年人教版高一英语必修1课时作业课标卷课时作业十三 U5 Warming UpReading Word版含答案

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern hero课时作业(十三)Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1Modesty is one of his good _ (品质)2She plays an _ (积极的) part in local politics.3She has _ (献身) her lifetime to the study of zoology.4They hope to achieve their goal by _ (和平的) means.5I am _ (有希望的) that I will pass the fi

2、nal exam.6In the end we _ (投票) to support the president.7Unluckily,she was _ (袭击) by a robber on her way to work.8No one is _ (乐意的) to accept his ideas.9As a doctor,Bethune helped the Chinese people _ (无私地)10The Peoples Republic of China was _ (建立) in 1949.单句改错1The new type of the machine is in high

3、 quality and is not expensive._2All the students in his class have an active part in discussion._3The workers in the factory have out of work for a year._4To our surprise,the scientist devotes all his life to observe the sun._5The government is at a stage which it is willing to talk with protesters.

4、_.阅读理解A Microsoft founder Bill Gates has opened up about being a parent,stating that 13 is a proper age for a childs first cellphone.The fatherofthree revealed (透露) on the Today show that his children Jennifer and Rory were not allowed phones until their thirteenth birthday and his youngest daughter

5、 PhoeBe is still waiting for one.“Weve chosen in our family that its 13 where you get a phone,”the selfmade billionaire explained.He said as a result his kids often return home from school complaining,“All the other kids have it.We are the only ones without it,its so embarrassing.” Despite their vas

6、t wealth Mr.and Mrs.Gates,who live in Lake Medina,just outside Seattle,Washington,have said they want to give their children as normal an upbringing (教养) as possible.It was previously (以前) reported that their youngsters have to complete household chores (杂务) and are given a modest amount of pocket m

7、oney.And in 2010 Mr.Gates said that he intends to give most of his $61 billion fortune away rather than hand it down.“That wouldnt be good either for my kids or society,”he said.Also during the Today interview with host Matt Lauer,Mr.Gates,who stepped down(辞职) from Microsoft in 2008 to concentrate o

8、n charity,said that helping others gives him the same energy as creating software.What you really feel is what youve achieved.If a piece of software gets out there and lots of people love itit lets them get their work done in better waysthats exciting,he explained.Mr.Gates was previously the richest

9、 man in the world,but he got shifted down a spot(点) in 2010 after he decided to give away $28 billion to good causes.1Which of the following is true according to the passage?AGateskids are given a lot of pocket money.BGates intends to raise his children like ordinary people.CGates always keeps passw

10、ords to his youngsters.DGates thinks 16 is a proper age for a childs first cellphone.2Bill Gates holds the view that _Aits great to create a popular productBit wouldnt be good to give most of his fortune awayChelping others brings him more pleasure than developing softwareDmonitoring online activity

11、 is easy for parents3The last paragraph suggests that Gates _Asuffered a great loss in his businessBisnt among the wealthiest men in the worldCranked second in 2010 after his donationDdidnt donate anything until 20104Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?AThe Kindness of the

12、 Selfmade BillionaireBThe Three Children of the Richest ManCThe Vast Wealth of the Microsoft FounderDBill GatesSkills of FatherhoodBIt is usual for volunteers to make sure that the hundreds of sea turtles (海龟) that hatch (孵化) on the beaches of the Caribbean Island,can move to sea each year.The task

13、usually includes keeping an eye on them.This year,they had to do something they have never done beforeBuild a human wall for some of the little ones that may go the wrong way to the sea.It all began when volunteers on Bonaire Island noticed a group of turtles hatching a little further out on the bea

14、ch,closer to the airport.This was a problem because once they hatch,the babies usually look to the moonlight which guides them to the sea.However,when the turtles are born so close to the airport,they may think the bright light as the moonlight by mistake,and often,end up moving in the wrong direction.A few years ago,a whole group getting killed after they moved upon a busy road.In order to stop this from happening again,the volunteers kept a close eye


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