案应选D。5B常识判断题。由常识可以判断:动物被关在笼子里,与动物的自然习性相违背,故判断:被关在笼子里的动物是不可能高兴的。故答案应选B。



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