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1、2022年考博英语-南昌大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题If we continue to harm the environment we live in, we will the course of human being into danger.问题1选项A.turnB.start outC.putD.carry【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。Turn into “进入,变成”。句意:如果我们继续破坏我们居住的环境,我们会让人类陷入危险。选项A符合题意。2. 单选题We must effectively promote the _ of hunger because e

2、very day in Africa and in many areas in Asia children are dying of hunger.问题1选项A.awarenessB.pressureC.consciousnessD.relief【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。awareness “意识”,指人对某事物的认识;pressure “压力”;consciousness “意识”,指人的清醒程度;relief “减轻,救济”。句意:我们必须要提高对饥饿的认识,因为在非洲和亚洲许多地区每天都有孩子死于饥饿。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题I have devoted five week

3、ends continuously to writing the graduation thesis and now I feel I _ a good rest.问题1选项A.deserveB.preserveC.conceiveD.receive【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。deserve “应受,值得”;preserve “保存,保护”;conceive “设想,考虑”;receive “接收,接待”。句意:我已经连续五个周末在写毕业论文了,现在我感觉我应该好好休息一下。选项A符合题意。4. 翻译题There is no end to theories about body sha

4、pe and personality, and there is no doubt that certain people with certain bodies often have very predictable characters. However, there are some researchers who believe that the many instances in which body and personality go together are due to stereotyping; that is, we expect a certain type of pe

5、rson to have certain traits, so we see those traits whether they are there or not. For example, muscular people are believed to be dominant and forceful, so we treat them as leaders. But sometimes they are actually shy and timiD.Fat people are supposed to be happy and warmhearted, but in reality the

6、y can just as easily be depressed or mean. Sometimes people will even act the way they think others expect them to act. By doing that, people will fill the role in which we picture them.【答案】关于体型和个性的理论层出不穷,毫无疑问,拥有特定身材的某些人往往具有非常可推测的性格。然而,也有一些研究人员认为,身体和人格结合在一起的许多情况是由于刻板印象;也就是说,我们期望特定类型的人有特定的特质,所以不管他们是否

7、存在,我们都能看到这些特质。例如,肌肉发达的人被认为是强势的,所以我们把他们当作领导者。但有时候他们实际上害羞且胆小。人们认为肥胖的人快乐、热情,但实际上,他们很容易沮丧又刻薄。有时候,人们甚至会按照他们认为别人希望他们做的事情去做。通过这样做,人们将会扮演我们想象中的角色。5. 单选题When the British government tried to new employment legislation, there was a general strike.问题1选项A.enhanceB.reinvigorateC.attributeD.implement【答案】D【解析】考查动词词

8、义辨析。enhance “提高”;reinvigorate “使再振兴”;attribute “归属,归功于”;implement “实施;执行”。句意:当英国政府试图实施新的就业法时,发生了一场大罢工。选项D符合题意。6. 单选题Although the two players are in the tennis court, they are really good friends in daily life.问题1选项A.partnersB.enemiesC.rivalsD.opponents【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。Partner “合作伙伴”;enemy “敌人”;riva

9、l “竞争对手”;opponent “反对者”。句意:虽然他们在网球赛场上是竞争对手,但是他们私底下是好朋友。选项C符合题意。7. 翻译题The history of ecological change is still so elementary that we know little about what really happened, or what the results were. The destruction of the European aurochs as late as 1627 would seem to have been a simple case of over

10、enthusiastic hunting. On more complex matters it often is impossible to find solid information. For a thousand years or more the Frisians and Netherlanders have been pushing back the North Sea, and the process is culminating in our own time in the reclamation of the Zuider Zee. What, if any, species

11、 of animals, birds, fish, shore life, or plants have died out in the process? In their heroic combat with the sea have the Netherlanders overlooked ecological values in such a way that the quality of human life in the Netherlands has suffered? I cannot discover that the questions have ever been aske

12、d, much less answered.(1)People, then, have often been a dynamic element in their own environment, but in the present state of historical scholarship we usually do know exactly when, where, or with what effects man-induced changes came. As we enter the last third of the 20th century, however for the

13、 problem of ecological backlash is mounting feverishly. Natural science, conceived as the effort to understand the nature of things, had flourished in several eras and among several peoples. Similarly there had been an age-old accumulation of technological skills, sometimes growing rapidly, sometime

14、s slowly. But it was not until about four generations ago that Western Europe and North America arranged a marriage between science and technology, a union of the theoretical and the empirical approaches to our natural environment. The emergence in widespread practice of the Baconian belief that sci

15、entific knowledge means technological power over nature can scarcely be dated before about 1850, save in the chemical industries, where it is anticipated in the 18th century. (2)Its acceptance as a normal pattern of action may mark the greatest event in human history since the invention of agriculture, and perhaps in nonhuman earth history as well.【答案】1. 因此,人们在他们自己的环境中常常是一个动态的因素,但在目前的历史学术状态下,我们通常确实知道人为的变化在何时、何地或以何种影响出现。2. 它被接受为一种正常的行为模式,可能标志着自农业发明以来人类历史上最重大的事件,也许在非人类的地球历史上也是如此。8. 单选题Our service operates 3


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