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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。肥城市2020-2020学年度八年级第二学期英语学习效果评价试题(期终)注意事项:1.本试题时间为100分钟,满分100分. 2.本试题包括语言基础和综合运用两部分.题号语言基础综合运用一二三四五一二三得分语言基础(共55分)一、单项选择(15分) ( )1.-_have you been surfing? -sine 2 years ago. A.When B.What time C.How long D.How soon( ) 2.They were very interesting in _ the pia

2、nos. A.play B.played C.playing D.to play( ) 3.We have been here_10 years ago. A.in B.for C.before D.since( ) 4.-Would you mind _the window?-Youd better not. A.close B.closing C.to close D.closeing( ) 5.Could you_watch TV? Its time for rest. A.please B.not please C.please not D.please not to ( ) 6.Ol

3、d people are_old_learn. A.not too, to B.too, to C.too, not to D.too,too( ) 7.Rember_me a story book when you come here next time. A.to take B.to bring C.bringing D.taking( ) 8.It takes us half an hour_to school. A.for, go B.to go C.walks D.to walk on foot( ) 9.How much does this watch_? A.take B.spe

4、nd C.cost D.pay( ) 10.Hes never seen such a film , _he? A.isnt B.hasnt C.is D.has( ) 11.Could you help me_ my homework? A.with doing B.do in C.for doing D.with( ) 12.They get_with each other. A.on good B.along C.lonely D.alone( ) 13.He isnt a teacher, is he?He is a worker. A. Yes, he is B.No, he isn

5、t C.Yes, he isnt D.No,he is( ) 14.He was mad at _in the English exam. A.fail B.dropping C.failing D.lose( ) 15Why _here earlier? What about 6 p.m.? A.not you come B.not coming C.dont you come D.not to come二、词汇部分 (共15 分)(一) 单词拼写 (根据首字母提示及句子意思完成下列单词拼写)1. Children like going to the a_park on weekends.2

6、. She likes to play any instrument e_the piano.3. Look at my photo a_, there are many photos in it.4. Im going to the b_ shop to have my hair cut.5. Can you take a m_for Jim.6. He likes stamps very much, He is a stamp c_.7. Yiang Liwei is the first a_of China . Were proud of him. (二)词语填空 (根据句子意思和汉语提

7、示完成句子) 1. She has _(一个八岁的)girl.2. This weekend Im going to _(和-度过) my friends.3. A traffic accident happened to us,_(幸运地) no one was hurt badly.4. While I was riding a bike,the UFO_(起飞).5. Be quick! Were going shopping_(立刻、马上)6. We _(赠送) the same present to Li Lei yesterday.7. Who is _(最用功的) person

8、in your class.8. Dont be_(紧张),you must pass the exam.三.改写句子(共10 分)1. Its raining heavily.(改为感叹句) What_ _ _ it is !2. My parents will come back in half an hour.(对画线部分提问)_ _will your parents come back?3. Mr Wang wasnt in office,_ _?(改为反意疑问句)4. It took them half a year to finish the work. (改为同义句)They _

9、half a year_the work.5. We have traveled to another province of China.(改为否定句)We_ _to another province of China. 四 完成对话 (选择最佳答语,共5分)A: 1 B:Im going to make the soccer team.A:How are you going to do that?B: 2 How about you? Did you make a resolution?A:Oh, sure. Im going to study math hard, because Im

10、going to be an engineer. 3 B: 4 A:Im going to work in Beijing.B: 5 A: I am going to play soccer everyday.B: I What is your New Years resolution?C: Where are you going to work?D: That sounds good.E: Im also going to exercise more. 五、完成句子。(共10分)1如果明天下雨的话,我们就不去野炊。If it_tomorrow, we _go for a picnic.2.中

11、国以它的食物而闻名于世. China_ _for its food in the world.3.当我看书的时候, 有人同我说话, 我会生气的. I get _ when someone_to me _ Im reading.4.我妈妈过生日我该买什么礼物送给她? What_I _my mother_her birthday.6.北京将于2020年主办第二十九届奥运会.Beijing will_the_Olympic Games in 2020.7.她和父母争吵过吗?_she_with her parents?8.我们和邻居的关系很好.We_ _ well_ our neigbhours.9.这场足球赛正的很激动人心,不是吗?The football match was really_, _ _? 综合应用(共45分)一、完形填空 ( 共10分) A long time_1_people thought the sun went round the earth. In some countries people even said that the sun was a god(上帝). They thought that



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