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1、Unit 10 What colour?一、教学内容:类别语言项目日常交际用语What colour?Its blue.词语red green blue yellow brown歌曲A car and a dog二、教材分析本单元的主要教学内容是“询问和回答物品的颜色”。在教学时教师要努力为学生创设颜色资源,让他们在自然的氛围中学习和使用本课的日常交际用语以及颜色的单词。三、教学重难点分析:1、能听懂特殊疑问句What colour?并能用 Its作出应答,语音语调正确。2、能用特殊疑问句What colour?询问他人的能力,语音语调正确。3、能听懂、会说red green blue yel

2、low brown发音准确。4、会唱歌曲A car and a dog四、课时安排:1st 课时 Part A&B部分2nd 课时Part A&B部分3rd课时 Part C&D4th课时 复习Part A-C, 完成活动手册5th 课时 补充习题,过关Unit 10 What colour? (Period 1) 教学内容:1A第十单元,单词red, yellow, green,句型What colour? Its 教学目标:1、能听懂、会说red, yellow, green这三个单词,发音准确。2、能听懂特殊疑问句What colour?,并能用Its 作答。3、能使用特殊疑问句What

3、 colour? 向他人询问颜色,语音语调正确。教学重点: 正确掌握单词red, yellow, blue的发音;正确运用句型What colour?及其回答。教学难点: 区别red, yellow, green三种颜色;灵活运用句型What colour? 及其回答。准备教具:PPT课件,一些实物教学过程:Step 1 Revision1、师生打招呼。2、唱歌曲:Happy New Year!3、Free talk: Happy New Year! A for you! Thank you.Step 2 Presentations1、教学单词red:(1)出示一只红包:T: Look! Wh

4、ats this?S: Its a red packet.T: Yes. The red packet is red.Learn to say: red(2)Chant: red, red, a red packet/ apple/ bag (3)Learn to say: red, red, a red packet2、教学单词yellow:(1)出示一只香蕉:T: Look! Whats this?S: Its a banana.T: Yes. Its a yellow banana.Learn to say: yellow(2)找颜色,快速说话:yellow, yellow, its y

5、ellow.3、教学单词green:(1)藏图片,学生猜颜色:T: What colour? S: Its red/ Its yellow.(2)出示绿色,T: What colour? Its green.Learn to say: green(3)传颜色,循环回答:A: What colour? B: Its green.4、齐读单词:red, yellow, green小组竞赛问答:What colour? Its red/ yellow/ green.Step 3 Sing a song1、学唱歌曲,师生问答唱: T: red, red, who likes red? S: red,

6、red, I like red.(喜欢红色的学生站起来接唱)T: yellow, yellow, who likes yellow?S: yellow, yellow, I like yellow. (喜欢黄色的学生站起来接唱)2、说话:I like Step 4 Consolidation1、看红绿灯,指认颜色:What colour? Its red/ yellow/ green. 扮演交通警察,演一演。2、涂色:在老师发的图片上涂色,T: Apple, apple, stand up. Colour it red.(师示范) Banana, banana, stand up. Colou

7、r it yellow. Pencil, pencil, stand up. Colour it green.学生涂色完成后,师生问答:T: What colour? S1: Its red/ yellow/ green.3、总结,读题:Unit 10 What colour?Step 5 Homework1、认读单词red和yellow。2、用What colour? Its与父母或同学对话。板书: Unit 10 What colour?red (红色纸)Its yellow (黄色纸)green (绿色纸) 教学反思:Unit 10 What colour (Period 2)一、 教学

8、内容:Unit 10 Part A and B二、 教学目标:1、 能听懂,会说表示颜色的单词:green, brown 发音准确。 2、 能听懂特殊疑问句What colour?并能根据情况用Its 回答,语音语调正确。3、 能使用特殊疑问句What colour?向他人询问物品的颜色,语音语调正确。4、 培养学生热爱大自然的情感,了解大自然中不同的颜色。三、 教学重点:单词green, brown的正确认读。四、 教学难点:1、 brown的正确发音。2、 What colour?的正确应答Its 与Its a 的区别。五、 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up(课前播放歌曲,营造

9、课堂氛围)Sing some songs: Hello/ Good morning1 Free talk: Hi, xxx./ Hello, xxx, Im Miss Pu. / Good morning, xxx. This is xxxGood morning, xxx, whats this? 2 Listen to a song: Colours T(指课件Flash画面)Look, herere some colours in the song. Today lets learn some colours. Read: colour(Pass and say)3 Review: re

10、d, blue, yellow.Step 2 Presentation 1 Magic show (Learn green, brown)1) Teach: green (师将装蓝色和黄色的矿泉水混到一起,引导学生看变化)学颜色green 读单词:A 升降调读 B 高低声读2) (准备几个装矿泉水的瓶子)The teacher takes one of the bottles, shaking. The colour of the water changes into brown.(学生一定会觉得很奇怪,吸引他们的注意力) 学习单词 brown. (师在摇的时候引导学生说:Magic, mag

11、ic, go, go, go.制造气氛。)读单词:A Pass and say B Magic stick read.2 Read the new words. 1) Listen to the tape, read after the tape.2) Look at the teachers mouth, say the words.3) Play a game: Whats coming?(将游戏Whats missing 反过来玩)4) 快速认读五种颜色卡,学生人手一份彩纸,T: Boys and girls, please show me your colours. 带学生读Red,

12、red, it red.5) 师用调色板板画颜色,反复渗透What colour?3 Play game 2 (师出示一个用纸包着的pencil )T:Whats this? Ss: Its a T: What colour? S: Guess. (师把该生拉至身边悄悄地告诉他,再让下面的学生问他T: Who can ask )操练句子:What colour? Step 3 Consolidation 1 Play game 3 小转盘 巩固操练:What colour? Its (设置幸运奖,如果猜的和转得一样,奖励两颗星)2 学生两人小组玩转盘游戏。3 读课文3 用不同物品操练What

13、colour? Its (准备一些实物图片,色彩鲜艳)4请学生找朋友,放一放板书5 指板书说Chant.5 Listen and do. Step 4 Assign homework:在我们的生活中,处处都有颜色,请小朋友寻找生活中的颜色,以及有关颜色的知识。Board design: Unit 10 What colour?What colour?Its red/ green/ yellow/ green.教学反思:Unit10 (3rd)一、Teaching content:Book1A Unit 10 Part C二、Teaching aims:.1. 能熟练地听说读颜色单词red gr

14、een blue yellow brown,发音准确。2. 能听懂、会说颜色单词orange, white, black, 语音语调正确。3. 能熟练运用日常交际用语What colour? Its4. 能用所学的颜色简单描述所学的物品等。5. 会说歌谣A cat and a dog.三、Main and difficult points: 1. 能听懂、会说颜色单词orange, white, black, 语音语调正确。2. 能用所学的颜色简单描述所学的物品等。3. 会说歌谣A cat and a dog.四、Teaching aids: Multimedia, teaching cards, teaching objects五、Teaching procedure:Step1: Free talk and revision.1. Greetings and free talk.2. Say a rhyme: 3. Lets chant: Blue, blue, its blue. Green, green, its green. Red, red, its red. Yellow, yell



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