2022年高考英语 第三模块module 3复习学案 外研版必修5

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1、2022年高考英语 第三模块module 3复习学案 外研版必修5一、基本单词1(由他人撰写的)传记 2幻想,想象 3侦探4解决(v) 5 凶手,谋杀犯 6 叙述;描述;报道7 同伴;伙伴 8 木排,木筏 9(雨)倾盆而下10 遮蔽物;栖息地 11 用桨划(小船) 12 使恐慌13 好奇的 14 绳子 15 胡须 16恐惧害怕(n)17 爬行;匍匐前进 18 树干 19 外形;轮廓20 打扰(vt) 21喜剧 22 浪漫的,关于爱情的23 虚构或幻想出来的事 24 与相似 25 塑造,创造26 例外(n.) 27 警告 28 浅的 29青少年30 坚决的 31领航员 32(描述)生动的;逼真的

2、33 确立;确定;建立 34 名誉;名望;声明二、重点短语1与有联系 2 逃离;远离3的前面 4 把某人留在地上5 用枪指着某人 6倾倒,倾盆而下7 顺流而下 8 借着闪电的光亮9 看起来像 10 沉没11看一看 12 一艘要沉的船13 安静地;静悄悄地 14 令某人吃惊的是15令某人大吃一惊的是 16我受够你了 17 击毙某人,开枪打某人18 死于恐惧 19 拿走,离去20上气不接下气 21 戏弄某人22 编造 23 玩得高兴24 有意做某事,有做某事的心情 25 稍等一下 26 赶快27 迅速地吃 28 发财 29决心做 30出发,动身,启程31过着一种冒险的生活 32结果发现33强迫某人

3、做三、重点词语讲解1.account n. 叙述;描述;报道;账目;账户;估计;理由 v. 解释;说明;认为;视为e.g. Dont always believe newspaper accounts of events. 不要总是相信报纸的报道。 He has an account with the Bank of China. 他在中国银行有帐户。【相关搭配】 by ones own account : 据.自己说 take . into account / take account of sth. : 对某事加以考虑 leave sth. out of account / take no

4、 account of sth. : 对某事不予注意 on account of : 因为 on no account : 决不2. exception n. 例外;反对;异议 exceptional : adj. 例外的;异常的【相关搭配】 make an exception of sb./ sth. : 把作为例外 with the exception of : 将 除外 without exception : 无例外 take exception to sth. : 反对; 对提出抗议3. warn (1) (常与of; against连用) 告诫,警告He warned us agai

5、nst going there at night. 他告诫我们夜里不要去那里He was warned of the danger.他被警告有危险。(2)(常与that连用) 事先通知 The whistle warned visitors that the ship was ready to sail.汽笛通知旅客船即将启航。【相关搭配】 Warn sb. against doing sth. 告诫某人不要做某事 Warn sb. (not) to do sth. 告诫某人做(不做)某事 Warn+ that从句 告诫(提醒).4 board v 上船(火车、飞机、公共汽车);住宿;寄宿e.

6、g. Passenger are waiting to board. 乘客们正在等候。 The ship was boarded by customs official. 海关官员登上这艘船。 She always had one or two students boarding with her. 她家总有一两名寄宿学生5. as quiet as mice / a mouse : 安静地,静悄悄地6. be in a panic : 处在恐慌中 get into a panic : 陷入恐慌7. have had enough of sb. / sth. : 对厌烦透了; 受够了8. pe

7、rsuade sb. into doing sth. = persuade sb. to do sth. :说服某人干某事persuade sb. out of doing sth. = persuade sb. not to do sth. :说服某人不干某事persuade sb. that = persuade sb. of sth. : 使某人相信9. make up : 编造;组成; 弥补;化妆;和好10. determine to do sth. : (表动作)决定做 be determined to do sth :(表状态)决心做11. make a / ones fortun

8、e :发财12. force sb. to do sth.= force sb. into doing sth. : 强迫某人做 e into force :生效,有效 in force :在实施中13. live up to ones reputation : 不负盛名四、锁定高考1 Many a time the workers were made _ late into night.a. working b. worked c. work d. to work2. I have no one _ me, for I am a newer here.a. help b. helping c

9、. to help d. to have helped3. He said that he didnt _ his father e in, because he was busy playing the game.a. realize b. expect c. notice d. watch4. Since its so difficult you can _ some more students to help with this experiment.a. let b. get c. have d. make5. - Have you ever found David _ in the

10、exam? - Never. Hes been doing well in all his subjects.a. cheat b. cheated c. to cheat d. being cheated6. Getting out of the freezing water, the little boy _ cold all over.a. was feeling b. was felt c. felt d. feels7. _ from the top of the hill, the village below looks more beautiful.a. Seeing b. Se

11、en c. Being seen d. To be seen8. Fortunately, the three robbers were observed _ into the bank. It wasnt long before they were caught.a. breaking b. broken c. to have broken d. having broken9. It sounds _ that our country has sent up another satellite into space.a. wonderful b. wonderfully c. to be w

12、onderful d. being wonderful10. The old man didnt enjoy his meal, for the rice, which he likes best, _ burnt.a. tasting b. was tasted c. tasted d. tastes11. He did a wonderful job in the final, _ all of us.a. to satisfy b. satisfied c. satisfying d. having satisfied12. Tonys mother sighed and shook her head, obviously _ at his failure.a. disappointing b. disappointed c. being disappointed d. having disappointed13. The students, _ at the way the question was put, didnt k


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