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1、2022高考英语一轮复习Unit14Careers讲义北师大版必修5 一、刷黑板.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写 1carpenter n木匠2chemist n. 化学家3receptionist n. 接待员4shop assistant 营业员5typist n. 打字员6insurance n. 保险7bonus n. 额外津贴,奖金8fee n. 服务费,学费 第二屏听写 9ine n收入10reward n. 奖赏11wage n. 薪金,工资12paragraph n. 段落13institute n. 机构;学院14pump n. 泵,抽水机15deer n. 鹿16receip

2、t n. 收据,收条 第三屏听写 17glory n 光荣的事,值得骄傲的事18liquid n. 液体 19prehension n. 理解 20chart n. 图表,表格21mud n. 烂泥,泥浆22nursery n. 托儿所,保育室23collar n. 衣领24typewriter n. 打字机 第四屏听写 25mankind n人类26battle n. 战役,战斗27corn n. 玉米28cattle n. 牛29frost n. 霜30steep adj. 陡峭的,险峻的31grain n. 谷物,谷粒32lip n. 嘴唇 第五屏听写 33junior high初中34

3、nest n. 鸟巢,巢35feather n. 羽毛36wrist n. 腕,腕关节37childhood n. 童年,儿童时代38twist vt. & vi. 旋转,转动39multiply v. 大量增加;乘 第六屏听写 40continent n大陆,洲41slave n. 奴隶42boom vi. 激增,猛涨43arithmetic n. 算术44*enclose vt. 随信附上45curriculum vitaeCV n. 简历;个人履历46data n. 资料,数据 .高频词汇(汉译英)第七屏听写 1charge vt. 收费,要价n. 负责2summary n. 摘要,总结

4、3guidance n. 指导4take_charge_of 接管,控制5consult vt. 查阅;请教6casual adj. 随意的,非正式的 第八屏听写 7quarrel vi.吵架,争吵8make_up 编造9make_out 假称;听出,看出10go_into_detail(s) 讨论,细谈11speak_up 大声地说,自由而大胆地说出12sit_up 坐直13appointment n. 约见,约会 第九屏听写 14instant n片刻,瞬息15moral n. 品德;品行16basis n. 基础,根基17surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的18wisdom

5、n. 智慧19believe_in 信仰,信任20turn_over 反转 第十屏听写 21overe vt. 克服,战胜22illegal adj. 违法的,不合法的23pay_off 得到好结果;取得成功24mit_ vt. 投入25existence n. 生活;存在26constantly_ adv. 不断地27beneath prep. 在底下 第十一屏听写 28bend v弯腰,倾身29hesitate v. 踌躇,犹豫30judgement n. 判断,判断力 31keep_up_with 跟上,赶上32decrease v. 减少,降低33operate vi. 运转,运作vt

6、. 操作34dynamic adj. 精力充沛的 第十二屏听写 35respond vi.反应;回复,回答36flexible adj. 灵活的,柔韧的37envy vt. 嫉妒,羡慕38bother vt. 烦扰;打扰39in_case 以防万一;万一40fort n. 舒适,安逸41panic v. 恐慌,惊惶42due_to 由于 第十三屏听写 43in_addition此外44qualification n. 资格,资历 45aid n. 援助,帮助46topic n. 题目,话题47error n. 错误48universe n. 宇宙49civil adj. 民间的;国民的;国内的

7、 第十四屏听写 50idiom n成语,习语51junior adj. 低级的52grasp vt. 理解;领会;抓牢,抓紧53stage n. 舞台;阶段,时期54division n. 部门;分割55branch n. 分支,部门56inspect v. 审查57mitted adj. 尽责的 二、刷清单(一)核心单词阅读单词1.insurance n保险2.bonus n. 额外津贴,奖金3.fee n. 服务费,学费4.ine n. 收入5.wage n. 薪金,工资6.institute n机构,学院7.chart n. 图表,表格8.nursery n. 托儿所,保育室9.mank

8、ind n. 人类10.battle n. 战役,战斗11.cattle n牛12.steep adj. 陡峭的,险峻的13.childhood n. 童年,儿童时代14.multiply v. 大量增加;乘15.continent n. 大陆,洲表达单词1.decrease v减少,降低2.reward n. 奖赏3.charge vt. 收费,要价n. 负责4.consult vt. 查阅;请教5.bother vt. 烦扰;打扰6.casual_ adj. 随意的,非正式的7.overe vt. 克服,战胜8.stage n. 舞台;阶段,时期9.universe n. 宇宙10.dyn

9、amic adj. 精力充沛的11.grasp vt. 理解,领会;抓牢,抓紧12.civil adj. 民间的;国民的;国内的13.branch n. 分支,部门14.junior adj. 低级的15.topic n. 题目,话题16.bend v. 弯腰,倾身17.envy_ vt. 妒忌,羡慕18.panic v. 恐慌,惊惶语境活用1.Due to the strict traffic regulations on drunken driving, the number of accidents from it has greatly decreased (减少)2.Little J

10、ohn hardly got anything in reward (奖赏,回报 ) for his kind act, which made him unhappy.3.If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult (请教,咨询) a doctor. 4.Dont bother (担心)Well take part in your game later.5.His casual (非正式的) clothes were not suitable for such a formal occasion.6.Look

11、ing back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way to success is our fear; overe (克服,战胜) it, and we will be able to achieve our goals.7.Were in the early stage (阶段,时期) of this technology, and more development and testing will be done.8.They will live longer, work smarter and even have a greater und

12、erstanding of nature and the universe (宇宙)9.He knew I was dynamic (精力充沛的) and energetic and would get things done.拓展单词1.mit vt.投入mitted adj.尽责的mitment n承诺;保证2.appointment n约定,约会;任命,委派appoint vt.任命,指派;预约,安排3.constantly adv.不断地constant adj.不断的;不变的4.illegal adj.不合法的,违法的legal adj.合法的5.instant n片刻,瞬息 adj.瞬间的,立即的,紧急的instantly adv.即刻地,马上地instance n例子;事例;情况6.surrounding adj.附近的,周围的surround v包围,围绕surroundings n环境7.inspect v审查inspection n检查,视察inspect


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