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1、2021-2022 学年上学期九年级元月英语试卷第一部分 听力部分一、听力测试 (共三节)第一节听下面 4 个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每个 问题仅读一遍。1. A. By reading.2. A. With my brother. 3. A. Its interesting. 4. A. Its expensive.第二节B. She stays at home. B. At about 7: 00 am. B. I bought it yesterday. B. Western restaurant.C. By bus.C. Its v

2、ery far.C. I bought it in the book shop. C. The comfortable seats.听下面 8 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段 对话仅读一遍。5. What time will they meet probably?A. At8: 15.6. What docs Miss Gao do? A. She is a teacher.B. At8: 45.B. She is a doctor.C. At9: 15.C. She is a worker.7. What was the weather

3、like yesterday?A. It was fine.8. Who will move this desk? A. The man.9. How docs the woman feel? A. Angry.10. What does Tom mean?B. It was cloudy.B. The woman.B. Interested.C. It was rainy.C. Both of them.C. Surprised.A. He will play football.B. He wont play football with them.C. He doesnt like play

4、ing football at all.11. Whats the probable relationship between the speakersA. Waiter and customer. B. Husband and wife. C. Boss and secretary. 12. What does the man mean?A. He doesnt feel like eating, too.C. They will change a restaurant this time.第三节B. The lunch will be as usual.听下面 4 段对话或独白。每段对话或

5、独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至 15 三个小题。13. Whats the mans problem?A. He lost all his money. B. He didnt pass the exam. C. He doesnt know how to look for a job.14. Why does Mark wan. a job?A. Because he needs money. B. Because he needs experience. C. Because he is out

6、of work now. 15. What was the womans advice?A. To read some advertisements on the newspaper.B. To look up some information on the Internet.C. To try to work in n shop first.听下面一段对话,回答第 16 至 18 三个小题。16. How much should one pay for a film ticket?A. Two dollars. B. Three dollars. C. Nothing.17. Whats t

7、he new movie about?A. A two-year-old nice little boy. B. A kind and helpful nurse. 18. What can we learn about Lucy?C. The mother of a little baby boy.A. She can l go to see the film. B. She will be busy on Saturday afternoon.C. She could make some money herself.听下面一段对话,回答第 19 至 21 三个小题。19. Where ar

8、e they talking?A. At a theater. B. In the classroom. C. On the plane. 20. Why docs Susan think Peter might be interested in the theater group?A. Because Peter is the only boy in the group.B. Because she knows he likes acting.C. Because Peter is looking for an acting job21. What worries Peter most in

9、 joining the group?A. He wont have enough time to practice.B. He has not been in a play for a long time.C. His mother will agree him to do that.听下面一段独白,回答第 22 至 25 四个小题。22. What happened to the three boys on a cold day?A. They lost their way. B. They couldnt find their houseC. They had to spend the

10、night in the open air.23. What did the three boys ask the farmer to do?A. To give them some water and food.B. To let them stay in his house for a night.C. To tell them the way to walk out of the forest.24. Whats wrong with Ton? A. He couldnt fall asleep without his partners company.B. The horses kic

11、ked him out of the house.C. He thought it too smelly to sleep.25. Why were all the horses outside at the house door?A. Because they tried to drive Jack out of the room.B. Because they couldnt stand the smell from Jack.C. Because the farmer tied them outside to make the boys have a good sleep.第二部分 笔试

12、部分二、单项选择从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案26. Ill try to repair the car. _. You know nothing about the car.A. I couldnt ag cc more. C. No problem.B. You cant be serious! D. Never mind.27. I have ants in my pants for the coming exam next Monday? _. Its very important to keep a good mood.A. Good luckB. Tak

13、e it easy C. No problem D. Take your time28. Do you mind if I use the phone? _.A. Yes go ahead.C. Be my guest.B. Behave yourself.D. Do it yourself.29. We _ very simply at home and do not spend a lot of money on food. Thats why youre called the Greens.A. ateB. catC. will catD. have eaten30. She _ to

14、give a talk about how to save water yesterday.A. invite “B. invitedC. is invitedD. was invited31. The price of chicken is going up madly. Its really too much for us!But thats because many chicken farms _ with a terrible disease.A. meet B. have meet C. will meet D. had met 32. I think either of the cars is OK. You know, Tom loves all kinds of toy cars.I agree with you. So I decide to buy _ of them for him.A. all B. any C. neither D. both33. Mike broke the window, Mom. Why didn


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