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1、人教版新目标英语七年级下册Unit 4 Don teat in class Section A2 教学设计 设计理念:(1)以听与说为中心的的交际型课堂教学和以任务为中心的任务型 语言教学注重培养学生的语言实际运用能力。 教师通过创造情境给学 生提供听与说的机会,使学生在实际的听说练习中提高语言运用能 力。(2)利用多媒体为学生提供真实具体的语言视听环境,引发学生的 学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效率。(3)在教学中,教师设置自主学习、小组合作学习探究任务,激发 学生学习的积极主动性, 让学生在交流合作中形成自主学习合作学习 的能力。教材分析:教学内容为人教版新目标英语七年级下册第 4 单元 Sect

2、ion A 的第 2 课时。第四单元的话题是规则( rules ),教材中出现的学校家 庭的规则贴近学生的生活, 容易激发学生的学习共鸣与兴趣, 帮助学 生客观看待规章制度。 本节课是听说课, 在本单元起到承上启下的作 用,在继续学习词汇与祈使句的同时, 对上节课所学语言知识点在实 际运用中巩固,为下节课读写能力的训练做好铺垫。学情分析:七年级学生对情态动词 can 及否定形式 cant 的使用已经熟悉, 经过本单元第 1 课时的学习,他们对于祈使句也有了初步了解, 能够 用英语表达简单的规则。而本节课对 have to 与祈使句结构的学习, 对学生来说易于接受与理解, 但是运用所学语言知识点

3、谈论规则, 进 行实际运用, 尤其是情态动词与祈使句的转换表达, 对学生来说有一 定难度。教学目标:1、知识目标:掌握祈使句的用法;学习 have to 的使用;运用 基本句型 Canwe eat in the classroom Yes, we can./No, we cant. Does he have to wear a uniform at school Yes, he does./No, he doesn t. What do we have to do We have to be quiet in the library. 谈论学校、图书馆规则。2、能力目标:培养学生运用所学语言知

4、识谈论规则的能力,从 而进一步提高学生的听说表达能力; 培养学生在学习中发现问题合作 探究的自主学习能力。3、情感目标:帮助学生正确看待学校行为规范,引发学生对交 通与公共场所规则的认识,培养学生遵守行为规范与公共秩序的美 德。教学重、难点 : 重点:学习并运用日常交际用来谈论规则的词汇句型。难点: have to 的使用与祈使句的使用,尤其是祈使句的否定结构的 使用。教法、学法: 教法:交际型教学法与任务型教学法。注重语言运用能力的培养,在 创设的真实情境与任务中进行听说训练与语言表达的练习, 提高学生 的语言运用意识,培养他们对英语学习的兴趣。 学法:自主学习、合作学习、探究学习。新课标强

5、调课堂教学要以学 生为中心,本节课设置了合作式学习任务, 让学生自主探究合作学习, 提高学生的学习能力。教学过程:Step 1 Lead-in ( 2 minutes )(1) Students races to be the first one to translate imperative sentences about rules:Don t run inside./ Don t push./ Don t litter./Save electricity./ Save water.Students who answerright will get one point for their

6、groups.(2) Students read the sentences together.(3) Teacher makes students realize that although we dont like rules,we really need rules,We may have troubles in our life. 设计说明:课堂导入设计关于学校、社会规则的英译汉问题,利于学 生知识的回顾与迁移, 询问学生这些规则的必要性, 能够培养学生遵 守规则的意识。采用小组竞赛式回答问题,激发学生学习的主动性, 调动课堂学习氛围。Step 2 Listening (4 minut

7、es)(1) Students listen to the conversation and answer the following questions:Is John new at school/Are there many rules at school/Can he bring music players to school/Do they have toalways wear the school uniform(2) Students read after the teacher and check answers. 设计说明:让学生带着问题去听对话,利于学生对关键信息的把握。 学

8、生跟读对话,训练学生的语音语调。Step 3 Group work and language points(10 minutes)(1) Students read the conversation by themselves and find out language points by themselves.(2) Students work in group to discuss what they have found and each group has one student to summarize their discussion and report the result i

9、n front of the whole class.(3) Teacher supplements students repo rt and emphasizes on important language points as follows:arrive,listen,fight,haveto,.设计说明: 让学生自己发现语言点, 小组合作探究讨论总结语言点的 使用,发挥了学生在学习中的主体性与主动性, 培养学生主动思考自 主学习的能力,避免教师灌输学生被动接受。由小组学生代表讲解, 易于吸引其他学生的学习兴趣与注意力, 虽然学生会出现漏讲、 错讲 的现象,却有助于其他学生进行补充纠错,获

10、得学习的满足感,在教师的帮助下,强化学习效果。这一教学过程,学生是主体,教师是辅 助。Step 4 Pair work(5 minutes)(1) Students work in pair to roleplay the conversation and make conversation according to actual information:A:Hi,my name is xxx,It s my first day at school.B:Hi,I m is a great there are a lot of rules.A:ReallyWhat are some of the

11、 rulesB:Well,don t be late for is very important.A: we must be on we bring music players to schoolB:No,we can we always have to wear the school uniforms.A:I see.B:And we also have to be quiet in the library.(2) Teacher asks 2 or 3 pairs to present their conversation.设计说明: 角色扮演对话并根据实际信息进行对话, 是创造了一个生

12、活中会出现的情境, 让学生运用所学对话中的语言谈论学校规则, 有 助于学生提高语言运用能力。Step 5 Exercise and practice(4 minutes)/ 我们必(1)Students finish translating exercise about the conversation:不要在上课时听音乐。 Dont listen to music in class. 须准时。 We must be on time./ 我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗Can we bring music players to school/ 在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。Wemust keep

13、 quiet in the library./不要再楼道里跑。Don trun in the hallways.(2) Students read sentences together.(3) Students finish the practice of language points they havelearned: Filli ng in the bla nks with in/at/to:My mother usually get_ school at 7:40 in the morning./ Whendo you usually arrive the bus station/ J

14、ennys uncle usually arrives _ Shanghai in the evening. Filling in the blanks with have to/must:It s cold outside.We stay at home./We study hard.设计说明: 针对对话文本的翻译练习和语言点的填空题, 帮助学生进 一步巩固所学的内容, 加强对重点知识的掌握。 根据学生完成练习的 情况,教师可以了解学生的学习效果, 对于知识薄弱点进行进一步讲 解。Step 6 Presentation and practice of grammar focus(8 minu

15、tes)(1) Teacher explains the use of imperative structure.(2) Studentstake notes and answer questions about schoollibrary rules.(3) Teacher summarizes how to talk about rules by asking students questions.设计说明:经过前面的学习,学生对祈使句这一现象已经熟悉,呈现 祈使句的使用、结构有助于学生系统掌握该结构 , 利用学校图书馆里 的规则,让学生使用祈使句进行表达,提高语言运用能力。教师提问 并总

16、结谈论规则的句型,为接下来的小组讨论做好铺垫。Step 7 Group work(7 minutes)(1)Students work in group to make five rules for their dreamstudent of each group reports their vote for the coolestdream school.(2)Teacher makesstudents realize that the coolest dream school is not the best school,because we sometimes need strict rules to help us study wel



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