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1、材料长石feldspar 瓷泥petunse, petuntse, petuntze瓷漆enamel paint, enamel 封泥lute高岭土kaolin, china clay 硅石,二氧化硅silica, SiO2堇青石cordierite 莫来石,红柱石andalusite泥果,坯体clay body 泥釉slip石灰,生石灰,氧化钙lime, calcium oxide, CaO 氧化锡tin oxide釉glaze 原材料raw material云母mica 皂石,块滑石steatitedolomite:白云土 terracotta:红土construction/buildin

2、g material :建白材料陶瓷质地和类型 White Body 白胎 碧玉细炻器 jasper薄胎瓷 thin china / egg-shell porcelain 彩陶器,釉陶 faience陈设瓷,摆设瓷 display china / ornamental porcelain 瓷 porcelain, china 赤陶 terracotta, terracotta, red earthenware 代尔夫精陶 delft德化陶瓷 Te-hua porcelain, Dehua pottery 高温陶瓷 refractory china低温陶瓷low-fired porcelain

3、 工业陶瓷 industrial ceramics工艺瓷,美术瓷,艺术瓷 art porcelain, art and craft china, art pottery, artistic china骨瓷 bone china 古瓷ancient porcelain官瓷 mandarin porcelain 光瓷 lusterware黑色陶器 basalt 裂变瓷 crackled porcelain裂纹瓷 crazed china 米色陶器 creamware青瓷 celadon 青花瓷 blue and white porcelain轻质瓷、轻瓷 light china 日用瓷 house

4、hold china, table ware软瓷 soft porcelain 杀菌陶瓷 antiseptic pottery绳纹陶器 Rope figure pottery 施釉陶器 slipware粗瓷 stoneware 素彩瓷 plain porcelain陶 earthenware 陶瓷 pottery无釉陶、陶瓷素烧坯 biscuit, unglazed ware 锡釉陶 majolica细瓷 fine china 硬瓷 hard porcelain赭色粘土陶器 terra sigillata 紫砂 purple granulated, purple sand, terra-cot

5、ta长石瓷feldspar porcelain 瓷牙;牙科用瓷dental porcelain瓷质纱网装饰瓷器lace work porcelain 电瓷electrical porcelain雕塑瓷;象牙色帕利安瓷statuary porcelain 高铝瓷high-alumina porcelain锆质瓷zircon porcelain 滑石瓷 steatite porcelain化学瓷chemical porcelain 尖晶石瓷spinel porcelain堇青石瓷cordierite porcelain 镁橄榄石瓷forsterite porcelain镁质瓷;氧化镁瓷 magne

6、sia porcelain 莫来石瓷mullite porcelain耐热瓷器refractory porcelain 缥瓷faint coloured porcelain青白瓷greenish white porcelain 熔块瓷fritted porcelain三成分瓷器triaxial porcelain 钛质瓷titania porcelain天然原料制成的瓷器natural porcelain 透辉石瓷diapside porcelain卫生瓷器sanitary porcelain 鸭蛋青瓷duck-egg porcelain氧化铝瓷alumina porcelain 原始瓷pro

7、to-porcelain皂石瓷soapstone porcelain 中火度瓷intermediate porcelainIC管瓷IC packages 白云石瓷dolomitic保温耐火砖insulating firebrick 釉面transparent:透明釉的 opaque: 不透明釉的pigmented:色釉的 crackled:裂纹釉的pearlized :珍珠釉的 Color Glaze 花釉White Glaze 白釉 Red Glaze 红釉Pearl Glaze 珍珠釉 翡翠釉;翠绿釉Kingfisher blue glaze分相釉phase separation glaz

8、e 粉青釉 lavender grey glaze 复合釉;混合铀composite glaze 钙釉.石灰釉calcareous glaze盖底釉cladding glaze 高硅质釉;硅酸质釉siliceous glaze高温釉hard glaze 瓜皮绿釉cucumber green glaze光泽釉bright glaze 光泽釉 glossy glaze孩儿脸(铜红釉)crushed strawberry red 孩儿脸釉strawberry red glaze海参釉trepang glaze 海棠红釉begonia red glaze虹彩釉luster glaze 弧坑釉crate

9、r glaze虎斑釉tiger-skin glaze 琥珀釉amber glaze花釉;复色釉fancy glaze 滑石釉talc glaze灰釉ash glaze 挥发釉vapour glaze火焰红釉flamboyant red glaze 鸡皮釉fowl-skin glaze基础釉parent glaze 祭红altar red祭红釉sacrificial red glaze 祭蓝altar blue祭蓝釉sacrificial blue glaze 荠红釉shiny red glaze荞蓝釉deep blue glaze 贾丁尼尔釉Jardiniere glaze碱石灰釉alkaline-calcareous 碱釉alkaline glaze豇豆红釉cowpea red glaze


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