【最新】人教版新目标 Unit 7Units 57单元综合测试题

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《【最新】人教版新目标 Unit 7Units 57单元综合测试题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】人教版新目标 Unit 7Units 57单元综合测试题(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、最新教学资料人教版英语Revision Practice (Units 57)一、单词拼写,完成下列单词,每空一个字母,并将单词中文写在横线上(每题0.5分,共10分)1.vol_ _yball _2._nt_ _esting _3.r_l_xing _ 4.d_ff_c_ _t _5.b_ _ing _6.telev_ _ _ _n _7.b_se_ _ll _ 8.b_s_etball _9.t_n_ _s ra_k_t_10.a_ _le _11.or_ng_ _12.h_mb_rg_r_13.c_rr_t _14.bre_kf_st _15.ch_ck_n _16.str_wb_rry

2、 _ 17.b_ _ _ d_18.t_m_t_es _ 19.v_g_t_bl_ _20.sw_ _ter _二、单项选择(每题1分,共20分) 1.Can I have _ orange? Sorry,there isnt _.A.any;some B.some;anyC.a;any D.an;some2.Do you have any sweaters?_,I_.A.Yes;don tB.No;don t have anyC.Yes;have anyD.No;have3.Hello,Mr.Smith! _ are you today?A.What B.WhichC.Who D.How4.

3、This is my new watch.Do you like _?A.it B.themC.itsD.they5._ that man _ a house near the river?A.Do;have B.Does;hasC.Does;have D.Do;has6.What _ you like?A.can B.areC.must D.would7.You can find a _ girl in the picture.A.English B.AmericanC.Japan D.Chinese8.Look! Some chicken_ on the plate,and some pe

4、ars _ in the basket. A.is;is B.is;areC.are;is D.are;are9.Id like an ice cream._ you?Id like a glass of water.A.What B.HowC.What about D.Whats10.I want _ some vegetables.A.to have B.eatC.eat to D.have11.How much _ these shorts?A.is B.areC.has D.have12._ is your father?Hes fine.A.How old B.WhoC.How D.

5、What13.Do you like bread?_.A.I dont like itB.I like itC.Its interestingD.Yes,I do14._ ruler is this?Its _.A.Whos;Dick B.Whos;hisC.Whose;Dicks D.Whose;hes15.The black trousers _.A.is Kings B.are Kings C.are Kings D.is Kings16.Here are your new shoes._,please.A.Put on their B.Put they onC.Put them on

6、D.Put on shoes17.What color are Jims shoes?_ white.A.Its B.There areC.Those are D.They are18.Whats that over there? _ go and look.A.Lets to B.Let me seeC.Let my D.Lets19._ your trousers blue or black?A.What color is B.IsC.AreD.What color are20.He _ like baseball,_ he likes tennis ball.A.dont;but B.d

7、oesnt;andC.not;but D.doesnt;but三、把下列单词组成句子。注意标点,需要时用大写字母。(每题1分,共10分) 1.you,like,what,for breakfast,do_2.soccer,play,lets,sounds,that,interesting_3.doesnt,Lei Hao,have,to,want,bread_4.what color,your,does,want,friend_5.how much,trousers,are,blue,those_6.have,we,in all colors,socks_7.carrots,very much

8、,like,I_8.like,and,Liz,dont,Lily,strawberries_9.are,tomatoes,a kilo,these,two,dollars _10.buy,we,tennis rackets,to,want,four _四、完成对话(共30分)A:每空一词 (每空1分,共16分) 1.A:_ she have _ _?B:No,she doesnt.A:_ _ _ _ _ then?B:Yes,she does.A:Lets play _ with her.B:That sounds interesting.2.A:Do you have _ _?B:_,I d

9、o.A:Lets play _ _.B:That _ _.B:根据对话内容,填上适当的句子,使对话完整与正确(共14分)3.A:What are these?B:_.A:_?B:Yes.I like them very much._?A:I like them,too.4.Clerk:What can I do for you?Xie Kai:_.Clerk:What about these shoes?Xie Kai:Sorry,but I dont like the color.Clerk:_? Xie Kai:Red and white ones.Clerk:OK.Here are the ones you want.Xie Kai:Good! _?Clerk:30 yuan.Xie Kai:Ill take them.Heres the money._.Clerk:Youre welcome.五、句型转换。按括号内的要求改写下列句子(每题1分,共10分)1.I have some tennis balls.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定



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